08/28/1913-010V. ~,~ r ~~ :.. \ ... z ~SO~rnr~o~ o~ ra~Txoa~ xo. 16. a _ RBSpLYRB, 1~pr the Board of Trustees of '~h® City of Ana1a~: ,3 Seo~ion I. '~h.at the public 3ntere$t +~d aor~anience ~~uire 4 d tht~t it i~ the intention of the BoarB +~f Trtees of t City 5 f Anaheim to gd.er the following street irk to be done said ity, -wits -8 (1 } 'Phat 1~he raadt~ay of H'orth T,emon street ~n said C~,'R;~ from _ 9 , he S©herlsr operty line of hest ~torth street produced #terly to toss ~sa3.d lath Ze~-on Street to the ~tvrt~erly property Zee of 21 est Cater Sheet, produced $asterly across ~ai~. Nerth n 3tre . 18 eacepia~.ng therefrom that portion of the X"eadiray of Borth won St irag btst~reen ;fie $ortherl~ .and Southerly gropex~y liasa~ ~3' 1P~lhe1- 13 14 , Skeet, produced ~lesterly t~ent~-eig feet., tv the venter line .;u, 15 f I~or'twh Lemao~; Street. and e$aepting that r portion of the ro~-dway of ~6 firth sermon Sweet, lying betaveen the Nor"herl3r snd 3Gruth.ty p~p- q rty lines of best Alberta Street produc+~, tie®te~rly to the center i8 ins of Nerth Zemon Street; and a=cepting that rartion of 'hhe xoad- 19 ay of ]~~:~ Thou Street, lying be't~reen the portb.erly arm, Sontherl~ 20 ropers linng of Vest Sycamore Street praduoed~ lesterly t~o the oen~ 21 er 21ne of ~e roadway of lfe:~ demon Suet; en8 e~cept3.ng that ~2 ~ ortiom o~ the roadway of pew Lemon Strict, ]~ix>tg betws+mat the 33 , Artherly and Southerly property lines of test sycamore Styeet, pra~ ~ 24 `;' duped 3~asterlg to the' center 13ne of the .roadway of °°B~att demon Str+ and. excepting that portion of the roadway of North Lemon meet, ly 25 S th ~. ago ert lines of 'Best Adel 26 in$ between tie Northerly and ou er y P, p ~ 27 Street, prodded Westerly to the center one of.~fQrth Lem Street 28 and ex+43epting that portion of the roadway of Ne~cth Lemon ~~reet, ly ~g ing bq~ween "#he Northerly and Southerly groperty' lines of Peat Cypr a~ 30 Street,, prad~ped ~'esterly to the center 1i.ne of Borth Le Street; 3 and e~cQept3.x~ that portion of --~ the roadvra~ of North Lemon e~tt, 3„y 3'2 ing between ® Northerly and Southerly roper lines oi~ Meet t-r sE 1~ ' 11 1 8troet, prodsd. Hasterly t® the Qonter line of H®rth Zes~o~t street 2 and eaaopting that portion Af tho roadwa~- sf Horth Lomon ~~root, ly g ing between 'the Hor'~herly and southerly p~coperty linos of Wort Char 4 ~ tres Street, ~r®duvod Westerly t4 tho voor line of ~4rth Ze-m4n Staicest; and epting that pertia~u of th* r+esdway of North `zoa~on ~ 6 street, lying botween the I~'ortherly and 8ontherly property linos at 7 ost Char'~r®~ Streot, praduoed ]~astexly 1~d the center 1in~ 0f Hoarth 8 Leann 8troet } ' be graded to the affiaial ~pcade and pavod with hyd7~u~ g liv Bo~ent aoaoxeto bsso and with 8ephala wearing sux~raso. lp { 8 } That tho r®adway of South Lemon strst in said City, from the 11, 8vuthor],y pra~erty line of Wost Confer st~ceet, praduvod lterly ~ 1~ vrose said 3aath Zemon streot,ta the 3ethorly City Li~a~.'