11/29/1907-002E?~ol~.zti.on i~io. ~,~ Resolvecj by the Board of Trustees of t,h? ",ity of Anaheim, Stztte of r~liforizi~, that the rlw.rk of. this Board. of. Trizst?PS be, ~nc~ he here~~y is, a!zthoriasd a.nr'. cLirPrtPd to litre notice of t.i1F~ filing of. the .re?~ort of the cornrzissioners heretofarp appointed. by this Board of TrtzstPes ~y ordinance IZo. 19Ei to ~?fiePss the benefits ant c~.ama~es rand have ~;PnPral supervision of the 1~ork of aperiin~ ~zn alley r~lon~ ~^ ~~~-thP Sgtzth line of-''~ri~inal city Lotr~ ?.v, 'h, %%~ anc~ ?f3 and along; r `~` 'the Diprth -tin Hof, nri~inst ~"ity Lots 2~), 30, 31 and 3~ in said City, `x~rom .the fast xin~;. of. Lemon Street to the ~~pst ling: of Lo~~ ~n~f,1P -~~ '~ ;~tr~'et, L;~ ptib~,i^Atian of su^h notice, in the m~rnn?r a.nc? fo?~n re- y ~ ~*. ~I!air~ by :la~.u, ley three successive insertions in t71e Or~n;P ratznt~r £~l~~.indea.lc3r, a wep~ly nP~~rspaper print ?d, publiz~hec~. and ^,ircu? ated _~ 7i I1, said City, =~.nca Y~PrPi~~r c~ PSi~;ratPd. for that pa,zrpose, regzzirin~; all '~~ ~.> persons inter_e~ted to show Haase, if any, on ar i~c-;fore ~~~adc~ the ~f ~ day of uuc.c, / D tl , ~~rh~r s~tici re~~ort fipzoul~. not / be canf.irlned, before said ?~o?rd. of ^r~zstPes. I hereby ^Prtify that the fore~oir~~; resolution was passed by tiiF~ Board of Trtzstens of the CitSr of AnahPiM an the ~ ~ d~~r of ~- r~y 1907, .. the foll~7 vine vote ~( Aye 8 : 1~' e s ~ r ~ . /c~J~. o c. C ~~-y~tn-, ~ J` ~.c~ ?foes . "ity "lerk and ex-offir:io Clerk of the Board. of Trustees of tiie