08/28/1913-011i ~ I~ 1 ~~ ~SOyON 0~' THE BO.ARU OF TRUSTE~ OF THE CITY OF ANAH~IIut !~ ABABDOG THE ~I'ORK C$IB. _~~' • ~~!I•Q~'.~ ~~T~'~~-®B A0: 2 ~ 1a8. ~ • 3 j Resolve. by the Board of Trv,atees ~f the Ci'~- of Anaheim; 4 ~; T'hat rc-lution o~ intention Bo. ~ .Paea+~ and adopted 5 ~~ .the 14th ~~ by Board ~~ Trast ees off' the aitg of ,~ahei~ 6 ! , of ,Lt~aet, 1.3, dealarinS the intend®~; of the ward of i'ru~. 7 !~ eaaid C~ to order th® ~o1lo~irt~ street r~rk to be done ~, 8 ~I t®Q~ . ai' ~' . ~~ {~ ~{.~ ~~'~~~,: '~p'pif,'Z - (s), that the roadway ~ North Lemon a. *~^~'+" Street in s:u ~ City `ton the oath rby proper- 9 ~ - ~ ty ]uTe of ~ve,t -~~-tit Strcet ilpraduced , ~ r:a:,terly across • a c. 1\"orth Lento. Street to the V"ortherly property Ii'n.e of 10 ~ :'. 5t L. utter Street. produced Easterly •tcro v said \atth I e:von Strcet (excepting thercfion tlt ~portron of the roadway of V'o tlt ~ anon Steet ,lyntg between the 11 ~ \ tt - and Sosaszeri~ property lines of s,'v s 4et - .na S t .,et produced Westerly ~~ 'c tt~ _~ht feel ro the cutter ]me of North ~ L mop tt set ,:d excepting that portion lp t c >>- by of l~otth Lemon Stregt, ly- AA t-crn it z \osthcilv and Southerly - hr-cu o: West Alberta Street pro- ~_ tc'y -o he center linepf North 13 ;_ tiorcct Ind Eeceptin ~ that pOYtion of J ~ ti s ~~a} ~t North Lernot. Strt$'l' lying l:r ;he \ostl:erly and ~ottthetl~,proper 14 t~ hug of Vtic, Sycamore: Strcet: oduced We tel ac o Anrth Leman StraC ; and 1 ~. gh>, ~ e~ crtt t- that portion of the r02~ay oft _ `.~~ th_ L¢.ion btreet, iying~ 6ett n t1te~ - ~ -"' 1.aJ \nrHtcrlt and 5oatherly property„lines of ~1'ast Adele Street, produced Westerly to the center line of North Lemon Street;. and ex- ccptirsg that portion of the roadway. of North 16 l.cnxn Street lying between the Northerly a t 1 5n ttheily property lines of West Cy- - ~nc Street p-oclstced Westerly. to. the een- t~ I:.~ of \o.f$ Lcrton Street;&hd ex• 17 ceuY n, th L loorbiou of the roadway of ~ of ~ h Lemon Street lying between the -: o-therky and southerly property Sines of \Vea Cypress Street, produced Easterly to 18 ~ ~ the ecntcr line of North Lemon S~pret and escet'~t'-"^' that portion of the re}a~way of ~:n,tlt lemon Street, lying befvVeen the o terly sad Southerly property 1+'IIes of 1\'cst Cl:a ties titreet, produced Westerly to 19 ~ the cotter line of Nortit Lemon Street and ~ _ cxccitt:at~~ that ~tortion of the ~'oadway of o th ~.e non tih cet lying betareen the ~ No thc.t'y and 4o theily usopesty lines o[ 20 ~) t'~re Utast os tret p c+tced Er~ts~2rly to t e tct 1u c of North Lemon Street) he nraded to the o{uesal grade and paved with 21 I hyc.raulic cement concrete base and asphaltic wearing st.rface. (~) lhat the roadway of South Lemon ~ - ~ Street iu said City, front the Southerly A2 property lice of ~~1'est Center Street, pro- rFi i dneed I:nstefly ,cross said South_ Lemon i Street, to the No t]_erly propperty line of Ij West South Street p ~ocluced l~.asterly across I said South I etvon Street (excepting thcre- 23 ~I from that portion of the roadway of Soutlt ' Lepton .Street, lyin between the <Northerly and Southerly propesfy lines of t7$lt Street,. ~ produced Lasterly to the center ]ine of South 24 ~~ Lemon Ets ee ; and etireptmg that nortioss of the roadway o£ tiouth L, mop ~t lying `~wr between the Northerly and Souther y proper- iv lines o{ Chestn Street produced \~ ster- 25 ~ ly to the center hnc of South Lemon Sn'eet; and excepting that Pot-tion of the roadway ~ of °uouth Lemon Street, lying between the i\ortherly and Southerly property iin~s cf 26 Chestnut Street, produced Easterly k~ tb~• center line of South Lemon Street; and e::- cepting that portion of the roadway. £ Sou"+' rZrr ~ Lemon Street, lying between the ikortherl~ I and Southerly property 1u~.es of Third tiouth Street, produecd Easterly 1~ the center ? •- of South Lesno<a Sts ccl:; 1 cs:.cept _u 2$ porticnt of the roadw r c I `.oath i v Street lying bettt•een the Nertherl~- ° '~'' i Southerly property ]htes o[ t~dc;t F Street, produced h a tct y c ors Sout t~~ ~ on Street; and sleep tg th + ort~ t s~ roadway of South I c. non `~ cet 1 s ~~ tween the Northerly ud u dterly 1 ~+nes of Elm Stteet p~oc aced t?.a "esl ~F South I mot: and ~ ct' 30 t ~y: ns nta L. '^"~~rthcri }~ 31 - ~ . 32 1 J i _.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ,~.d the ~axk therein, ordered to b® din®, be the same is hereby abax~do~ed and / it ie ordered that e~,i.S Wor& .ll not b® done, ltd no o#her or farther prooeedinge ~® lied der said rea+ ol~tioa of intention 80* 106.. '!!die foregoing r®solvtion paese~r,; adop~#~d. b9 the Bo&~ of Tro.®es of +~.d c±~ tr ei' ~nahei.~ hi8 28i 8.aog o1 •~- uetr 1918• g 9 10 ~ 11 1Q i it 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3`2 sT~-.T~ of c~a~z~, t~tg of he~im, 1, Md~ B. Merritt, Qty C~erk o'£ tl~e C~tg ~f ~Aahei~t, do ~ierobg aerti: that the foregoing resold'ion a~as seed and a• ~agtad at a x^~galar meeting of the Borg of Trustees of ithe Gty of 1nFh®im, ~t41d on th® 2Sth daft of Augv, 19161 ~~' the foll~twing 90'~l1: ~ ,dyes, Ttee~-- ~ ~~.-'C _~ ~~ ~'`~ ~ba~nt a net voting, Trnateea-- ~ ~ .~,.~~~... ~..._.._.....,_ IN ~tiTB~SS 1PBFRB01~ I have hereunto ®et mq hod and affixed th1~ official., seal of the Citg of Ax~ieia~ this EE~h mil' of Aug~aet, 19~t6.:,, a __ Ci T er 8~