1965-535RESOLUTION NO, 65R -535 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUC- TION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS MORE THAN FIVE (5) YEARS OLD. WHEREAS, the following described documents in the possession of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim have been preserved on microfilm pursuant to Sections 1920 and 1923 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, and WHEREAS, many of the documents in the following list were prepared on a date at least five years prior to the date of this resolution, and WHEREAS, the aforementioned documents of an age of at least five years as well as documents of an age of less than five years are occupying space sorely needed by the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim has determined that none of the aforementioned documents, regardless of age, has sufficient value to justify retention in its original form, and WHEREAS, the manner in which the aforementioned documents are filed makes immediate identification of the fol- lowing described documents difficult to describe by date of preparation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and she is hereby authorized, to destroy imme- diately all of the following described documents the date of preparation of which is prior to July 1, 1960, and to destroy any of the following documents the date of preparation of which is later than July 1, 1960, at such future time as corresp Inds to a date five years from the date of preparation of said document which date is subsequent to July 1, 1960: Completed public improvement contracts from January, 1937 to December, 1963 for street improvements, storm drains, sewer improvements, traffic signals and safety lighting, water mains, water vaults, buildings and other improve- ments, as follows: Job No. 100 to Job No. 5005, both inclusive Work Order No. 419 -8.0, 1962 and 1963 Work Order No. 713 to Work Order No. 4600, both in- clusive Project No. 14 to Project No. 110(2), both inclusive Various unnumbered contracts from May, 1937 to October, 1952 -1- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 13th day of July 19 65 AT S T: Y CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of certify that the foregoing resolution was at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 13th day of July I, DENE M. Anaheim, do hereby passed and adopted 19 65 by the following vote of the members thereo Anaheim day of affixed July (SEAL) AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: July MAYOR OF THE CITY 0 ANAHEIM Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of approved and signed said resolution on the 13th 19 65 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Anaheim this 13th day of 19 65 CIT CLERK OF THE I Y OF N•HEIM CITY CLERK I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, DC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS THE ORIGIN- AL OF RESOLUTION NO.�,< tt -57 35 DULY PASSED AND ADOPT D BY THE ANAHEIM CITYCOUNCIL ON 7-43-65