~4 of esid i3 City ~o$vopt~lAg thorefroa that portion a! the roadway a~ ~tnth ~ 14 stroot, lyia~g; between the Northerly and ~~uthorly property limos of Oak 9tredt, dnved Haaterly to the aonter line of south ~"~e~n 8tr 1:6 and ~zaoptia~ that p®rtiou of the rvadwa~- of synth bemon ~#roofi, 3,y~ 17 ing between i~i-o ~®rtherly and southerly eperty lisss e~ @hestnat z street, prod~rred We~torly to the center 1~ne of seuth Lom1t~ shoot; 19 and o~caeptina that portion 4~ the readw~ of south lomvn 1reot, lp 2°0 ing between #e Nerthorly and santherly ©perty linos of Chestsaat ~1 street, pxadt~ad Hasterly t0 the a~sater .no of 3enth ~-a Street and ezvoptin~-r: that portion of the aroadwa~r of 3aath Leman roet, 19' ~~ ing between Flo Northerly and southerly p~aperty linos aT' lhiard Sau 24 street, pradod Sa8terly to the aonter lino of south Leas. Street; 25 land owvopti th~# potties of the readwa~r of south Leman roet, 2s lying botwoea~ the H~rtherly and souther3~ property linos +~~ West 27 roadway Stmt, predvuod Haeterly aaraa'~i South Lemon 8t~c'+f+~t; sud 2s ozvoptirig t}~'~ pardon o~ the road~y a~ South Zemon suet, Bring 29 between the irtheriy and Heatherly prop#rty linos of 81x4 shoot, 30 produced Sas~#erly to the center line ©~ 8onth Leman Htrer~; and ~- 31 aepting that portion of the roa~dRay ®f H+twth Lennon street, lying be, ~2 ~tween the N~r"therly and Haatherly pr®per#y lines o~ Hlm Street, pr®. s. .„ du0ed ~eeterl~ to the oenter line of South Lemon Str®et; std e~apt ing that portion a~ th® roads of South Zemoa greet, lg~g be~twre the Bortherl.7 and Sautherlg property lies o~ hest Santa ,~.a street prQd~aae~. Bae~orl~' seross said South L 8tree~ a~td eacser~ting t]~s p®rtia~ 4f t roeflWay of South Zempn St~ce®t, lIIg b®tw®~t the Southerly lisle of y~neyard S.~-t AQ 4~ as aho~-n on a map of the prig-- :....:, .k.,~.R ss ®.~ ~~ li~.~~r II ~11 ~'~~~`~tQ ~m~.r dnd ou '~h~ aa8 dssignat~d '~P].aa of proposed inpro4eesent on Aorth leeaon 8trest sad Sa~th Ian Str®et t ~.ahe-i~t, Califar~si.a," si~d are on `ails ~. t office of the Ci'ty' ]~ginear, of said Ci'I', in the f#ity H~.1 in ®s C -ity;" and ~1~ said speeitieati®ne •vre- advp'~~d bT th® Beard of srast~s oi' the City of ~.aheimt, by r®solution ~n th® 1Q ~3-' of A~ri1„ 191~~ ° and w!h14h said ~esifioatioae ar® marker. e~ dssignat ~spesficet~.©nB lI®, b, for the constr~aatioa of Btrest paying with ]~gil~ie~ e~+ent, ,hand `broken ~ etc-ne, or dsreeno~. gravel aadeae~phal.t i - _ ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 zo it 1~: 13 14 _a; 15 16 17 18 i9 20 $1 22 ~3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3`2 Rear~.ng surfke in the C~.ty of Anaheim. end are on file th® of» fits of the ,ty C~erk of the City of Ax~heim, in the Clty Hall of Laid C~,'~y. SeatiQn II+ It is hereby determined, pureu~enae of a~ act of I the Legislature of the State of California., entitled, "An fat to provide for work in and upon streets, av+l~aaea, 3.~1-nes. alla, court , plac3es sad ei~.ewalks i3.thin municsipaliti~r~t, and upon prape~ty an$ r~.ghts of wax ©u*ned by ffiunicipalitiss, -for tablishi~g and ehangia$ the grades 'of any $uah efts®te, avenuea~ lanes, #~,7.leys, amnrte, p1a4 and sidewalks, and providing for the issu,ee and payment of s#~reat improvement bonds to rrresen# certain il~a~s®ssnaent for the oust -thereof end prgviding a metbcod for the payment of suab bonds, ~Fvbed aril 7. 