RA1973/07/03REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY July 3, 1973, (4 :30 P.M.) Council Chambers Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Thom and Mr. Sneegas ABSENT Mr. Pebley and Mr. Dutton PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts CITY CLERK: Dene M. Daoust CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox ASST. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: Ronald Thompson ZONING SUPERVISOR: Charles Roberts The meeting was called to order by Mr. Sneegas. MINUTES On motion by Mr. Thom, seconded by Mr. Stephenson, minutes of the meeting held June 19, 1973, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Stephenson moved to adjourn to Tuesday, July 10, 1973, 1 :30 p.m. to consider proposed Redevelopment Project "Alpha ". Mr. Thom seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED 4:35 P.M. Signed Secretary, Redevelopment Agency 73-545 City Hall Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10 1973 1.30 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Stephenson, Sneegas, Pebley, Thom and Dutton ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None PRESENT: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: Robert M. Davis CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph B. Geisler CITY CLERK: Dene M. Daoust ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: Ronald Thompson CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox ZONING SUPERVISOR: Charles Roberts PLANNING SUPERVISOR: Don McDaniel ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Christian Hogenbirk Mayor Dutton called the meeting to order. FLAG SALUTE Councilman Calvin L. Pebley led the Assembly in the Pledge. ot Allegiance to the Flag. MINUTES Approval of the minutes of the Anaheim City Council Regular Meetings held June 19, June 26 and July 3, 1973 was deferred to the next regular meeting. WAIVER OF READING - ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Councilman Thom moved to waive the reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions, and that consent to the waiver of reading is hereby given by all Councilmen unless, after reading of the title, specific request is made by a Councilman for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. Councilman Stephenson seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. JOINT MEETING - ANAHEIM CITY C O U NCIL- ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND COTD11IC REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Mayor Dutton called to order a joint meeting of Llie Anaheim City Council- Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Community Redevelopmer Commission, called for the purpose of holding joint public hearing on th;L ht - posed Redevelopment Plan for Project Alpha pursuant to the Community Redevelop- ment Law of the State of California. INTRODUCTION Mayor Dutton introduced Mr. Eugene Jacobs, Special Counsel for th( Community Redevelopment Commission and his Assistant Mr. Murray Kane. The City Clerk called the roll: Anaheim Redevelopment Aizencv Present: Mr. Stephenson Mr. Sneegas Mr. Pebley Mr. Thom Mr. Dutton (Chairman) Absent: None Present: Mr. Robert Davis, Acting Executive Director Mrs. Dene M. Daoust, Secretary Community Redevelopment Commission Present: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Absent: Mr. Present: Mr. I. Gene McDaniel Lloyd E. Klein Gaylen Compton Kenneth N. Cotler Joseph A. Cano Herbert Leo (Chairman Pro Tem) James L. Morris (Chairman) Christian Hogenbirk, Secretary Pro Tem Before proceeding further Mr. Thom requested that the City Clerk read into the record whether all members of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency had filed financial disclosure statements. The City Clerk reported that all members of both the Agency and the Commission had filed said statements. 73-546 City Hall. Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10 1973 1.30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT "ALPHA" AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING "ALPHA " To consider (1) The Redevelopment Plan submitted by the Community Redevelopment Commission, which plan proposed the undertaking of the Project under State and local law with local financial assistance and provides for such activities as acquisition of land in the pro- posed Project area through negotiations, eminent domain, or other means, demolition, site preparation, construction of Project improvements and supporting facilities; disposition of land in the proposed Project area; and owner partici- pation; (2) The Community Redevelopment Commission Report to the City Council on the proposed Redevelopment Plan; and (3) All evidence and testimony for and against the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. (4) Environmental Impact Report relative to the Redevelopment Plan "Alpha ". Subject property is generally described as follows: (1) All of that area bounded generally by Cypress Street, Harbor Boulevard, Broadway and East Street; (2) A strip of land extending from East Street to Rio Vista Street following property lines along both sides of Lincoln Avenue to the centerline of said Avenue; (3) A portion of the proposed Orange Freeway right -of -way from Lincoln Avenue to the Riverside Freeway; (4) All of that land within the City of Anaheim bounded by the Orange Freeway, Orangethorpe Avenue, Weir Canyon Road, the Santa Ana River and the Riverside Freeway; (5) All of that land within the City of Anaheim bounded generally by the Imperial Highway, the Santa Ana River and Santa Ana Canyon Road; and (6) All of that property bounded generally by Manti Drive, the Riverside Freeway, the Santa Ana River, and the termini of Alderdale and Lani Drives. