08/08/1907-012A ~, Resolution of intention, No. A resolution dPnl~rin~ it to be the intention°of the Board of Trustees of th? City of Anaheim to order cement Side~~~alks and ^ement curbs to be constructed. on certain portions of Phiiac~elpYiia Street, Chartres Street, Cler~egtine Street, Helena Street-'and Center Street in said City. ~ 4 . ; ,i„ -The Board of. TruSfreP.s of the Cit~- of Anaheim,- State of_ ",€~li- forma, do hereby resolve and declare that the pu~ic interest and j - - ~ T ~~ convPnien~P reep~irR, ~ that it ie the intention flf thA sRid Board. ~;~, of Trustees to order, the following arork to be done, to-:pit 1. 'ghat a cement Sidewalk #'ive feet in wicith,~ and a cement curb be constructed. along each side af. Philadelphia. Street in said City, front the South Sine of Broad ray Street to a. paint ~.fi f. Pet North of. the North line of Santa Ana Street. Said work to be done in :~.ecor- dance ~~ith the plans, profiles snd cross. sects©ns therefor, here-- - tofore duly adopted by'~aid Board of ~ru4teee a.nd on file in the Y s ' office of the City Clerk of 'said "sty, and in acco~dancP ~~ith the •. sp~:cifict~tions contained in 4rdnanPe Ito. lr~ of ~.d '"sty. ~. l'hat a ce~nPnt sidewalk five feet ire width,'`end a 'cement 1 ' ^url~, be constrczctPd a3:ong . each sidQ of Ghs.rtres Street in saki City, from the Past line cf Q].ive St?°P,P,t to the hest curb line of Atchi- 1 ` son Street. Said !pork to be done in accordance with th? ;plans, pro- F t files and cross sections therefor, heretofore dizl~Fadopted, bar said ' Board of Trustees and oh file in the oflt'ice of the' City C2erK of said city, anci in accoraan^~ with the speei~'icatioris contained in Ordfnance ~;o. I6? of. said City. ~. Th?.t e.' cement sidewalk five feet in width, sand a cement curb, be ~:onstructed onthA -East side 4f ClemPntirt` Street in said South. City, from the EA~~ ctir~ line of Chartres Street ttS" t,~lp North line r of Center Street; Rnd on the Vest side of ^lemPrltine Street in said City from the South curd' line of ^hartr_ es Street for the North curb Line of Center Street. Said work to be done in acoord.a.re;e ~~ith the plans, prot'iles and cro+~s sections therefor, Yieretm~ore duly adopted by said Board or r~istgi~s and on fi3e in the officP'-of the City f, t F` ..