10/23/1913-007 ;~-, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 1: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 `' 26 I, 27 ~~ 28 29 30 31 32 ~~~ ~~-~.., 30' m m~4 ~j ~y 7' ~•t YLo~plm-v7 ~7~ +~t~ /~~~ ~v r~ m ;{ p 7~mT /'~~7 ~: IiY 1~i1'u ltliri~.L„~ Q~ St7.~1~7 VI' i'~.~QJ:li. it 11L'luV1Y i.Jl ~1 151~~,~ ~~U111 .Ti.i rl V~lY I~ STR L+'T Ile m~ CZT~' OF :~,N~I~lI, C~1ZI~'CR~fI~1. SOLI3TION QR~ERI~fQ ~fORT~e '~ i Resolued by the Boe:rd of Trustees of the Cite of Anaheim: I section I, `What t~~e public .interest arld conge~~ianee re- ~~ quire and the 3oard of Trustees of the City of ~.naheim, ~,~ursuant to Resolution Cif Inta~.tion ~3a. 106. of the Board of i`rustea~ of the City of y1n4 Krim which said Resolntzan of Intention r~o. l06 was dolt and ado~ated by said Beard of Trustee; on the 8th day of A~.gust, 1913, Y~e~°ebaT orders the. following street work to be done 3.n ss.id city, town : :. - - -- - . _ __ _. _.y (r.j -That the roadway of North Lem Fitrret in said Clty from the SAnthtz[ rnperty line of 1~'est. North Street. grodup pp rly seross ts>rid" NorW Lemais St two s •BTgrther~+~ prep®rty line of fit' C t r Wi~tt,, preduce~ Easterly icroes ' t~o Lemoa '&'Nt~et Eez~g t1t that orHon of the raadtray orth I:e~ Street, lyixtg hetween the 3+rortherly ~ Southerly property lines of Wiibel ' ~~t Produced Weaterly twentyt'~tgJtt fe ,,,„µ, ., 1 ++eww~ to"~fhp'ya1~t; lifjeuf 1VarJit Lcrosw-~, ,.--'" f eNxc~C t1nLgant pr of the roadway I; th t, lying ; .between Nort!-~ty Viand lloathmis ptoA+bx~ Nees West''• Street produced ~Westttl~ ' the centcir tine of North Lemoq Street; .. exceppting that ppoorSion of the Ra~d+ray ~r_ NorHt Lemon ..Street, lying beaveen >Piorthtrly aad Southerly rop,sty clues , Wert SYcamort Street produced ~Ye~CS'1 the renter lige,oE the roadway of Notch on Strt~et; and ekc~pting that portioa of roadway of No;Yh Leman Street, Iyutg haeett the Northerlyy end Southerly pre tp 1snes'~of West Sycargore Street, prod ,Easterly to the center line of the road of North I,eatoa Street; end czceptin t ppoortion of the roadway of North Street, lying between the Northerly Sautfterly' propt+rtn Gnea of Wcat Ad' 'i Street, produced esterly to the ccn littc ~ ' North Lemon Street; and excep that " n o4 the roadway of North Lem . g~eef. Jp;rig betwly6 the Northerly Southerly property lit~ea of West Gr Street, pproduced Westerly to the eegtss of orth Lemon Street; and exceptt'e' ' n of the roadway of North Le tying hetwecn the Noftlserly_ ~~erly Property lines of Wed t.: Streetu pproduced Easterly to the ttnter ' { of Natmt: Lawton Street and exotptirtg portion ~ the roadvrtay of N Str t, lying bet,rean Hto Norditrlq property lines ob WeN tree" Btr~t, _ groducsd Way~erl9 to tRe ter" 1 ne of orHt t.emon eet; and ,~tce ing that portion of the roa~dw~~a~tyt~ of o 1 Lemon Street, 1 fil betty- ~~E Kitts tries treet, ~+r weed Easterly to th ' cc 'ine of Nortjt Lemon Street) be qra~ , the ofhc;al grade and pavld•. w hgdrau cement concFete base and with asyhai wearing su oe. (a). 'that the roadway of South Le Strret in said Cit from the Sou ppruPe*t7' line of West Center Street, prod ' Easterly across said South .Lemon Street, ' j the Southerly City. Limits of said City '( ceptin~g iherefrgm that rtion of the I. 'way of South I.emou treet, lying the Northe~y anfl Southerly property llrecd•- Clalr Street, pro weed Easterly to the ' line of South Lemon Street and exc that portion of the roadway of South Street, lying between the Northerly _ Sputhetl7 roperty. Iines of Chestscttt produced ~tsttrty to the center Tina of So t,etsaon Street, and taccepttng that. portion the roadway of South Leman Street. 