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. PC73 -138 recommended that the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project "Alpha" be adopted by the City Council and pursuant to Resolution No. PC73 -145 recommended adoption of the Environmental Impact Report prepared in relation to Project "Alpha" as the Environmental Impact Statement. Approval of the Redevelopment Plan for Project "Alpha" was also recommended by the Redevelopment Commission in their report to City Council. Mayor Dutton advised said there are two changes recommended in the Redevelopment Plan and that these have been reported upon and recommended by the City Planning Commission in their Resolution No. PC73-153,and the considera- tion thereof will be incorporated into this public hearing: (1) Addition of Section 1000, entitled "Neighborhood Impact Element" as recommended by the Community Redevelopment Commission. (2) Change in the Project "Alpha" boun- daries, deleting that segment being a strip of land extending from East Street to Rio Vista Street, following property lines along both sides of Lincoln Avenue to the centerline of said Avenue; and a portion of the proposed Orange Freeway right -of -way from Lincoln Avenue to the Riverside Freeway. The Mayor declared this the time and place for public hearing regarding Project "Alpha ",as specified in the notice of public hearing published and mailed pursuant to the California Redevelopment Law, noting the record contains the following documents: a. The proposed redevelopment plan for Project "Alpha ". b. The Community Redevelopment Commission report to the City Council on the proposed redevelopment plan "Alpha ". c. The Environmental Impact Report on proposed redevelopment plan. d. The rules covering participation and preferences by owners, operators of businesses and tenants within redevelopment project "Alpha ". e. Report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission approving the proposed redevelopment plan and recommending its adoption. The Mayor announced that a written agenda would govern the course of the meeting and that all persons wishing to speak would be afforded the oppor- tunity to do so, having been duly sworn by the City Clerk ; cards were distri- buted to all persons who wished to indicate their approval, opposition, or to take no position on the proposed redevelopment plan, upon which it was requested that they also indicate whether or not they wished to speak at the hearing. 73 -547 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10, 1973, 1.30 P.M. The Mayor requested all Staff Personnel scheduled to speak, as well as those persons in the audience who intended to speak, to raise their right hands. The City Clerk thereupon administered the oath to those indicating a desire to testify. The Mayor advised the Commission, Agency and Council that a sugges- tion had been received from the audience, due to the large number of people .. present and the inadequacy of the City Council Chambers to accommodate them, that the present meeting be adjourned to a larger facility. No interest was indicated in adjourning the meeting. Mr. Robert Davis, Acting Executive Director of the Anaheim Redevelop- ment Agency, introduced Mr. Christian Hogenbirk, Secretary Pro Tem of the Commu- nity Redevelopment Commission, to present the proposal. Mr. Hogenbirk advised that the purpose of this hearing is to consider a redevelopment plan which has been presented to the Community Redevelopment Commission, the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council, all of whom have consented to hold this public hearing. The presentation addressed the following subjects; the scope of the testimony; the preliminary report on Project "Alpha "; the boundaries of the Project; the reasons for selection of the Project area; the basic method of financing; the implementation procedure; and the environ- mental impact report. As indicated in the notice of public hearing published and mailed to all property owners, he explained that the scope of testimony to be heard may or should concern the following: the overall boundaries of Project "Alpha" and its blighted structural or environmental condition; any irregularity in any prior proceeding leading to this public hearing; whether there are any objections or people, organizations or clubs specifically in favor of the pro- posed Redevelopment Plan "Alpha ". The above are the relevant areas for testi- money, and discussion should be limited to these particular areas. Mr. Hogenbirk related the history of the redevelopment project, par- ticularly the action taken in June 1961 by the City Council, finding the need for a Redevelopment Agency and declaring the City 'Council the "Agency ". At the same time a Supervisory Committee (subsequently reorganized in 1971 and renamed the Community Redevelopment Commission) was assigned the task of conducting an analysis of the entire City of Anaheim to determine the necessity and desir- ability of a redevelopment project. This Committee, together with City Staff, has conducted research which in June, 1973, resulted in the designation of the entire