RA1973/03/20REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 20, 1973, (3 :30 P.M.) Council Chambers Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: Mr. Sneegas, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Thom and Mr. Dutton ABSENT: None PRESENT: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT CHAIRMAN: James Morris CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph B. Geisler CITY CLERK: Dene M. Daoust CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: ZONING SUPERVISOR: Charles Roberts The meeting was called to order by Mr. Dutton. Ronald Thompson RESOLUTION NO. RA -6 - BY -LAWS In noting the by -laws, discussion was held regarding the establishment of regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday, it being noted that on these days the City Council regularly meets and little inconvenience would be caused by recessing to set as the Redevelopment Agency whenever necessary. RESOLUTION NO. RA -6 adoption: Mr. Pebley offered Resolution No. RA -6 for A RESOLUTION ADOPTING BY -LAWS FOR THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. adopted. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Mr. Sneegas, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Thom and Mr. Dutton NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Dutton declared Resolution No. RA -6 duly passed and RESOLUTION NO. RA -7 : Mr. Stephenson offered Resolution No. RA -7 for adoption: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LOAN OFFERED BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO REQUEST CERTAIN FUNDS BE PAID TO THE AGENCY ($8,000.00) Roll Call Vote: AYES: Mr. Sneegas, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Thom and Mr. Dutton NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Dutton declared Resolution No. RA -7 duly passed and adopted. Redevelopment Agency, March 20, 1973, Continued (2) RESOLUTION NO. RA -8 : Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. RA -8 for adoption: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET FOR THE 1972 -73 FISCAL YEAR. ($8,000.00) Roll Call Vote: AYES: Mr. Sneegas, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Thom i and Mr. Dutton NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Dutton declared Resolution No. RA -8 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. RA -9 : Mr. Thom offered Resolution No. RA -9 for adoption: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING CITY - AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS. Roll Call Vote: AYES: Mr. Sneegas, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Thom and Mr. Dutton NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Dutton declared Resolution No. RA -9 duly passed and adopted. ^� ADJOURNMENT Mr. Thom moved to adjomrn. Mr. Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 4:00 P.M. Signed <>. szzre� Secretary, Redevelopment Agency