1 txtween tJte Northorl and Soutt~~errly ty lines of t'hcstnnt ~treet, pp dueett ly to the~tenW' lige O~ South and exaeptutg , deli gortfom of t e tKtad of Saath Leeson 3ttert, lying b,t~ver,A F ' Northerly and Southerfy propet•[7~ ) Third South Stye~ produced Easter y y1' tho center lint all .SOUffi Limon Street; ...Ming tkat oortion of the _ >f?eY ~• I 5ottth Lemon Street. iyittg: bNweep the 1 j Northerly .and So tltRSiy groperty lines of West Broadwayy et prbdtteatd Easterly. ~ acroa(i. South l.ttrrn ~trett: nd etoce¢titlg that portion of the roadwag of ~th Letngn 2 ~ trett, }ying bttweert '' rite Northerly snd ~ ~i Ii property liner of Eltlo Street, pro- ~ dnced er31<. ts7 the oetteer liztt iif South femoa" and excepting that portien of the wayy orf 5auth I.emtm Stt~eet, lyier between the Northerlq and 9outhertq proptr- tyy lines of Eim Street, produced Westerly to the Center line of South Lemon $trett; and excti chat portion of the roadvray of SautLemea Street, iy3nB between: the ' flortherlp aad Sotatherlq pragertq lines of West Santa Alta. Strvptt, pprsoduced Eraa~tecrptp - rj, " lat§~t1u~PortibnhofLthe n rgoadwsq of Eo3th ' Lemon 52reet, lyiize'bttween the Southerly ~ line of 'Vineyard Let "G q' as shown an a tu~p of the original towu of Anaheim, record- 6 td m Book 4 of Detda, at pages ~ and 6 Records of L.os Angeles County, all a, ' pproduced 'Westerly t+o the center line of uth Zeasba Street and the SontberJy line of that 7 strip of land conveyed to the City of Ana- heim for, gtrtet purposes by Conrad Stttecfrle, by dttd dated the z8th day of December igzz, and recorded In Book 2s3 at page yy~tf of $ Deeds, Rer~tds of Orange County, Callfomia, produced Wcste ly to the center lint' of .SouthLemon ~treet• and excepting that 9 portion of the roadway pf South Lemon 'street, lying betweex the Northerly. and SZtUthW~ly pQr~operty lines of Stueckle Avenue, produced R'esterly to ~ the=,~ nter line of 10 $opth Lemon Street. an4 ezccePtln~ tJiat Aar' tL[+w of the roadway of Sculls Lemon f711ng between the northerly. 11 property lines of Wert South st , ewatarly senors the roadway .. S;re~1 be arada+d ~ thr ICrrde' ~`. [~ }JRred with hydratalC' cemeu~ hrse 12 rnd rrtth wMh~tlc werripg aut~lee. x Said work strait be done in accordance with the plans, pro5les ahd apeci6catsona thtx- for which said pplans snd. profiles Wert adopt; 13 ~ bq the Roard of 7'~atees ttf the Cup of A aheim, bq resofntioa on the nth day' of ttgust, zyz , arc numbered i ,~~'''' end are marr3kced aet~ dtrignated Pian~ '6f Proposed. lt~. itzlprovtmdtt~ on North Lcoton Stre~t atld South Lemon Street, Anaheim California," an8 are on fi}e in the ~ of tote CitL~ ' ai.uiel~;S~3,:,~, .~1.,i' AaI1 iii s 4` and which said specifications " were adopted by the Board. of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by reaotution on the zpth day of April, zq:~, and which said apecifica• 16 lions are marked and designated Specifics- [ions No. For the construction of street pawl; wfth hydraulic ctzncnt sad broken 1 ry atone; or, screened grava2 anQ asphalt, wCar- 1 surface in tlte, Citp of Anahetm, Catifot- and are on file in the office of the City ~k of`rhe City of Anaheim, is Hte City 1$ Hail of said city.. , 19 Section IIe That it is he-rel~y determined and declared in ~ur- 20 su~ance of said Resolution of Intention No. lQ6 and in pursuance of 21 1 _ an act of the: Eeggislature of the State of ~ California, entitled, ~ "A» act to .pro•. `~- vide for work,. in and upon streets, avenues, ' Tones,- alleys; courts, places and sidewalks°' 22 wftltizt municipalities; and upon :propperty and rights of way awned bp' . mttnictpali;ies, and I for establishing and charging the grades of '' 'any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, /Z "3 courts, places and sidewalks, and providing for the ~suance and payment of street im- prtxement bonds to represent certain as- ~,'aessments for the cost thereof and providirt~ 24 ' a method for the payment of such bonds, Approved April 7, tgti, that bonds shall 'be issued to represent the cost of maid im rove- - metlt._ 1aid..bottds -rha4i--bc-seisal, ezF~. 2~; ovEr z er--rod of nine ptErn, fratk' the sietoaEd day of January next succeeding the- dAte of satd bonds, an even proportion of the princi-~ 26 gal sum of which shat] he payable annually , bn-~ the second day of January of each year " by coupon after their date, anti] the whole . are paid; and -that the interest shall be pay- • ry able Semi-annually by coupon, on the second 2 l days of January and Tiny, respectiveh~, of each and evert. year at the rate of =..~ per - cent, per annum, On all sums unpaid, 'unttri ' the whole of -said principal and interest ~ are 2$ paid, Said bonds shall be issued in actor- ' dance with and.: in the manner provided by, _ithe aforesaid Improvement {let of__z4tiz 29 - -- 30 .! -{- T :x,11 of the -herein propo#ed SeCti021 IIIa work shalF be done in pursuance to said act 3 ~ af- the Legistatvre of the Siafe of Cali{ornia, entitled, "An act Yo providt for work in and ' up on streets, avenues, }ones, alYeys~ courts - ,p}aces and sidewat>#s within municipylities atr~ ' ~~ upon property acid r#ghtb pf way. ow-ned by - ~maai patties, anzi for establishing and cliaztgirtg the grades erf any Such sti'tets. avenues, .lanes, alleYs1 eaurts, laces -.and siiftwalks, and prottid~ftg ~P €hC ssuaace nnd_. pagfhest of .street • .improvetnerlt UottcLs to rept?ese;tt,. eeF'~i#~~ ~apacssm~cta, "for tlte' -COS[ - t~tteo~ arts , ptovidiia~ a PB dr f St ~y- Fri 'such l~orr g,>, ~ ovC 7, .. -- ..~ 1 2 3 4 ,' S Section IV. The City Clerk of the City of unaheim is hereby directed to post conspicuously for five days, on or near the chain- ber door of the Board of Trustees of said C~_ty of :~ns~heim, a notic of said work i~zviting sealed proposals or bids and. a copg of spec fications No."5 adopted by the Board of Trs~?teed of the said.. City 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of r~n2.~eim on the 10th day of ~'~pri1, 1913, he is also dir~dted to cause a copy of said notice to be published twice in The f~range County P1win dealer, a weekly ne~rspaper of general circulation, printed, published ac7.d circulated in said city which sa~.d news- paper is hereby designated for tho,t purpose. Said notice sha11 invite sealed proposals or bids for .doing the wo rk ordered end shall refer to the specifications posted and on file, ~rhich said notiee• shall require a]_l proposals. or bids offer- ed to be accompanied bVT a check payable to the Cit;r of ~heim, .Rr -. _ certified b;;,% a rest' ors^~.ble b~:.~n1L foa a~~ ~ma~?.:r~t which shall ~2ot be less than ten per cent of the aggregate pf the proposal or by a bond for tre said. amount so payable, signed by the bidder and two sureties who shall justify before any officer competent to adn~in- inter an oath, in double the said ~~inount arzc~. over and above all statutory exemptions. Thursday, the lath day of November, 1913 is hereby desigr~.ted and fixed as the day on which, uia to the hour of 8 o'clock. P. ,~,,,±., the said proposals or bids shs.ll be received and the said notices small so specify. .w The -foregoing resolution arksigned, attested and approved by ~r-d me this z~, dour of October, 1913. ?'resident of the 33oard of Trustees of the City of ~`~naheim. .,fittest. 'i i y er o e City of .~neheim. 3. ) :;: c [I ~~, 2 County of Orange, ) SS. 3 City of ~r.naheim. ) 4 T, Edward B. I:;erritt, City Clerk 4f the City of ~1.haheim, 5 - dr~rzere'oy certify that tine fc°~re~;oing retolut:pan i°r~.;~ re~u~,arly ~~as~ 6 7 sed and ado~~ted at a regular meeting of the Board o-~F Trustees of .9r J the City of ie:heim. held on the ~3_ day of October, 1913 by the 8 9 follor~~ing vote; yes , T rust e e s ~,~~,,~C~ G ~-~~, ~ o-a-1C .``~.~-E,~.- 10 - 11 ---- 12 Does, Trzzstees 13 absent and not voting, ir~zsteeti ~Z~ I~~ ~,'?ITZ~3BSS d~..~RLO:n' I have hereunto set r~~l~;r hsnd and afzixed 14 n J 15 ;- the se€~1 of t,~,e said .City of,~,,a~a.eim this ~. day of OCtaber, 1913 16 --~--~~~ C1tyRe~0~ t~'].e ~il ~' O~r~.3la~le 17 18 19 ~ .. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 II 4 • - ~..,~, <-_ ~ ~~