City of Anaheim as a project survey area. The Redevelopment Commission then proceeded to the next step and prepared a preliminary report, which in the opinion of the Commission and the City Staff relates to the critical questions of the present and future of the City. Mr. Hogenbirk reported that in all of the procedural steps precau- tions have been taken to ensure that those individuals having an interest would be properly and thoroughly notified that they would have an opportunity to hear the proceedings and discussions. The qualifications for a redevelopment project were determined through a series of exercises designed to illustrate where community improvement efforts might be best suited and implemented. In accordance with State Law, a prelimin- ary redevelopment plan was adopted in March, 1973. The selection of the project area involved in this plan. was a cooperative decision between the City Planning Commission, the Redevelopment Commission and the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. The plan describes the boundaries of the project area, makes general statements of land use, layout of principal streets and indicates building intensities and standards proposed. The final redevelopment plan for Project "Alpha" was then prepared from the preliminary concept. It was reviewed by the City Planning Commission and found to be in conformance with the General Plan of the City of Anaheim, and recommended for adoption. Assisted by Mr. McDaniel who pointed to the specific areas on the Anaheim General Plan map, Mr. Hogenbirk described the boundaries of Project "Alpha" in the six segments. To further clarify the extent of the project area, an overlay had been posted over the Anaheim General Plan map. 73-548 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10, 1973, 1 :30 P.M. Mr. Hogenbirk next referred to the Community Redevelopment Commission report to the City Council which specifies the rationale for selection of the project "Alpha" area. The area was chosen primarily because of various environ- mental deficiencies found in this particular area as follows: mixed uses of land and inadequate lot sizes; areas subject to flooding; aged structures; inadequate property maintenance; insufficient public utilities; inadequate traffic and pedestrian circulation; dead -end streets; impaired economic productivity with declining property values as a result. Mr. Hogenbirk further reported that the project was subdivided basically into two areas which are dissimilar in makeup and present different problems. The eastern portion of the project is generally designated as industrial land. There are a few non - conforming uses such as older single family dwellings, bars and restaurants. Traffic circulation in this portion is generally good,however in the analysis some land- locked parcels were found and it is recommended that some streets be added to open up this area. In the downtown,or western sector,of the project, there are some scattered residential dwellings. The downtown area is typical of an aging section and although some of the structures are well main- tained, some are substandard and would require some type of renovation or replace- ment. Mr. Hogenbirk explained that the term "blighted" as used within the context of the reports and documents associated with Project "Alpha" has a much broader definition than its conventional use. He gave as examples of conditions that could, under the California Redevelopment Law, be termed blighted as areas which are subject to flooding because of lack of storm drains, lack of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, or vacant land which is inaccessible. Mr. Hogenbirk next explained the financing method as described on page 7 of the Commission's report to the Council. He assured the property owners present that the financing for the redevelopment project, as provided for under the re- development law, will not increase their property taxes. Financing for the pro- ject will be achieved through a tax increment, which proceeds on the theory that a Redevelopment Agency would be able to pay debts from increased assessed valuation which it has generated. If and when the redevelopment plan is adopted, upon notification to the Orange County Assessors Office, the existing assessed value of the land and improvements within the project area is frozen at the level of the last equalized tax rolls. Any subsequent increase in assessed valuation of property,based on new construction or improvement in the project area,will generate tax funds for the benefit of the Redevelopment Agency. These funds will be used by the Agency to pay the principal and interest of its indebtedness, ad- ministrative and operational costs, goods and services, legal and consulting and contractual obligations entered by the Agency in the execution of the redevelop- ment plan; i.e., a vacant parcel of land in the northeast industrial section is assessed at a certain value, once its assessed valuation is frozen, should a developer place a structure on this parcel, then the incremental increase in the assessed valuation will no longer go to all of the various taxing agencies but will go to the Redevelopment Agency which has the obligation to turn this money into bonds which could pay for a portion of the project. Mr. Hogenbirk emphasized that there remains much to be done before this project can be specifically implemented, and that Project "Alpha" as it currently exists is a "program" or "plan ". The first step to be undertaken in the redevel- opment plan towards a specific project is a traffic study, on perhaps a City -wide scope. He advised that should any specific project be instituted the property. owners which would be affected by same would again be notified. The implementa- tion regulations are basically the same as are currently in force within the City; i.e., the Uniform Building Code, the Zoning Code, and Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Bob Kelley presented comments on the Environmental Impact Report and advised that the E.I.R. refers to those effects of the project which apply to the plan as a whole, and that additional reports will be required for each specific project within the overall area prior to the time of its approval. Those environmental impact reports will contain the detail information required for the evaluation of the impact. Generally, Project "Alpha" is expected to have a substantial beneficial effect on the environment. This will include the possible removal of older structures with their inherent danger in the event of fire or earthquake; im- provement of traffic circulation; and general improvement of the appearance of the area. 73-549 -Gity Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10, 1973, 1 :30 P.M. The adverse effects include those of a temporary nature such as noise of construction; and the permanent effect of increased population and industrialization. He outlined several potential environmental effects of the construction which might be associated with the-redevelopment plan as well as some of the effects of a larger population and increased commercial and industrial activity together with measures which currently exist or might be instituted to mitigate same. He then discussed some of the alternatives to the redevelopment plan. Mr. Kelley concluded that the major consideration of the environ- mental impact report is the growth inducing factor, that the project will pro- duce an increase in residential population, and commercial and industrial ac- tivity with attendant increases and demands for supporting services of all kinds. However, the growth is expected to be gradual, and with proper could result in an improvement to the local environment. Mayor Dutton, in order to allay the fears of some property owners, due to their misunderstanding of the term "blighted ".as used in the context of the redevelopment plan, amplified the explanation given previously, stating that any property, developed or undeveloped, not returning the maximum econ- omical use and therefore the maximum economic tax base, can be considered "blighted" according to the Redevelopment Law. The cards which were previously distributed to persons in the audience were collected and categorized as follows, with testimony to be received in the following order. 1. Those who 2. Those who 3. Those who 4. Those who 5. Those who 6. Those who are opposed and wish to speak are opposed but do not wish to speak are in favor and wish to speak are in favor but do not wish to speak take no position and wish to speak take no position but do not wish to speak The City Clerk read into the record the names of those who had sub- mitted written protests to the Redevelopment Plan, prior to the hearing as follows: regarding assessor parcel No. 34-281-10, Mrs. Maurice Schmitz, 11576 Hamlin Street, North Hollywood, California. Also submitted prior to the hearing was written communication from Ruhani Satsang, Divine Science of the Soul, 221 West Broadway, indicating no position on Project "Alpha ", however said communication did protest the des- truction or removal of their property. Councilman Thom remarked, in an attempt to clarify the proceedings, that the document under consideration, Redevelopment Project "Alpha ", is looked upon by most members of the Agency and the Commission as a tool that has been manufactured by these bodies to perform a job which is yet to be defined. Mayor Dutton concurred with this remark and added that all of this project which is yet to be proposed will fall within the constraints of the Anaheim General Plan. I. THOSE IN OPPOSITION WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: The Mayor invited the first speaker from category l.to address the Council. Mr. James Robinson, 118 South Philadelphia, property owner in oppo- sition, stated that his opposition is based upon the fact that he has been unable to pinpoint where and when any demolition or reconstruction will take place according to this Redevelopment plan. In view of the fact that he de- sires to upgrade his property, he remarked that he is faced with a difficult situation.and decision. Mayor Dutton informed W. Robinson that no determination as to any specific project to be undertaken has been made, that these proceedings irr volve only the program and once a decision is made, if his property is affected he would be properly informed. 73-550 City Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10, 1973, 1 :30 P.M. Councilman Thom assured Mr. Robinson that in the event that his property were to be taken by the Redevelopment Agency the full market value, including in- creases in value due to improvements, would be paid for it. Councilman Sneegas advised that if Mr. Robinson used reasonable caution in investing his money in this property he could be confident in a return for his investment should the property b e taken. Mr. Robinson maintained that a definite plan should be put forward and that merely designating a particular area for redevelopment will cause that area to stagnate. Special Counsel Jacobs remarked that there is no intent under this plan for the Redevelopment Agency to take all of the land designated in the Project area but noted, rather, that the plan contains provisions for ownership participa- tion which will encourage property owners to participate in the reconstruction; to the extent that this is done, the project will be less costly to the City. The eminent domain provision will not be utilized unless it is absolutely necessary to implement the plan. It is not anticipated, in a project of this size, that it will be utilized very much at all. He noted that the effect seen on implementation of re- development of other cities has been to inform lending institutions that the City intends to proceed with an appropriate plan and has the financial capability to accomplish certain objectives. He stated that property owners or tenants within the area should not be preparing to move or vacate their premises since the plan is not founded on acquisition of property by the Agency. Most acquisition takes place on a voluntary basis following full negotiations with the owners. In addition, he wished to make it very clear that the Redevelopment Law mandates that no persons or families of low or moderate income shall be-displaced unless and until a suitable dwelling place is available and ready for occupancy at a rent or cost comparable to that at the time of displacement. In summation he advised that the Redevelopment Project "Alpha" will give the City the legal power to bring about a cooperative joint venture relationship between the City and the private property owners which has proven highly successful in other cities in terms of obtaining loans from lending institutions once they are aware of the changes planned for the area. Mr. Francis L. Ricker, 522 Buttonwood, property owner in opposition, related that he owns three homes at the intersection of Sunkist and Lincoln, (2459 - 2453 E. Lincoln) on which he has attempted and applied for a change in zoning from residential to commercial uses. However, to date his application has not been approved, primarily because of the Orange Freeway right -of -way. He stated that.he objected to the confiscation of his land at the assessed valuation which reflects the property as residential, when its potential value as a commercial property is much higher, noting he had been offered as much as $160,000 for it as a commercial lot. Mayor Dutton informed Mr. Ricker that there are no plans to take his property associated with the project as it is being considered. Mr. Ricker advised that he understood that this redevelopment project does give the Redevelopment Agency the power to take property by eminent domain if the owner does not have the means or does not wish to participate. Councilman Dutton concurred that this is correct, it would be possible, however it would not be very probable. «- City Attorney Geisler advised regarding the Agency taking the property be required to pay Fair Market Value for eminent domain proceedings. that Mr. Ricker's statement was incorrect at assessed valuation, that they would any property that they acquire through Councilman Sneegas pointed out that regardless of who wished to buy the property, if Mr. Ricker was not satisfied that the Fair Market Value was equitable, he would have recourse through the courts. Mr. Ricker questioned whether the motive behind the delay in approval of the requested zone change on his property could have been so that the Redevelop- ment Agency could acquire the property at a lower cost and re-sell it as commer- cial property. 73-551 City Hall. Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10 1973 1.30 P.M. In answer to Mr. Ricker, Councilman Dutton explained the tax incre- mental method of financing the redevelopment projects. Councilman Sneegas remarked, in order to clarify the situation, that the strip of property along Lincoln Avenue on which Mr. Ricker's property is located, was included originally solely for the purpose of maintaining conti- guity between the two portions of the project in which the main redevelopment interest lies to comply with the law. There is no interest in redevelopment in this corridor. Councilman Dutton referred to the many complaints and protests re- ceived because of the inclusion of this strip on Lincoln Avenue and stated since this requirement is no longer necessary under the Law, there has been submitted an amendment to delete this area from the project, which will be considered as part of this hearing. Mr. Jacobs clarified the legal point addressed by Mr. Ricker regarding the current zoning of a property versus its potential future use, stating that if it is reasonably possible to change the zoning on a property to be taken by eminent domain, then that would have to be reflected in the value of said pro- perty and there is no way that the Redevelopment Agency could accomplish what was suggested by Mr. Ricker. In most redevelopment land acquisitions, the land is purchased and re -sold at the same amount or lower than the purchase price. He reiterated that the financing of the redevelopment project is not based on proceeds received from the sale of properties. Mr. David A. Richardson, 279 