1911. that beds sha13, be issue to re» present the jest of said isprovement. d bon~.et aha11 ids gerlal, extending over a period of nine- goers, Pram the ~®cond deig of ~ax~• nary as3t eu~ceeding the date of said be~.e, an seven prop~artion of the priaQipai sum of whic3h shall be~ payable annlly on t- seoona daq of Jannsa~y of eaxs3t year by coupon after the~.r date, ttil the whole are paid; and that the interest shs7.1 be payable see~3.~$nnual7 by coupon, ea the second lags of ~ Januarg ax~.d Ju~r, reepeetive7,y, o ®a~ah and eve'~cy year at the rate o~ sic ~r+sr Dent ,per e~~ot, on awes ugpaid, until the whole of said pr#~aipal and intere~it are p da ~~, .bends ell be issued in avaordanoe with a in the Winner provided by the aforesaid improvement Act o~ 191. ,.~ Seat'ton IiI. The Orange county Plain dealer fa hereby designate as the newagaper printed, published and airQnlated in eal~. City in which this solution of Intentiaxi sha11 be publish®d, The Qlerk;of the City of Anaheim is her®by directed to publish this resolution by two $nocessive inseamions in<~aid novr~paP®r, +~+ to post theeame for two days conspiauo:asly on ar near the chamber door of the hoard of Trasteas of the sadd City ~f lt~tahsi The ~3tree~ 8ul~erintendent shall imt~eately ~-use to bar consp '~ an.R .~' y, I~ ~a,ely posted along th® line of said contelated irk or rovement 1 din front of all the property liable to be ass+~es®d, no~ca o~ the 2 sage ~~' this resolution of intention is the maker exid form re» s 4 fired by la~r• 9acton I~~ A.11 of the herein proposed work 1lhall be one in 5 ~, usnce to said sat of the yegislature ~f the 3~ate ®~ Q,ifornia, s ' titled, "'.~ +sat to provide for Work in ~a npaa streetpt avenues, 7 es, allege, courts, places and aidev-a1~8 wi.this. mu~ticip~.ities 8 d upon: property and rights of tray owned' by munisipalitiea~ and fox 9 ~ ~ etabli,ng a,~d changing the grades of ' such #traets, a~renues, to ! 11 I ,sn®s, slleys,~ courts, places and sidev~alke, and providing for the ' sauanca and went of attest im~prov®ment bonds to represent aer- ~ 12 13 sin ease®smeSts for the cost thereof anal providing a met~-d for ' 14 4 he pay~ant a' such bonds," Approved Aril 7, 1911. ~ `~ ~. ~ 15 'Soard of ~ The foregoing resolution w$s passed and adopt~sd bg the rastees of tie City of Anaheim, this ~~- ay o • 1813 16 /"__~ _ .~ 17 - ~ _ Pr®sident of the Board orurua e4s o e` 18 Anaheiet* 19 ` hest: °~ 3er o ® i y o Ana e 21 T.®TB- QT CBhIB'oI~NIA,) St2 ) S8. ~ ~~~ Of ~ m. 23 the.Qity of I, ~Q.wari B• D~erritt, C~,ty Clark~,~uaheim, do her®b aer'Cify i 24 {ghat the. foregoing Resolution of Intention No. 1~+6 was a~t®d at , G 25 IlI} regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Citg ofd ttaheim, E 26 eld on the g#~th day of August, 1913, bg the follov~ing vo~~: ~ 27 ~~ Wires, Tr~teos--Nebelung, Mark, ~ Coop s +28 Noes: Tr+~stee~- 29 ~ ~G ~~v'c~ Ab$4nt ate. not voting--Trueteel~, ,$amr1~ ~~~ ~`f IN WTT,N~ ~oF I have hereunto ~Y' hd...a~ affirmed the r 31 official seal of the G~,tg of Anaheim, tits 28th da~r of An~ast, 1912 32 ~ (~ . .~Y _ G. ,~ ~ cif im. Cler o e ~' b~