RA1974/01/1574 -2 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY January 15, 1974, (4:15 P.M.) Council Chambers Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Sneegas, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Thom and Mr. Dutton ABSENT: None PRESENT: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Keith A. Murdoch ACTING CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts SECRETARY: Alona M. Farrens The meeting was called to order by Mr. Dutton. MINUTES: On motion by Mr. Sneegas, seconded by Mr. Thom, minutes of the meeting held January 2, 1974, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. ADVANCEMENT OF FUNDS FOR DRAINAGE FACILITY IN THE NORTHEAST INDUSTRIAL AREA Executive Director Keith Murdoch reported on the recommendation of the Redevelopment Commission pertain- ing to advancement of funds for construction of a storm drain facility in the northeast industrial area, which is in accor- dance with the Master Plan for Drainage recently approved and adopted, and which is located within the Project Alpha area boundaries. He advised that Grove Industrial Properties is interested in developing 10 acresrof property on which they intend to construct approximately a 174,000 square foot industrial building, valued at an estimated two million dollars. This facility would have an increased assessed valuation of $500,000 and at the tax rate applicable to new assessment in Project "Alpha" it would bring to the project fund an incre- mental tax of $50,000 per year. Mr. Murdoch noted that this project, would be the first project undertaken by the be consistent with the philosophy that one of the Agency in setting up Project Alpha was to facilities necessary for industrial expansion area. if approved, kgency and would the purposes of provide the in the Northeast The necessary portion of the storm drain would run from Blue Gum to the Orange Freeway and although it would initially serve the immediate area (Area 5), it would ulti- mately be a part of the total drainage facility for Areas 3, 4 and 5 as shown in the Master Plan for Drainage, District 30. The estimated cost for the portion of the facility proposed to be constructed at this time is $79,755. The developer, Grove Industrial Properties, would pay $24,820 of this amount, and it is proposed that the approximate differential of $54,955 be forwarded to the Agency by the City for this purpose. Mr. Murdoch outlined that the City would lend these funds to the Redevelopment Agency, who would then proceed to install the necessary drainage facility. Once the Reimbursement Drainage District has been formed, each of the developers of the prop- erty served by the drainage facility would then pay their proportionate share as an acreage fee so that ultimately the cost of said facility will have been borne by the developing properties. 74 -3 Mr. Stephenson moved that District be established for the 86 and that construction proceed with drainage facility (that portion rui Gum Street to the Orange Freeway). motion. MOTION CARRIED. a Drainage Reimbursement acres of Areas 3 4 and 5 the first phase of the Zning westerly from Blue Mr.:Sneegas, seconded the As recommended by the Redevelopment Commission, Mr. Thom moved that the Redevelopment Agency request the City Council of the City of Anaheim to forward to said Agency approximately $55,000 from the Council Contingency Fund for the purposes of construction of phase one storm drain facil- ity for Area No. 5 as shown on Master Plan for Drainage District 30, said sum to be reimbursable. Mr. Sneegas seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESIGNATION - ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - LLOYD E. KLEIN On motion -by Mr. Thoni;'seconded " by Mr. Stephenson, the resig- nation of Mr. Lloyd E. Klein dated January 11, 1974, was accepted with regrets. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Pebley moved to adjourn. Mr. Dutton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 4:25 P.M. Signed Secretary, Redevelopment Agency