RA1977/06/0777 -55 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JUNE 7, 1977 (1:00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall �. PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour (entered at 1:03 Kott, Roth and Thom ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest Chairman Thom called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order. MINUTES On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Roth, the minutes for the regular meetings held May 24 and 31, 1977, were approved. Agency Member Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL, DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $1,043,252.87, in accordance with the 1976 -77 Budget, were approved. AWARD OF WORK ORDER NO. 1691 Mr. Priest recommended, as outlined in his memo dated June 1, 1977, that the low bid of Wizard of Wrecking be accepted and that a contract be prepared for execution. In response to questions of Agency Members, he reported that staff has investigated and verified the bid proposal of Wizard of Wrecking and that they have been requested to provide a Performance Bond in the amount of $10,000. Mr. Seymour entered at 1:03 p.m. Mr. Roth offered Resolution No. ARA77 -38 for adoption. ' RESOLUTION NO. ARA77 -38 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE DEMOLITION AND CLEARANCE OF CERTAIN AGENCY PROPERTIES, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, WORK ORDER NO. 1691. (Wizard of Wrecking - $3,000 payment to the Agency) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None 77 -56 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 7, 1977 - 1:00 P.M. The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA77 -38 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Anaheim . Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Roth moved to adjourn. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1 :05 p.m. w LINDA D. R08ERTS SECRETARY