RA1963/07/02REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY July 2, 1963 (5:00 P.M.) Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency was called pursuant to Chairman Rector L. Coons. PRESENT: Mr. Coons, Chairman; Mr. Dutton; Mr. C Mr. Krein. ABSENT: None. PRESENT: URBAN RENEWAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. handler; Mr. Schutte and Harry Horn, Chairman James Morris Jay DeDapper Morris Martinet, Jr. Chairman Rector L. Coons called the meeting to order. MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held February 13, 1963, were approved, on motion by Mr. Chandler, seconded by Mr. Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT - URBAN RENEWAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Horn submitted and read the following report: "The Urban Renewal Advisory Committee is pleased to unanimously recommend your approval and acceptance of the study "Economic Potential of the Anaheim Center City Area" prepared for the City by Economic Research Associates. This Committee's recommendation is the culmination of contin- uous and thorough consideration of the material in the report both while it was in progress and after its completion. The Committee feels that the consultant has fulfilled the contract for the research in a manner which will prove most beneficial to the City of Anaheim. The Committee also recommends that your body follow the recommen- dation of the Economic Consultant in seeking a physical design planning consultant to develop a plan for the center city area. It is felt that this action is the next step in the center city revitalization effort. Although this Committee's final report will not be complete until early September, the Committee feels that enough information is available to begin interviewing physical design planning consultants at this time. The recommended physical plan for the center city will be needed regardless of the final decision as to what kind of program might eventually be carried out. The Urban Renewal Advisory Committee has enjoyed the association with the consultants and is looking forward to the continuance of this program." Mr. Horn further reported that communication from the public has been very good, and that this project is something that should be kept moving; not only the planning design but traffic pattern as well; that the further necessary studies,whether to be accomplished by the Committee or the Agency, is now a decision of the Agency. Mr. Chandler moved that the report of the Urban Renewal Advisory Committee be received and filed, and made a part of this meeting, and that the report of the Economic Research Associates be accepted and payment for money due them authorized. Mr. Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Chandler, in expressing the feelings of the Agency and compli- menting the Committee on their outstanding service, noted that when the Committee was appointed, the City Council was unanimous in their opinion that the Committee be composed of men who were of the caliber to continue and be the Urban Redevelopment Agency itself, in the event the City embarked upon an Urban Renewal program. Redevelopment Agency, July 2. 1963 - Continued Mr. Chandler moved that the Urban Renewal Advisory Committee be authorized to interview Planning and Traffic Consultants. Mr. Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, Mr. Krein moved said meeting be adjourned. Mr. Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (5:26 P.M.) j SIGNED• Secretary, Redevelopment Agency