RA1963/11/19REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 19 10000 A. M. PRESENTS Mr. Dutton, Mr, Schutte, Mr. Krein and Chairman Coons. ABSENT : Mr. Chandler„ PRESENT. CITY .MANAGERS Mr, Murdoch. SENIOR PLANNER, URBAN RENEWALS Clarence Dingman. MEMBERS OF THE URBAN RENEWAL ADVISORY OOMMITTEE PRESENT: Mr. Harry IL. Horn, Chairman. Mr. J. W. DeDapper Mr. Lawrence Henderson Mr. Morris Martinet Mr. Coons called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held June 24 July 2, 1963, and October 29 1963, were approved on motion by Mr. Krein, seconded by Mr. Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. Mr, Coons, regarding the establishment of a Redevelopment Agency other than the City Council, stated the previous comments made by him in no way ref.ect on the Advisory Committee nor their activity; that in his opinion, the Advisory Committee has done an outstanding job. He further advised that his comments were based upon the interpretation of the act, as defined by Mr. Preston Turner approximately three years ago. As result of information received, he requested Mr. Dingman to prepare a report on the powers and duties of the Agency and their relationship to the City Council. Mr. Coons further stated that it would appear that either they misinterpreted Mr. Turner's analysis, or perhaps the analysis had not been quite complete; that after reading Mr. Dingman's report, he would be the first to admit that he was under a misapprehension. Mr. Dutton stated that his remarks had been directed to principle and not personalities; that he also was of the opinion that the Advisory Committee has performed an outstanding job. Mr. Coons stated that this meeting was called for the purpose of further considering the report and recommendations submitted by the Advisory Committee -to be considered in the following order: 1. Whether or not the Council will be willing to use the powers of eminent domain for land assembly, if this program is approved. 2. Whether or not we proceed with the employment of the Planner, Victor Gruen and Associates. 3� Whether or not we appoint a separate Redevelopment Agency as recommended by the Advisory Committee, Mr. Dutton referred to the report submitted by Mr. Dingman, advising that it entirely differed from report previously received from Mr. Turner, and asked if Mro Dingman's report had been analyzed by the present City Attorney, Mr. Joseph Geisler. Redevelopment Agency, November 19, 19639 - Continued: (2) Mr. Coons advised that a copy of the report has been submitted to the City Attorney for his opinion. Mr. Schutte stated that he felt they should know with reasonable assurance that if the program is adopted, it will be accomplished. Mr. Schutte was of the opinion that it was unreasonable for a person to pay approximately $700,000.00 per acre, when land can be obtained for approximately $100,000.00 an acre,in the Broadway Hale Shopping Area; he referred to a conversation held with Mr. Robinson, of the Robinson Department Stores, where a statement was made that a Robinson Store would not develop without sufficient ground area parking. Mr. Krein related an experience of approximately three years ago in endeavoring to put together, with other people, the redevelopment of an office complex in the block between Claudina Street, Los Angeles Street, Center Street and Chartres Street. As result, they came to a definite conclusion that it would never be accomplished without the use of eminent domain. Since that time, he wasn't certain that the people then interested in developing that area would be interested today, because the movement has been away from the downtown area. Mr. Coons, in referring to the Economic Research Associates' report, noted that there could be an immediate demand for an additional one million square feet of office spaced Mro DeDapper, regarding statement made by Mr. Schutte, and for clarification, advised that nowhere in the Economic Research Associates' report is a need contemplated for a regional shopping center, or major department store such as J. W. Robinson. He advised that the E. R. A. report refers to a local shopping center rather than a regional shopping center, which would be supported by high density residences and office structures. As to how it can be certain if one block is redeveloped, others will also be redeveloped, Mr. DeDapper stated that there was no absolute guarantee, however, they are talking about basic economic growth and all feel we will continue to grow. Mr. DeDapper stated that defense economy may slacken, but that other types of industries may develop, and in his opinion, the City must look forward and be prepared for the growth activity; that this program would be the type of action needed to encourage growth. Mr. Krein called attention to the vast amount of office space presently in the city unoccupied, and wondered if this program might be premature. Mr. Harry Horn felt it must be kept in mind that the require- ments of an office building, according to the E. R. A. report, were based on where the Civic Center would be located. Once a decision is made, it would be essential to abide by the Master Plan as set forth. He further advised that if the E. R. A. report is accepted, development will be a long range program. Mrs. Berryman submitted and read a report appearing in "Human Events ", concerning two cities with similar circumstances - Mountain View, California and Sunnyvale, California. One city selected Federal Urban Renewal and the other selected a Self -Help Program and the report illustrated the advancement of the city under the Self -Help Program. Mrs. Berryman suggested that if the project is to be accomplished with private capital, the name of the program be changed -- perhaps to "Community Improvement ". 