E. Lincoln Avenue, requested permission to address the Council, and was recognized by the Mayor. He advised that he represented those people who, due to the very large audience at this meeting could not gain entrance to the Council Chambers, and were attempting to follow the proceedings via the P.A. system from the hallway, and on behalf of them and himself requested that the City Council consider adjourning this meeting to a time and place where all property owners who wished to attend can be accommodated. Councilman Thom concurred that the meeting was being held under adverse conditions, and that it is unfair to request this large group of people to stand through what may be several additional hours of testimony. He suggested that this meeting be adjourned to a larger facility, such as the high school auditorium or the church property so that the entire audience might be seated. Councilman Sneegas inquired if the meeting should be continued whether legal notification would again be required. Mr. Jacobs advised that as long as the meeting is continued to a date and time certain, additional notice would not be necessary and the meeting could be resumed at that time from the point of interruption. Discussion was held as to a suitable time and place, and Mr. Geisler advised that the meeting must be held by Friday, July 13, 1973 according to the law. Mr. Robert Davis was dispatched to ascertain the availability of either the High School Auditorium or the Covenant Presbyterian Church for an evening meeting. RECESS Councilman Dutton moved for a ten minute recess. Councilman Sneegas seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (2:45 p.m.) AFTER RECESS Mayor Dutton called the meeting to order, all Councilman and Commissioners being present. (2 :55 p.m.) Mayor Dutton requested that those people.in the audience living within the corridor of land between East Street and Rio Vista Street, and from the Orange Freeway right-of-way on Lincoln Avenue to the Riverside Freeway, who are opposed to Redevelopment Project "Alpha" indicate their opposition with a show of hands. The City Clerk recorded that 25 people in both the Council Chamber and the hallway indicated opposition. In addition, a petition was submitted from the audience, containing 27 signatures in opposition to the proposed redevelopment project. 73-552 City Hall. Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10, 1973, 1:30 P.M. The Mayor then asked those people living in this same area as described above, who are in favor of project "Alpha" to indicate their position with a show of hands. The City Clerk recorded that 15 people in both the Chamber and the hallway indicated they were in favor of the proposed project. ,.. A motion was placed on the floor by Commissioner McDaniel to accept and recommend the amendment proposed by the City Planning Commission pursuant to their Resolution No. PC73-153, eliminating the cross- hatched area on the map attached and described as "Exhibit B" and further described as "a strip of land extending from East Street to Rio Vista Street following property lines along both sides of Lincoln Avenue to the centerline of said Avenue; and a portion of the proposed Orange Freeway right-of -way from Lincoln Avenue to the Riverside Freeway" to the Redevelopment Agency for adoption. Commissioner Cano seconded this motion. The Mayor recognized a gentleman from the audience who wished to speak to the motion. Mr. Robert Carter, 2433 E. Lincoln Avenue, addressed the Council and the Commission stating that as a property owner on Lincoln Avenue he is 100 per cent in favor of Project "Alpha" and believes that it is imperative that the corridor or strip of land along Lincoln Avenue be retained within the project area because of the increase in activity proposed to both the eastern and western sectors of the City. He stated that it is unrealistic to believe that the redevelopment of one side of the City would not affect the adjacent connecting roads. He maintained that the main roadway between the two principal project areas is Lincoln Avenue and that he is requesting the City to undertake a study of the neighborhood impact of Project "Alpha" along Lincoln Avenue. He referred to the traffic situation on Lincoln Avenue currently and the attendant offensive nuisances endured by the property owners, such as litter, noise, dust and smoke. He stated that with the additional traffic to be generated by the Orange Freeway and Project "Alpha ", the property owners need and request the City's assistance. He advised that subject properties along Lincoln Avenue cannot be sold as residences and cannot be sold as commercial properties either. On behalf of these property owners he requested that the strip of land along Lincoln Avenue, in view of the overall picture of increased growth, be retained as an integral part of the project. Additionally, he asked that the City Council adopt a resolution requesting the City Planning Commission to undertake a study of the "so-called residential" area on Lincoln Avenue with the possibility of recommending a change in zone. Councilman Dutton thanked Mr. Carter for his supportive statement and explained that in order to expedite this meeting, and in an attempt to make room for those property owners involved in the other parts of the redevelopment pro- ject area to enter the Council Chambers, the deletion of this area is being con- sidered at this time. Mr. Carter