RA1978/01/24am ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JANUARY 24, 1978 (1 :00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: M. E. Slaughter Chairman Thom called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order. MINUTES Approval of the minutes for the regular meeting held January 17, 1978, was deferred one week. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $130,864.86, in accordance with the 1977 -78 Budget, were approved. 161.158: CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY TO THE CITY Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency authorize the transfer of property generally located easterly of the Shapell Government Housing site to the City for a .�..- parking lot. In answer to questions by Mr. Kott, the Executive Director explained that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has requested that an area sufficient to contain 15 parking spaces be made available to serve the Shapell Government Housing site and, therefore, a 72 -foot by 63 -foot area is proposed to be conveyed to the City with a contin- gency interest in favor of Shapell Housing in the event the City would decide to change the proposed public parking lot to some other use. Mrs. Kaywood offered Resolution No. ARA78 -6 authorizing the transfer of property, as recommended. Mr. Kott indicated that he felt the property should be given to Shapell by the Agency or that they should purchase the property from the City. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -6 : A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A GRANT DEED THEREFOR. ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1:00 P.M. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kott ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -6 duly passed and adopted. 161.158: BID AWARD - SALE OF PRINTING EQUIPMENT (215 WEST LINCOLN) Upon request of the Executive Director and on motion by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mrs. Kaywood, this matter was continued to January 31, 1978. MOTION CARRIED. PROCEDURAL EXPLANATION Mr. Bill Barr of Oliver, Stoever and Laskin, Special Counsel, was present and briefly reviewed those issues to be considered during the condemnation hearings to follow. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (212 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE) Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemnation of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 212 West Lincoln Avenue. Subject property is needed for the Village Center project. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settlement through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. The Chairman asked if the property owner or agent was present and wished to be heard. Mr. Doug Renner, 420 West Alberta, was present and spoke on behalf of the SQR Department Store located at 212 West Lincoln Avenue. He protested the handling of the potential acquisition of their property by the Agency and staff, noting that it has been the contention of the SQR Store from the beginning that goodwill be appraised and compensated. With reference being made to the California Relocation Assistance and Real Property Guidelines of the California Administrative Code and to personal contact with the State Department of Housing and Community Development relative to compensation for the loss of goodwill, he noted that goodwill was never appraised or included in any offers received from the Agency,and he further stated that he considered those offers received as being both invalid and illegal. 78 -10 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1:00 P.M. Mr. Barr advised that the statements by Mr. Renner were beyond the scope of this hearing and that he would have an opportunity to a full and fair hearing in the proper court. Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. AR.A78 -7. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -7 : A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (RENNER) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -7 duly passed and adopted. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (149 NORTH LEMON STREET): Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemnation of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 149 North Lemon Street. Portions of subject property are needed for the Lincoln Avenue realignment and for the Village Center project. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settle- ment through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. The Chairman asked if the property owner or agent was present and wished to be heard. There being no response, Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. ARA78 -8. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -8 : A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (HOBSON) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None 78 -11 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1 :00 P.M. The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -8 duly passed and adopted. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (401 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE) Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemnation of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 401 West Lincoln Avenue. Subject property is needed for the Lincoln Avenue realignment. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settlement through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. The Chairman asked if the property owner or agent was present and wished to be heard. Mr. Art Shipkey of Palmall Properties, Inc., was present and spoke on behalf of those properties located at 401 and 421 West Lincoln Avenue. With reference being made to paragraph "b" of the letter received from the Agency relative to this hearing, he questioned the determination of least private injury and noted the difficulties he has experienced during the redevelopment process and in finding a new location. He further commented that he has received no assis- tance with his efforts to relocate and that the amount offered is not enough to rebuild and relocate. Following questions by Agency Members as to staff assistance with relocation efforts, Mr. Priest replied that relocation assistance normally begins with the acquisition of the property and that he would welcome the opportunity to pursue with Mr. Shipkey relocation to another development site. Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. ARA78 -9. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -9 : A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (PALMALL PROPERTIES, INC.) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None 78 -12 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1:00 P.M. The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -9 duly passed and adopted. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (421 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE) Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemnation of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 421 West Lincoln Avenue. Subject property is needed for the Lincoln Avenue realignment. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settlement through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. The Chairman recognized that the property owner, Mr. Art Shipkey, was present and advised Mr. Shipkey that his comments made during the fore- going hearing on property located at 401 West Lincoln Avenue would be made a part of this hearing by reference if he would like, and Mr. Shipkey answered affirmatively. Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. ARA78 -10. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -10 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (A. H. SHIPKEY, INC.) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -10 duly passed and adopted. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (323 -325 WEST LINCOLN AVENU)) Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemnation of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 323 -325 West Lincoln Avenue. Subject property is needed for the Lincoln Avenue realignment. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settlement through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. 78 -13 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1 :00 P.M. The Chairman asked if the property owner or agent was present and wished to be heard. There being no response, Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. ARA78 -11. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -11 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY ON" WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (TRIPLE LINK ASSOCIATION) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -11 duly passed and adopted. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (236 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE) Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemantion of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 236 West Lincoln Avenue. Subject property is needed for the Village Center project. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settlement through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. The Chairman asked if the property owner or agent was present and wished to be heard. Mr. Kenneth Bryant, Attorney, Santa Ana, was present on behalf of World Travel Bureau of Anaheim, a tenant of subject property, and requested an opportunity to be heard. Special Counsel, Mr. Barr, advised that the property owner or tenant could speak at the hearing. Mr. Bryant noted that World Travel Bureau has been in business in the downtown area for approximately 24 years and spoke of their unsuccess- ful attempts to find a new location and of the various aspects involved in achieving relocation of this type of business. He also questioned the determination of least private injury. MMR 78 -14 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1:00 P.M. With reference being made to the Relocation Assistance Law, Special Counsel, Mr. Barr, replied that least private injury is determined as it relates to the entire redevelopment project. Mr. Priest indicated his continued cooperation and assistance in working with the tenant to find a new location site. Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. ARA78 -12. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -12 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (PRESSEL) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -12 duly passed and adopted. 161.121: HEARING - PROPERTY CONDEMNATION (232 WEST LINCOLN AVENUE) Mr. Priest recommended that the Agency find and determine the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing the condemnation of certain real property within the redevelopment project area generally located at 232 West Lincoln Avenue. Subject property is needed for the Village Center project. He noted that final offer of negotiated settlement had been rejected by the property owner and that settlement through negotiation is unlikely. Mr. Priest further advised that the property owner had been notified of this hearing. The Chairman asked if the property owner or agent was present and wished to be heard. There being no response, Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. ARA78 -13. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -13 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINDING AND DETERMINING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR ACQUIRING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. (MILLER) Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None 78 -15 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1.00 P.M. The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -13 duly passed and adopted. RECESS On motion by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mrs. Kaywood, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency recessed to 3 :00 P.M. for a joint public hearing with the City Council. MOTION CARRIED. (1 :32 P.M.) 115/161: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ON PROPOSED CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTIES IN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CON- STRUCTION OF A CIVIC CENTER FACILITY: After recess, Chairman Thom called the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order, all members being present. (3:10 P.M.) A joint public hearing was held with the Redevelopment Agency on a proposed con- veyance of certain real properties located between Anaheim Boulevard and Phila- delphia Street and the alleys located 145 feet south of Lincoln Avenue and 135 feet north of Broadway, in Redevelopment Project Alpha by the Agency to the City for the development and construction of a Civic Center facility. Mr. Norm Priest, Executive Director of Community Development, briefed the Agency and the Council on his report dated January 12, 1978, recommending that the Agency approve by resolution, (1) the certification of the information contained in the Environmental Impact Reports on the Civic Center and (2) the Cooperation Agree- ment finding the proposed facility is of benefit to the Redevelopment Project and that no other reasonable means of financing is available