06/08/1911-001f 1) f A-0 rn r p I the f .ruistaar- cJ' the City rl A!,aheir that the City 'tIr o C Anaheir: 1--e ariA he is here auth-orize:i an:j instructe tc frcrthwitii te er to j.:% Gilbert the sure (,' T,venty Tr 7ive Hun re-I Doil. ars 500.CC) gol-f coin- of the 7nite,-I State iJi+ , i -terest 23(ti., % Lay r-JE at 't. e r t - f n G o 11 co in. o h e unite - SI t t o s an 1 seven i cent I a.ri lr. a nJ - -Cr c ­ the s J.'% CIilbert a - I Of J l bar c a ij n an A sa]_ a I t c e r t<�. i h or U c el of "Lan 1 ) S i"Cu_at lblfn�f in. the Cr my Of u C'r a:ry e S tate C, f 0 a a c r an boundeJ an], -art :1es— A7 Cne half (r , -L) Cf the a4; tollows tc­� 'Iuarta (S';-VL cf Section Ni­eta (19) , To"!dnshir, 4- P uth, Range 10 West, S.B.F. �, 1 %, esti-ateft t­ ccritain 7.3 -scrib-JI acres, :" or less; gills: to dolivOr �he follo'.vin c d'. ccxs 1 r. C'.v e r 1 real_ - - 1 st Jra� ank.1 all oti�ar ploiws an,A - Parnin, ir.-TlI-r.,,e cw'nad rY S)'! J"1*2% Gilbert c 37 t :Ial cf %­ctcber,2910, and tc 3er!!Ftnd ­f qai -1 T.7,% G-JI-bert a certi Ficate. C�f title eho.�;in­ thie title to th,- alrove JoFcrV real. estata to e v( e I in Ti I be r t in ac,: r rdai i­ - ~� i th t m t . r 1" s, .nd c orgi ie: ri s c7 a certain - In wrijinq an entev L into 'by an. between the sail J.,". Gilb -rt an J. - P. "ayhes 2 r anI dated. on the , th rl�.y cf Cctc 111 vhich sai I writ aLEr��,qr.e vas - Tuly a^!Igne sritten assig=ont, by the slail. J.P. Yayhe tc) t Ci-y rf Ar hr im, Ind ",vh.ich a( re y tloc 9 t!' e. r a i th S zritten, was t _r Y C - he 11th. dal � FebrueL..,­­ Ir t en - 2 n(' r WtI offiCe Cf to c C-Linty Recor'zr OP th e r�lunty of cStata of California, in Book 19 cf Deels, , are at -,ark t'L_e-C_.f--' - And by it further resr'Ji that a warrant be forthwith dra,;n by the Fresi lent of this Be, and, thcat th, say �Dbe t c our 2 —s i(T neJ T the Cl o." the sal Cit-� of Anah in (.d- - J - I 'Y - I - , i -3 -