1 1 a Redevelopment Agency, Novembe.r.19, 1963 - Continued (3) Mr. Coons advised that while no official action has ever been taken, he doubted that any member of the City Council would approve accepting Federal Aid, feeling that our problem is a local one and should be solved locally. Mr. Coons further stated that the power of eminent domain was a definite method provided by State Law for use when necessary, but not for abuse, and was of the opinion that if the program was initiated by two - thirds of the property owners in a given area, similar to required approval for the issuance of bonds, that the use of eminent domain would then be justified. Mr. Murdoch referred to another approach, one employed by the Redevelopment Agency of Colton, wherein a different approach is taken, assuring the present property owner that they do not lose their rights of ownership, if they exercise these rights. Mr. Coons stated that he referred to the two -third percent being the requirement of general obligation bonds, however, he personally felt that a certain percentage factor might not fit all situations. Mr. Dutton recognized the tremendous problem and wondered what approach future City Councils might take, stating that future Councils might feel differently regarding the acceptance of Federal Aid, Mr. Schutte referred to the experience of the City of Fresno. Mr. Horn was of the opinion that the program should be accomplished in accordance with what can be approved, however, he called attention to the fact that our tax dollars are being used by those cities that do accept Federal Aid; he agreed that it would be best to accomplish the program at the local level, if possible, but asked what would happen if the program was commenced and economics changed, would the program be abandoned, or would the City accept federal funds? Mr. Coons advised that he could see the justifyable use of federal funds under certain conditions. For instance -if the problem was an interstate problem - but where the problem is local it should be solved locally. Mr. DeDapper stated that what has been said is that we need a systematic approach to a long range eventuality. The mechanism, or catalyst has to be establishe< before the program is commenced. If in the future the courses change, it would be changed by a Council elected by the people. All that the present City Council can do is set the guide lines, and the precedent, and the basis on which the scheme will work and if this is done, in his opinion, the possibility of varying the program in 1980 would be remote. Mr. Coons stated that his mention of preconditioning was certainly true, and called attention to the fact that Anaheim has always been a conservative community, even with the change of the population -this conservatism still exists. In answer to a question of Mr. Krein, concerning the one hundred block program, Mr. Murdoch advised that the Redevelopment Program was initiated by the property owners, however, here again, there was not one hundred percent participation of the property owners in the block, which illustrates the point that if anything is going to be done in the reasonably near future, it will require a pattern set so the action can be taken. Redevelopment Agency, November 19, 1963, - Continued (4) Mr. Murdoch further reported that assembly of land is one of the vital parts in attracting future investors and there have been such investors interested in the community. He stated that the one - hundred block program was one of three active programs about the same time, and each one was for a substantial multi -story office building complex, Mr. Murdoch further reported that recent conversations with representatives of financing firms have evidenced considerable interest, but they place these qualifications: 1. They have to be sure in their own mind that the project they would be concerned about would be a practical one. 2. That the circulation element is adequate in the downtown area for the increase in traffic, Mr. Murdoch was of the opinion that the investor - interest is present. Discussion was held concerning the enforcement of health and safety codes. Mrs. Berryman expressed her confidence in the present City Council, but also expressed her concern for her children, feeling a future liberal council would in all probability accept the Urban Renewal Program. It was agreed by Mr, Coons, Mr, Dutton and Mr. Horn, that a plan must first be accomplished, Mr. Schutte stated that he would like to obtain more concrete evidence of the possible success of such a program before employing a professional planner. Discussion was held concerning prior arrangements and studies made relative to traffic and street patterns before the construction of the White Front Store and the Disneyland Recreation Park, Mr. Geisler was asked if he had reviewed the report prepared by Mr. Dingman, Mr. Geisler replied that Mr, Furman Roberts, Deputy City Attorney, has made a rather detailed analysis of the report, Mr. Roberts advised that he basically agreed with the report made; first a plan is presented by the Agency, including a method of financing, and apparently the method of financing cannot be altered without Council approval, The plan is presented to the City Planning Commission for their recommendation as to whether or not the plan conforms to the General Plan and then it is presented to the City Council. Appointments to the Agency are made by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, Concerning Council control, Mra Roberts advised that basically the control comes with the approval of the plans submitted to the City Council by the Agency. Once plans are approved by the legislative body, the Agency has the power to carry out these plans; the Agency does have other powers, such as to sue and be sued, etc,, however, there has been very little litigation in this area. The majority of such cases have dealt with the determination of what is a "blighted area" and what is "public purpose ". i i Mr. Roberts reported that the Attorney's office would prepare a complete written analysis on the issue for Council information, Redevelopment Agency, November 19, 1963 ® Continued: (5 ) _ Mr. Geisler reported that the Redevelopment Agency, as such, is an administrative agency and the policy still remains in the City Council, however, the administration of the program, once approved, is an area where the City Council has very little control. Mr. Roberts advised that the administrative powers will also be reviewed to determine if the administrative powers would cause any policy problems. Mr. Horn reported that Mr. Turner submitted two reports and according to his memory, the second report was considerably different from the first report and similar to the one now presented by Mr. Dingman. Mr. Schutte stated that in order not to create a wrong impression, he would like it understood that if he could be reasonable sure that the program could be accomplished, he would be very much in favor of the program. Mr. Horn asked if any research or planning was done before the City entered their "City-Owned Parking Lot Project "? Mr. Murdoch answered that considerable research was made by Mr. Gordon Whitnall, and quite an economical study, as well as factors involved, was considered. ADJOURNMENT It was the concensus of the Redevelopment Agency that all members ,..., should be present before any action on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee is taken and thereupon Mr. Krein moved said meeting be adjourned, Mr. Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Coons announced, that notification of the next meeting will be made by the Secretary, SIGNED: �� Secr tary, Redevelopment Agency