RA1976/10/1276 -46 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OCTOBER 12, 1976 (1:00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom ABSENT AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald INTERIM ASST. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Dan D'Urso DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: M. E. Slaughter HOUSING DIRECTOR: Rosarzo'Mattessich Chairman Thom called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 1 :05 p.m. MINUTES Approval of the minutes for the regular meeting held Octo- ber 5, 1976 was deferred one week. S AGAINST THE amount of $5,609.10, in accor approved. HEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the e with the 1976 -77 budget, were PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE, PROJECT ALPHA, BUDGET Darwin Stockwell of the Project Area Committee presented a proposed budget, as outlined in a report dated September 29, 1976, totalling $31,000, for the remainder of the current fiscal year. The Redevelopment Commission had reviewed the request and recommended approval. In answer to question of Mr. Kott, Mr. Stockwell reported last year PAC did operate on a limited budget of $7,600 but since that time feel they need this additional money and area, as requested, to function properly and provide the necessary services to the area residents. Mr. Roth expressed concern as to what controls, if any, would be. placed on the editing of the proposed newsletter to be published. Mr. Thom replied that as a result of a recent meeting on this issue, the only people responsible for the contents of the newsletter are the committee members themselves and no one else has the right to edit, approve or disapprove what they publish. Mr. Stockwell added that items to be included in the newsletter will be items coming from the Redevelopment Commission, Redevelop- ment Agency, and PAC meetings with their views of what is happening in an effort to communicate with the people in the Project Area. Mr. Priest indicated that they would be willing to review with PAC at any time any items requiring technical accuracy. The $6,000 budgeted figure includes the delivery and mailing of those news- letters. Mrs. Kaywood suggested that consideration be given to applying for a bulk rate mailing permit. In answer to questions of Agency Members Seymour and Kott concerning the $12,000_ budgeted figure for staff, it was noted that the proposed amount was to cover the cost of a full -time secretary to the PAC Committee which includes approximately $800 a month salary plus fringe benefits (vacation pay, insurance, etc.). The secretary, in addition to taking minutes, would be - staffing the office facility on a full -time basis. Agency Members Seymour and Kott commented that a secretary could be obtained for less money by the PAC Committee than by the City. Deputy City Attorney Slaughter advised that until such time that the PAC Committee incorporates, they are not considered a legal entity and do not have the ability to contract for services. Their present part time secretary has been a City, employee assigned to them. On motion by Mr. Seymour, seconded by Mr. Thom, a budget in the amount of $29,000 was approved for the Project Area Committee for Project Alpha for the remaining 1976 -77 fiscal year, reducing the_ staff allocation to $10,000. Mr. Kott voted "No ". MOTION CARRIED. Executive Director Norman J. Priest noted, that until otherwise notified, they will continue with the present program of providing funds and employees to the PAC Committee. AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY Norman J. Priest presented &-resolution authorizing the Executive Director to contact property owners directly with an offer to acquire real property and then reporting any transactions to the Commission and Agency prior to finalization. The present procedure requires that each proposed acquisition be presented to the Commission and Agency prior to any contact with the property owner. Mr. Roth offered Resolution No. ARA76 -25 for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. ARA76 -25 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY ON BEHALF OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. ARA76 -25 duly passed and adopted. PROPOSED SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN F OR REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT ALPHA, AS CHANGED Following presentation by Community Development Director Knowlton Fernald as to the changes presented to and approved by the Redevelopment Commission, Mr. Seymour offered Resolution Nos. ARA76 -26, ARA76 -27, and ARA76 -28 for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. ARA76 -26 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY RECEIVING THE PROPOSED SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA, AS CHANGED, AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE. 76 -48 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - October 12, 1976 - 1:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. ARA76 -27 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOP - MENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF THE PROPOSED SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA, AS CHANGED, TO THE CITY COUNCIL. r--- RESOLUTION NO. ARA76 -28 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY APPROVING THE REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF SAID REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None Chairman Thom declared Resolution Nos. ARA76 -26, ARA76 -27, and ARA76 -28 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn. Mr. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:37 p.m. LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY