RA1974/11/0574 -28 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 5, 1974 (4:35 P.M.) Council Chambers Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Sneegas and Mr. Thom ABSENT: None PRESENT: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Keith A. Murdoch CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Linda D. Roberts CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox The meeting was called to order by Chairman Thom. MINUTES On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Seymour, minutes of the meeting held October 15, 1974, were approved with the following addition to the end of Paragraph 5, Page 2: "since presently only three members are sharing all of the Council's responsibilities and outside activities." MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Yearly Redevelopment Agency Financial State- ment dated June 30, 1974, and quarterly Redevelopment Agency Financial Statement dated September 30, 1974, were submitted to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. JOINT MEETING, ANAHEIM RE DE V ELO P MENT COMMISSI By general consent of the Redevelopment Agency, a joint meeting with the Redevelop- ment Commission was tentatively scheduled December 4, 1974, at 7:00 P.M., in the Multipurpose Room of the Main Library; purpose of said meeting to establish target dates for certain activities, and to define areas of responsibility and authority. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Seymour moved to adjourn. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 4:44 P.M. ALONA M. HOUGARD SECRETARY, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BY: Lind D. Robert Deputy City Clerk