RA1986/12/16Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY December 16, 1986, K.M. PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Roth, Pickler, Hunter, Kaywood and Bay ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /PLANNING: Norman J. Priest Chairman Bay called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 10:07 a.m. MINUTES: Agency Member Kaywood moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held November 25 and December 2, 1986. Agency Member Pickler seconded the motion. Agency Member Bay abstained. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of 9 1, 15. 5, in accordance with the 19T6 Budget, were approved. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: On motion by Agency Member Pickler, seconded by Agency Member Roth, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda: 1. 161/123: Authorizing the Second Implementation Agreement to Disposition and Development Agreement with Wood Bridge Village, Ltd. to lease 2 additional parking spaces in the Center Street Parking Structure, at a fee of $1,000 each for a term of 55 years. End of Consent Calendar. MOTION CARRIED. 161/121: CONDEMNATION HEARING: To consider the acquisition of property owned by Sy and Harriet L. Eckstein and George E. and Frances M. Simmons, generally located at 1025 East Lincoln Avenue. Submitted was report dated December 5, 1986 from the Manager of Restoration and Property Services. Norm Priest, Director of Community Development and Planning, announced that the Agency has been able to settle the subject case and, therefore, it is not necessary to proceed with the hearing. He requested that the item be withdrawn including the proposed resolution. The item was withdrawn with no further action taken by the Agency. Chairman Bay announced that a quorum is not anticipated for the Redevelopment Agency meeting of December 23, 1986. ADJOURNMENT: Agency Member Roth moved to adjourn. Agency Member Kaywood seconded the motion. Agency Member Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRI (10 m. LEE) ORA N. SO: E 86 -72