06/13/1907-008Resolution of Intention No. :., A ° ~esfllution declaring it t'o be the intention of the Board of Truetee,e,.gf the City , of Anahei~ _to .:order the ope~ir~g . of a .,street through` 0~i~insl Bui~.iiing LOts ~ 3~ t© 40, both inclusive, frori the pept l~,T~e of Loe Ang~Zes Street to, the, Past ..lice ..qf Lei©X~ -Street, ; .~~ i~ the ~~tY ©f Anahe~~. Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,. ~~ _ ~tSte of California:. 3. That it is the intention of said Board of Trustees to order the following street work to be done in said city, to~wit: go open 34 ~ ;5~~ 38, X57, 3$ ~ . '89 ,Snd a street through Original Building Lots 33 t~ 4Q, ~e[kkx~eus~3r~[a#x~~x .~ _. ix~ said City of Anaheim., from the test line of Los Angeles Street to the fast line of Lemon Street, said street to be ~n extension of Oak street. ._.. ,.; . ~.~That the land which is by this Board of Trt~stPes deemed necessary to me taken therefor, and which this Board of Trustees intends to take therefor, is described as follows, to~wit: All that certain land situated, lying and being in the Cit~T of ,. ~. _. _. . , Ari~heim, County of .orange, State of California, and p~rtieularly ,~~ ,. described 8$ follows• :Beginning at a point on the ~/esterly line of Original Building h..: „ . _ Lot Mo, ~0, a$ said lot is delineated upon a map recorded. in Book f°;~ . 4 of B+~ede, pages 62,9 and 630, Records Of L86 Angeles County, Cali- t~.t .~. . , .. . , . y om the Southwesterly t~rnla wh { r. . ich point is 15.75 fpPt Northerl fr ,1 , ,~ ~ ~ caorner of said Lot 40, and running thence Northerly - of. s~tic? Lot 4C a.nd along the 1lesterly line of Lot ~., _. ;, ~~ r ~, as skid lot, is shoT~n on sA.id znap, 54 feet ; thence fast erly and parallel frith Center, Street 55~.~~3 feet to a point on the l~esterly ~ ., a:~, lire of. .Los Ange~.es Street; thc~nee Southerly along the l~esterly ..line d. of bms Ax~geleg Street 50 feet; a~3c~ thence Westerly and parallel w~.th Center Street 553 feet to the point of beginning. 8. That the exterior boundaries of the distrir,~ hereby estt~b~-' 1ish~?d, and the exterior boundaries of the distridt of lands hereby do^3ered to be affected and benefitted by said ~~ork or improvement, ~;>~+ ~1 ~'J.HE ~'AS, on beizalf of the citizens of Anaheim, a deed has been delivered to the ~3oard of. firustees of_ said City, conveying to said City Original Building Lot #4 ~, as a site for a public library bt.ii2ding; no~- therefore, be it R~'SOL~T~aD, That said deed b? and the same hereby i:~ accepted and the land described ther?in is hereby accepted as ancZ for a site fqr a public library building in accordance ~viti; :the eondit~ions required bar tYie donors of said site as contained in tY~,e letter of J. S. Hoard accompanying the delivery of said. deed Rnd certificate of title to said lot. RESOLyD, That the Clerk be and he is hereby iristructPd to writP.to Hon. AndrPj~ ^arnegie infoz~ning hire of. the acquisition of said lot for sa.ic9. p~zrpose, and that the Gitu is rr~ady to proceed Stith the erection of ~ libra~r bt.iildin~ thereon as soon as the money therefor, which he has So generously promised to donate, is available.