contended that his area is no longer a clean, beautiful residential area and emphasized that he feels that this is the last opportunity that the City has to assist the property owners in cleaning up their neighborhood. He strongly urged that this strip be retained. Commissioner McDaniel commented that Project "Alpha" is merely the com- mencement of the redevelopment program in'the City of Anaheim and that there will potentially be other project areas designated in the future. Rather than a case of isolating certain portions of the City, Mr. McDaniel felt it was a matter of priorities. Mr. Jacobs counseled that it is possible to expend monies for public streets in an area not located within the project area if such improvement would be a benefit to the total project. Therefore, if the strip is removed it does not mean that "Alpha" project monies could not be spent towards improvement of Lincoln Avenue. Mr. Carter contended that they are not asking for street improvement but that the Council direct the City Planning Commission to undertake a study of the area with the intent of a possible change in zone. 73 -553 City Hall, Anaheim California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10 1973 1.30 P.M. Mr. Jacobs advised that this study and the requested rezoning could be achieved whether or not the strip is considered a portion of the project area and that project boundaries are susceptible to change. Mr. Carter was adamant in his request that Council adopt a resolu- tion directing the City Planning Commission to conduct a study of the area along Lincoln Avenue, and advised that if Council would take such action at least a portion of the audience would leave. Councilman Sneegas pointed out that this Council is not at liberty to commit future Councils to his request. Mr. Carter reiterated that the City is going ahead with a program to develop two ends of the City with a great increase in traffic and yet, at the same time, deleting from this plan that portion which this traffic will be imposed upon, and repeated that these property owners need help. Councilman Stephenson concurred with Mr. Carter's remarks, noting that it certainly would not do any harm to retain the Lincoln Avenue corridor in Project "Alpha ". ,Chairman Pro Tem Leo called for a vote on the foregoing motion by the Community Redevelopment Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Thom agreed with Councilman Stephenson's remarks and stated that he would be reluctant to remove the strip at this time without hearing the remaining testimony pro and con relative to it. Councilman Sneegas felt that the retention of this strip in the pro- ject would create unnecessary fears among those property owners involved, how- ever he agreed it should not be removed merely to expedite the meeting. Councilman Stephenson moved that the strip of land along Lincoln Avenue between East and Rio Vista Streets, and from the Orange Freeway right - of-way to the Riverside Freeway, be retained within the Redevelopment Project "Alpha" boundary. Councilman Thom seconded the motion. Roll call vote was requested by Mayor Dutton: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Stephenson, Sneegas, Pebley, Thom and Dutton NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Robert Davis advised that the Covenant Presbyterian Church property would be available for an. evening meeting. Discussion was held as to the feasibility of remaining to conclude the hearing and Councilman Stephenson moved that the hearing be resumed in the Council Chambers. Councilman Pebley seconded the motion. The foregoing motion failed to carry. The Mayor recognized Mr. Vernon Rudd, 219 South Beechwood, who pro- tested the legality of the proceedings in that he alleged that he was not sent the proper legal notification. He advised that he has been the owner and tax - payer of record on the property located at 219 S. Beechwood and did not receive the notice but was informed of this hearing by his neighbor. He further ob- jected to the inconvenience of continuing the hearing to another time and place and noted that many of the property owners involved would be less likely to attend an additional hearing. (Not in the area) Councilman Sneegas assured Mr. Rudd that no inconvenience was in- tended and that every attempt is being made to provide opportunity for all property owners to attend the hearing and to address the Redevelopment Conr mission and Agency. On motion by Councilman Thom, seconded by Councilman Pebley the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency adjourned to Friday, July 13, 1973, 7:00 P.M., 73-554 City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 10, 1973, 1 :30 P to the Covenant Presbyterian Church, 124 N. Emily (Southeast corner of Emily and Chartres Streets), for the purpose of continuing public hearing on the pro - posed Redevelopment Project "Alpha ", and also moved waiver of further notice of said adjournment. Councilman Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (3:30 p.m.) Commissioner Compton moved to adjourn the Community Redevelopment Commission meeting and hearing to Friday, July 13, 1973, 7:00 P.M., to the Covenant Presbyterian Church, 124 N. Emily for the purpose of continuing public hearing on the proposed Redevelopment Project "Alpha ". Commissioner McDaniel seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (3:30 p.m.) j Signed Secr6tary, Redevelopment Agency -