RA1974/12/0474 -31 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY December 4, 1974 (7:00 P. M. ) Multipurpose Room Central Library Joint Council /Redevelopment Agency /Redevelopm Commission W ork Session PRESENT: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY /CITY COUNCIL: Kaywood and Thom(arrived 7:30 P.M.) ABSENT: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY /CITY COUNCIL: Seymour, Pebley and Sneegas PRESENT: REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONERS: Oseid, Cotler, Fry, McDaniel Leo and Morris (left the meeting 8:50 P.M.) ABSENT: REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONERS: Mendez. PRESENT: CITY MANAGER /EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Keith A. Murdoch CITY CLERK /AGENCY SECRETARY: Alona M. Hougard FINANCE DIRECTOR: Mike Ringer REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: Ronald Thompson DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: Malcolm Slaughter CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT City Clerk, Alona M. Hougard, called the adjourned regular Council meeting to order and adjourned same for lack of a quorum (7:05 P.M.). REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION After recess - Chairman Morris called the meeting to order, all Commissioners being present with the exception of Commissioner Mendez (7:15 P.M.) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mr. Murdoch, Executive Director, noted only one Agency member was present, and has consented to continue with the presentation and discussion on an informal basis. The subject matter of this meeting to be presented to the remainder of the Agency /Council Members in written form. Mr. Murdoch read from the minutes of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency Meeting of November 5, 1974, that the purpose of this meeting was to establish target dates for certain activities and to define areas of responsibility and authority. REDEVELOPMENT PLANNING Mr. Knowlton Fernald, Redevelopment Director, reported that in negotiations with the Urban Design and Marketing Consultants, the planning phase target date has been established at six months rather than the nine requested. He outlined the approach to be used, indicating that the tasks will be performed concurrently rather than sequentially, with the design phase to begin immediately, which should result in a more free approach and in acceleration of development as well. To allow staff, Commission and the Agency an opportunity to respond as quickly as possible to this planning, Mr. Fernald reported that weekly progress meetings will be conducted, to be attended by Consultants and Staff as necessary. The day after these meetings conference notes will be prepared and mailed together with the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Fernald summarized that it is a fairly important concept to bring developers and their designers into the process as quickly as possible as this will produce not only a better plan, but serve as an impetus to development. He reported that a group of developers is at this time ready to enter final negotiations Their interests in the redevelopment project are regarding housing, recreation and office types of activities. He noted that such a variety of elements produces a more exciting plan which has a better chance of success. Mr. Fernald reported that interested citizens and businessmen will have an opportunity for input on the proposed plan almost immediately. It is intended that the organizational matters be concluded this month and to begin'the planning in January. ORGANIZATION OF REDEVELOPMENT STAFF Mr. Fernald submitted a description of staff and an organizational structure for the Redevelopment Department together with a chart showing the Council /Agency /Commission relationship, (said report on file in the office of the City Clerk.) He reported that he had submitted a request to the Redevelopment Commission this date regarding the hiring of five additional staff members as outlined in this report and further, that Mr. Christian Hogenbirk be named Assistant Redevelopment Director. The Redevelopment Commission has recour mended approval of these matters to the Agency. 74 -32 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT Discussion was directed towards concerns held by Redevelopment Commission Members as to the coordination of the Redevelopment and Community Development planning processes and it was explained that the responsibility for planning and appli- cation to HUD for Community Development Act entitlement has been assigned to the Develop- ment Services Department who will prepare and carry a draft form of the community Development Plan and Housing Assistance Plan to a point where these can be reviewed by both Planning and Redevelopment Commissions and the City Council. The policy to date of this planning was explained by Mr. Thompson and Mr. Murdoch, being that it be planned jointly so as to make the best utilization of funds available from different sources, and so that tax increment or other funds are not used for something which would be eligible under the Community Development Act. J The planning, of necessity, addresses housing needs first, but this does not mean that all available funds will be used for housing. It may be discovered that access problems or utilities are the areas which require improvement. In addition, redevelopment increment funds or increment bond funding may be utilized to acquire properties to implement some portions of the community development plan. Additional considerations to be jointly taken under advisement by the Redevelopment Commission and Development Services Department in their planning were outlined as follows: (1) that consideration be given as to the type of redevelopment activity for the area so that if much additional commercial property is added, the types of housing provided would increase the economic base; (2) the responsibility to those individuals living within these areas presently; (3) the fostering of a reduction in vehicle miles traveled. Mr. Thompson summarized that staff is preparing to recommend a target area and has made field inspections to identify what the environmental needs in this area would be, as well as evaluation of these needs and the eligible activities under the Community Development Act to see what might be accomplished. It is planned to confine community development activities outside of Project Alpha areas for the first year in order to avoid any possible conflict. He reported that both himself and Mr. Fernald attend .planning meetings together and do expect to establish a good working relationship between their departments which would use manpower available to both departments to the best advantage of all. The community development plan goal, especially for the second 7 8 ', and third years, would be to develop an overall program which would complement Project Alpha activities and the Community Development Act funds used to complement Redevelopmen__ Alpha funds. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION AND INPUT TO THE PLANNING PROCESS Several times during the meeting discussion evolved about the subject of generating citizen participation and input into the planning process both for community development and redevelopment programs. Mr. Thompson outlined the efforts conducted in this area towards the planning for grant block application under the Community Development Act. They have utilized the City's community relations representative, Mr. Joe Garza, who has set up meetings with different community and neighborhood groups at which a brief slide show is presented depicting the various types of housing problems which the Community Development Act might address. It is also intended to use the City's Newsletter and Anaheimer to communicate the City's direction. Up to this point the only demographic information which has been utilized as survey information for the proposed target area is 1970 Census data. Once the target area is established, door to door communication with citizens is proposed. The Redevelopment Commission indicated that they also planned to conduct a similar door -to -door survey and there was some concern that there be no duplication of these efforts. It was also ascertained that both the Redevelopment Commission and Development Services Staff earnestly desire to satisfy the needs of the people in their respective jurisdictions and, therefore, will aggressively solicit this input by means of door -to -door surveys, citizens' advisory committees, as well as public hearings. It was felt that the public hearing method does not reach many of the individuals with whom they are attempting to communicate, since those persons would most likely not attend, noting that similar public hearings in the past have elicited poor response from the public. Mr. Thompson reported that in addition to a citizen's advisory committee they are attempting to locate community leaders whom they may actually hire to work with the people within their own neighborhoods. It is felt this would be a more credible approach. Mrs. Kaywood also urged that the news media assist the City by making it known to the residents of these Anaheim areas that the City wants to hear their comments and input regarding these plans. 74 -33 Commissioner Oseid pointed out that it appears a good deal more than just "motion" is being put into the method of communicating with the citizens regarding these plans and noted that it is essential for the affected citizens themselves to help identify their needs, because the planning is useless unless it satisfies these needs. Mrs. Kaywood also cautioned that the term relocation has an empty meaning if there is no low-cost housing available. REDEVELOPMENT - TWO -BLOCK CIVIC CENTER PROJECT AREA In reply to the Redevelopment Commission question regarding whether or not the Council intends to proceed with construction of Phase 1 of the Civic Center, Mr. Murdoch reported that there is $1,700,000.00 set aside for Phase 1 construction but due to several factors this sum is substantially less than the amount needed to finance construction of Phase 1. Mr. Thom advised that the Council has deferred this decision to the first or second week of January 1975. The Redevelopment Commission informed the Agency /Council Members present that there is a developer who is interested in constructing office buildings on the other three corners of this two -block area; these are proposed to be nine -story buildings, not necessarily built at the same time. The Commission felt that it is necessary to obtain a feeling from the Council /Agency as to whether they wish this type of activity to proceed at this time. They assured the Council /Agency that it makes no difference to this particular developer whether or not the City intends to commence construction on the city hall; that he would proceed anyway, however, his proposal does not include a parking facility. They advised that this developer's plans presently would not encroach into the site planned for the Civic Center project but that it would also be useful to them to know exactly how sacrosanct that site is in the Council /Agency Members' opinion. The Commissioners further advised that there is a possibility of consoli- dation of some City functions and perhaps a lease of office spaces to be constructed; or that perhaps a private developer might be interested in constructing the Civic Center with a lease -back agreement. They inquired as to whether the Council /Agency would be agreeable to their pursuing these types of projects for the two -block area. Mr. Thom stated that he thought the Council /Agency is of single enough mind to take a position that the Redevelopment Commission should aggressively pursue commercial development on the three or four corners of the two -block Civic Center project area as well as additional areas within that sector. He further indicated that, in his opinion, the importance of the site selected for City Hall, although he always felt himself that this was the proper location, might be diminished in accordance with the magnitude of any project proposed for this fourth corner and would have to be considered accordingly. Mr. Murdoch also informed the Redevelopment Agency that the City has in the past purchased various parcels of property in the downtown area with the idea that when redevelopment occurs these would likely be involved. He stated that there have been pressures during the past few years for the City to dispose of these and inquired at what point the Redevelopment Commission would want to take title to these. The Commissioners were of the opinion that they did not wish to acquire any property until specific plans have been prepared for same since they did not wish funds tied up in property acquisition. However, they indicated interest in acquisition of properties in the two -block Civic Center area since their plans are closer to culmination for these parcels. At the conclusion of discussion, Commissioner Leo advised that the Redevelopment Commission would just as soon not see Phase 1 construction of the Civic Center started by the City at this time since this would leave more options open. REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 1975 -76 BUDGET Mr. Murdoch suggested that the Redevelopment Commission begin to give some consideration to the preparation of the 1975 -76 Budget, particularly as to the advisability or non - advisability of some bond funding. The Commission suggested that the downtown area parking structure under discussion might be a candidate project for bonding. Mr. Murdoch also reported that redevelopment of the downtown area might require a substantial cost for up- grading of utilities. 74 -34 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FINANCIAL CONSULTANT - JOHN GRAY Mr. Fernald reported on recommends- tion authorized by the Commission to the Redevelopment Agency for employment of Mr. John Gray as Financial Consultant. He noted that meetings have been tentatively scheduled with Mr. Gray and the design consultants and developers for Tuesday, December 10, 1974, to develop an economic feasibility analysis which would be submitted to the Commission and Agency in two weeks, at which time the proposed developer will also wish to make a presentation. He requested the Agency Members present to adjourn to next Tuesday for the purpose of considering this employment contract for approval. Chairman Thom called for any further discussion from the Agency or Commission, and hearing none entertained motions for adjournment. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNMENT Mr. Thom moved to adjourn to Tuesday, December 10, 1974, 1:30 P.M., in the Anaheim City Council Chamber. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (9:05 P.M.) REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Cotler moved to adjourn. Commissioner 0seid'seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (9:05 P.M.) City Clerk /Secretary,//to Redevelopment Agency