RA1990/11/13Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 13, 1990, 5:20 P.M. PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: CITY ATTORNEY: SECRETARY: EXECUTIVE DIREC Daly, Ehrle, Kaywood and Hunter Pickler James Ruth Jack White Leonora N. Sohl TOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 4:00 p.m. on November 9, 1990 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Hunter called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 5:36 p.m. MINUTES: Agency Member Kaywood moved to approve the minutes of the regular meetings held August 28, October 16 and the adjourned regular meeting of October 26, 1990. Agency Member Hunter seconded the motion. Agency Member Pickler was absent. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $56,022.12, in accordance with the 1990 -91 budget, were approved. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: On motion by Agency Member Hunter, seconded by Agency Member Kaywood, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. Agency Member Pickler was absent. 1. 161: REVIEW AND APPROVAL - CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE /STREETSCAPE PLAN AND OFFSITE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR WEST HARBOR PLACE MOLL ANAHEIM CENTER - THE KOLL COMPANY) AND CENTER STREET (HERITAGE PLACE - LINCOLN PROPERTY COMPANY): Submitted was report dated November 6, 1990 from the Development Services Manager of the Community Development Department, Richard Bruckner, recommending approval of the conceptual landscape /streetscape plans for the Harbor Place and Center Street improvements. Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development, briefed the staff report relative to the subject. As part of the overall project, the Agency also had a master landscape architect, SWA, who established guidelines that would help link the two streets together and they will also be the designers for the element that will link both Center Street and West Harbor Place. She then introduced Mr. Bill Schultz of Edaw, the landscape architect for Koll who will give a presentation on the West Harbor Place improvements. Mr. Bill Schultz, Landscape Architect, Edaw. The West Harbor Place improvements cover the area from Anaheim Boulevard to the east to the existing 90 -88 Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 13, 1990, 5:20 P.M. circle or cul de sac in place today and crossing Clementine Street and Lemon Street with improvements continuing to Broadway. The plan involves paving, planting and furnishings. Mr. Schultz then briefed each area of the plan working from the posted graphic drawings explaining and describing all of the materials to be used in the three respective categories showing where each would be located. Samples of actual paving material were available. Photos of the trees to be used as well as furnishings (benches, light fixtures, etc.) were posted on the Chamber wall. At the conclusion of Mr. Schultz's presentation, Agency Members posed questions which were answered by Mr. Schultz and /or staff wherein the following was clarified: approximately 10 to 12 spaces are provided for temporary parking purposes, approximately 15 minutes, walking pavement will be relatively smooth so that high heels will not get stuck in the pavement or in the saw cuts which are 1/8 inches or smaller than the average size of a high heel, the light fixtures will be a recasting of the fixtures used in Pearson Park, foot candles, (brightness) of the lighting relative to safety is being analyzed carefully. Agency Member Daly emphasized his concern is not to have too many different versions of historical street lights used. Five or six designs are now being used and he does not want to have eight or nine. Lisa Stipkovich. The intent is to take the lights currently on Broadway and at Pearson Park and replicate those and not come up with a new design but go to the original design still on some of the major commercial streets at present. Mrs. Stipkovich then stated that the Agency tonight is also being asked to approve the conceptual landscape /streetscape plans for Center Street. West Harbor Place is a private street which will be maintained by the Association formed on the site - Center Street is a public street and will be maintained by the City. Agency staff has also met with Parks and Recreation staff and they have indicated because of the level of improvements being proposed, the Department would be maintaining the area as they would a park space. The Parks Department has been consulted relative to the types of trees to be used. Don Henry, POD /Sasaki. Working from the posted plans and drawings he briefed the Agency on the landscape /streetscape plans for Center Street. The area covered is from City Hall to the railroad tracts to the east, the focus of which is the downtown or Center Street spine. He also noted the other areas /streets to be included within the larger area pointing to those on the posted drawing. His extensive presentation outlined main components of the plan in detail - trees, ground cover, fixtures, lighting, etc. At the conclusion, Mr. Henry and staff answered questions posed by Agency Members relative to spacing of trees, transition from civic to residential areas, light fixtures, etc. 6 Relative to light fixtures, Mr. Henry explained that the Center Street fixture will be the double historical fixture, the actual replica of the double fixture that is on Lincoln, west of Harbor. It will occur only on Center Street. On the peripheral streets - Olive, Cypress, Philadelphia and other short sections he pointed to, will consist of the marbelite pole identical to the poles just installed on Broadway. The metal and marbelite fixtures will never interface 90 -89 T Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 13, 1990, 5:20 P.M. with each other. The street lights for Olive and Center are set back from the street behind the trees so that they will not be "touching" each other. Lisa Stipkovich. The intent is that Center Street and West Harbor Place have more of a commercial fixture. Other than that, in the residential areas they are being consistent with the single marbelite pole. It should be fairly consistent throughout the area with the one exception where they wanted to have more of an upgraded fixture and a commercial look. Mr. Henry then explained for Agency Member Kaywood that relative to the brightness of the lighting, they are currently working with the City Electrical Engineer in developing the layout and spacing of the street lights and are looking to meet certain minimum light standards for safety. The source of lighting will be a very efficient source. Lisa Stipkovich. Agency Approval is being requested on both landscape /streetscape plans in order to go out to bid on both projects. Construction is anticipated to start the early part of next year, approximately January or February. (This ite was approved by the Agency at the coml..-..ion-of the Consent Calendar.) 2. 161: KOLL ANAHEIM CENTER ART PLAta - ART FOR PUBLIC PLACES: Lisa Stipkovich. The subject plan is also being presented tonight so :hat the Agency can see how the various plans work together. The Agency appointed Arts Advisory Committee has been meeting and have a plan to present this evening. Julie Mayer, Chairperson, Arts Advisory Committee. The presentation tonight will show the Agency the sense of place they are endevoring to create with the Art plan. She then introduced Marc Pally, Project Art Consultant, to make the presentation. Marc Pally, Project Art Consultant, Koll Anaheim Center Project. He briefed the Council on the Art plan that has been developed to complement the architecture and landscaping. (See - Koll Anaheim Center - Art for Public Places - Art Plan - November, 1990 - made a part of the record and previously submitted to the Agency.) Mr. Pally's presentation was supplemented by slides which showed examples of Art in Public Places in other cities. He also briefed the functions of public art, some of which are - it is a way a City can remember its history, it involves the public, it activates space, it develops a sense of place, etc. The Arts Advisory Committee did the bulk of the work meeting with property owners and the community. An expert jury was formed to determine which artists would be most suitable to implement the Art Plan. The plan presented tonight will be given to the artists to be used as a basis for the art work to activate space to express Anaheim's heritage. It is the artist working with the public process to determine where a particular work fits. In the course of Mr. Pally's presentation, he reported t.at 100 artists names were generated and tonight four artists are recommended for Agency approval: Mary Miss who will work on the Festivities Center and three artists who will work as a team on West Harbor Place - Daniel Martinez, Nobuho Nagasawa, and Buster Simpson. He showed slides of each of the artists' works. The two back - 90-90 Anaheim Civic Center. ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 13, 1990, 5:20 P.M. up artists recommended are 3odi Pinto and Richard Turner. In concluding, he reported that they want to sign contracts with artists almost immediately so that they can begin working. The construction schedule calls for work to begin in June, 1991. After questions posed by Agency Members, Mrs. Stipkovich stated that the four or five artists will be working in conjunction with all of the design team, the landscape architects, the architects engineers and Agency staff will be reviewing their concepts as well as the Agency before final design drawings. There will be time for review and comment before final drawings are prepared. (This item was approved by the Agency at the completion of the Consent Calendar.) 3. 161: Awarding the contract to the lowest and best responsible bidder, Three D Service Company, in the amount of $38,400 for demolition and site clearance (Contract No. D90 -1) for 13 Agency -owned properties. 4. 161: Awarding the contract for pavement marking and bumpers to the lowest and best responsible bidder, IPS Services, Inc., in the amount of $17,218 for the Agency -owned parking structure associated with the Pacific Bell development (Koll Anaheim Center, Phase I). Rejecting all bids received for the painting, chain -link fencing and carpentry portion of this project. 5. 161: Awarding the contract to the lowest and best responsible bidder, Amtech Reliable Elevator Company, in the amount of $142,444 for the Agency -owned parking structure associated with the Pacific Bell Development (Koll Anaheim Center - Phase I). End of Consent Calendar. MOTIONS CARRIED. ITEMS OF ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. ADJOURNMENT: Agency Member Hunter moved to adjourn. Agency Member Kaywood seconded the motion. Agency Member Pickler was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (6:38 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 90 -91