and authorize the Chairman and Secretary to execute the Cooperation Agreement on behalf of the Agency. Mr. Priest continued that the agreement also provided for approval of basic concept drawings (site plans) which were displayed on the Chamber wall. The plans were presented to the Redevelopment Commission a week prior for their review. Since they felt at that point they did not have sufficient time to review them thoroughly, they adopted the following motion: "The Redevelopment Commission recommends to the Agency, certifications of the EIR for the Civic Center Project, acceptance of the Cooperation Agreement and authorizing the Secretary and Chairman's execution of the agreement, but the Commission does not recommend approval of the Basic Con- cept Drawings until after further study of the drawings is made by the Commission." Mr. Priest pointed out that the agreement already provided that the drawings were approved,thus it was essential that the Agency make some approval of the drawings because it was important from the standpoint of the law that a finding be made on a project for which funds were being provided. Mr. Priest further pointed out relative to the approval of drawings that because the City Council was the lead agency on the project, he was remiss in not going back to the subordinate agencies and getting the necessary consideration to bring it forward to the Agency. Three alternatives were available to do so: (1) action could be taken on the drawings and it was within the Agency's power to proceed with the drawings as part of the agree- ment, (2) approval of the concept of the City Hall could be made as set forth in the drawings, and (3) the agreement could be amended and the idea of a city hall or the general concept could be accepted. Mr. Priest also stated there could be a fourth alternative and that would be to approve the Basic Concept Drawings allow- ing for the possibility that the Commission could come back with any minor changes it saw fit. The Basic Concept Drawings were not a contract document, thus they could be modified without further formal action. Mr. Priest thereupon recommended approval of the full agreement including approval of the concept drawings. 78 -16 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 24, 1978 1:00 P.M. Mayor Thom asked if anyone wished to speak relative to the matter either in favor or in opposition; there being no response, he closed the public hearing. Mayor Thom then posed a question to staff as to whether or not the Agency would need a fall -back position in the event that the proposed Jarvis Amendment was passed in June and the resultant impact that might have on the flow of funds to the Agency or to the Council that might be utilized on the project. Thus, the City would be into a project without funds to pay for it and he was concerned over that possibility. Mr. Priest stated that the Jarvis Amendment was an extremely ambiguous initiative, lending itself to a variety of interpretations. The funds being discussed covering the subject project were from bond proceeds, and the money was in the bank. His interpretation of Jarvis Amendment was, at this point in time, they could continue servicing those bonds. While the Amendment, if passed, would have an effect on overall income, Mr. Priest reassured the Council it would not affect the Civic Center Project. On motion by Agency Member Kaywood, seconded by Agency Member Kott, the Basic Concept Drawings for the Civic Center were approved with the Redevelopment Commission to continue their review of the drawings and subsequently submit recommendations. MOTION CARRIED. Agency Member Kaywood offered Resolution No. ARA78 -14 for adoption as recommended in memorandum dated January 12, 1978 from the Executive Director of Community Development. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. ARA78 -14: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS RESPECTING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM BY THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: DETERMINING THAT THE CIVIC CENTER FACILITY IS OF BENEFIT TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA: APPROVING PAY- MENT BY THE AGENCY OF THE COST OF THE LAND FOR AND A PORTION OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVIC CENTER FACILITY: DETERMINING THAT NO OTHER REASON- ABLE MEANS OF FINANCING IS AVAILABLE TO THE COMMUNITY: MAKING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS NECESSARY FOR A PROPOSED COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE AGENCY: AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SAID COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE AGENCY. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None The Chairman declared Resolution No. ARA78 -14 duly passed and adopted. Councilwoman Kaywood offered Resolution No. 78R -54 for adoption as recommended in memorandum dated January 12, 1978, from the Executive Director of Community Develop- ment. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 78R -54: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS RESPECTING THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM BY THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: DETERMINING THAT THE CIVIC CENTER FACILITY IS OF BENEFIT TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA: CONSENTING TO PAYMENT BY THE AGENCY OF THE COST OF THE LAND FOR AND A PORTION OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION 78 -17 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 24, 1978 - 1:00 P.M. OF THE CIVIC CENTER FACILITY: DETERMINING THAT NO OTHER REASONABLE MEANS OF FINANCING IS AVAILABLE TO THE COMMUNITY: AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE AGENCY. Roll Call Vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 78R -54 duly passed and adopted. RECESS - EXECUTIVE SESSION - ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Agency Member Kaywood moved to recess into Executive Session at the conclusion of the Council meeting. Agency Member Roth seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (7:40 P.M.) AFTER RECESS: Chairman Thom called the meeting to order, all Agency Members being present. (7:45 P.M.) SETTLEMENT OF CONDEMNATION MATTER: On motion by Agency Member Seymour, seconded by Agency Member Kaywood, settlement of a condemnation matter, Superior Court Case 27- 59 -43, in the amount of $40,000 was approved. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Thom moved to adjourn. Agency Member Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Adjourned: 7:50 P.M. LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY