HA1977/12/2077 -65 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY DECEMBER 20, 1977 (1 :00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest HOUSING MANAGER: Lisa Stipkovich Chairman Thom called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 1:15 p.m. MINUTES On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Roth, the minutes for the regular meeting held December 13, 1977, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. FI of DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount 829.25, in accordance with the 1977 -78 Budget, were approved. 177: DIRECTOR'S REPORT - NOVEMBER 1977 Mr. Priest presented the Director's Report dated December 13, 1977 covering the month of November 1977. He noted that an office had been opened at 603 East Lincoln to take additional applications under the Section 8 program. On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Seymour, the Director's Report for November 1977 was received and filed. MOTION CARRIED. 177.118: CLAIMS Following recommendation of City Attorney William P. Hopkins, Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. AHA77 -13. RESOLUTION NO. AHA77 -13 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE AUTHORITY GENERAL COUNSEL OR HIS DESIGNEE TO DETERMINE THE SUFFICIENCY OF CLAIMS SUBMITTED AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: NOES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom None None 77 -66 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY - December 20, 1977 - 1:00 P.M. The Chairman declared Resolution No. AHA77 -13 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Anaheim Housing Authority, Mr. Kott moved to adjourn. Mr. Thom seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:16 p.m. �'r'`.a2.,`-,� LINDA D. ROBERTS,— SECRETARY