RA1975/06/0375 -51 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 3, 1975, (1 :00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Pebley (entered 1:'05 P.M.), Mr. Sneegas (entered 1 :01 P.M.), and Mr. Thom ABSENT: None PRESENT: ADMINISTRATIVE .ASSISTANT: John Harding CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts .DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Linda D. Roberts REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: Ron Thompson ASST. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR, ZONING: Charles Roberts ASSISTANT ZONING SUPERVISOR: Annika-Santalahti Chairman Thom called the meeting to order. (Mr. Sneegas entered the meeting, 1 :01 P.M.) MINUTES: Minutes of the Anaheim meeting held May 20, 1975, wer wood, seconded by Mr. Seymour. Redevelopment Agency regular approved on motion by Mrs. Kay - MOTION CARRIED. (Mr, Pebley entered the meeting, 1:05. P.M.) ^~ PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE (PAC) - PROJECT ALPHA: Redevelopment j Director Knowlton Fernald reported on election results of the self- selected persons eligible for membership on the Project Area Committee (PAC) for Project Alpha. He. advised that a tie vote was received for the tenth committee member and noted that - the Redevelopment Agency had the option to amend the PAC Guide- lines' to allow eleven self- selected members, with a total of sixteen members, and the City Council could then ratify the selection of eleven members and appoint the additional five provided for in the guidelines; or, leave the guidelines as written and the City Council could limit appointments to four. He further noted that if the Agency determines to amend the - guidelines as illustrated on the copies submitted June 2, 1975 (copies furnished each Agency Member), the word "fifteen" should be deleted from page 4, section.D, line 4. Chairman Thom expressed the opinion that it was desirable to have each Council Member appoint one committee member, as origi- nally established, and that the selection -of both the people who received a tie vote should be ratified by the City Council. .... On motion by Mr. Seymour, seconded by Mrs. Kaywood, the guidelines for selecting PAC members for Project Alpha were amended to include sixteen members. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ANAHEIM CIVIC THEATER FACILITY: Redevelopment Director Knowlton Fernald briefed his memorandum report dated June 2, 1975, advis- ing that the Ana- Modjeska Players have scheduled their opening night for October 10, 1975, and must be in a building to commence rehearsals by September 2. He recommended that the proposed consultant's contract for architectural and engineering services be approved as submitted (copies furnished each Agency Member), and that the Redevelopment Agency adjourn today's meeting to 75 -52 Redevelopment Agency, June 3, 1975, Continued; June 10, 1975, at which time he would present a full project budget for remodeling the structure proposed to be used, i.e. the bank building located at 318 West Lincoln Avenue (formerly U.S. National Bank). In response to questions by Chairman Thom, Mr. Fernald advised that there had not been time for the Redevelopment Com- mission to review the proposals from various architects for the remodeling project. The architectural firm of Bissell - August was being recommended because they are able to provide both architectural and engineering services, and to execute the cost estimating assignment within their own firm, thus saving the cost of a consultant. He noted the firm has worked on similar projects and is currently under contract to the City of Garden Grove, working on their Main Street program, as well as having worked on the "Lido Village" private redevelopment program, where they combined existing buildings and new structures. Chairman Thom reiterated his preference for utilizing local professional people in the redevelopment program whenever possible. Mr. Fernald replied that this policy had been taken into si conderation, and many future projects were expected to involve local firms. Mr. Seymour noted that the recommendation Mr. Fernald stated the proposed contract would provide that the architectural consultant would be compensated on a time and material basis for work actually performed, to a maximum of $9,400.00 for the total of structural, mechanical and electrical engineering and archi- tectural services. He questioned what the projected total cost for the remodeling project would be, noting he would not vote for an expenditure of $20,000.00 or more, plus architectural fees, for use of the proposed structure for two years. Mr. Fernald pointed out there were several alternatives, and he would have a more accurate analysis and estimate of the total costs in one week, as it is expected the consultants will have access to the building during that time. He further noted that the bank property is within the Project Alpha Redevelopment Area and is a building the City would anticipate acquiring in the future. Due to the potential value of the property, it would probably be more economical to acquire the building now. Also to be considered were options on furnishing the proposed theater, and he was of the opinion that the total cost of the proposed remodeling project could exceed $20,0.00.00, although considera- tion would be given to the alternatives of leasing or purchasing the facility. Mr. Seymour stated he was in favor of a theater and believed the community needs and wants such a facility; however, he failed to see the justification for an expenditure of $30,000.00 total on a facility which might be available for only two years. He requested that some alternatives be presented, such as the possible use of Convention Center facilities, school auditoriums, etc. Mrs. Kaywood pointed out there was.no theater facility at the Convention Center. Mr. Fernald advised that these questions would be better answered next week; that use of the school auditoriums and other facilities had been discussed with representatives of the Parks, Recreation and the Arts Department and the school district. 75 -53 Redevelopment Agency, June 3, 1975, Continued: Mr. Seymour stated that when he supported the $2,000.00 budget for the preparation of a redevelopment project to remodel the bank building, he did not envision a $30,000.00 investment, and he was desirous of obtaining more before he could determine whether to support the proposal. In response to question by Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Fernald stated that while the remodeling might not exceed $20,000.00, he had no projected figures on the possible cost of the property. Chairman Thom advised he had no objections to spending up to $2,000.00 for refining the cost estimate figures, and if those figures prove to be excessive, he would then be opposed to this particular project. Mr. Fernald stipulated that the one week's activities by the architect for preliminary cost estimate would not exceed $500.00 of the $2,000.00 budget originally approved. . On motion by Mr. Seymour, seconded by Mrs. Kaywood, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up a contract for engineer- ing and architectural services for remodeling the former U.S. National Bank facility as a theater for the Ana - Modjeska Players, with $500.00 maximum to be spent prior to June 10, 1975, when report on preliminary design, project budget and available alternatives will be made by the Redevelopment Director.. MOTION CARRIED. EUGENE B. JACOBS, SPECIAL COUNSEL, CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT: The City Attorney reported on request received from Eugene B. Jacobs, Special Counsel for legal services to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, for consent to assignment of the agreement between the - I Agency and Mr. Jacobs to his newly incorporated law firm. On motion by Mr. Sneegas, seconded by Mr. Thom, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency consented to the assignment of said agree- ment for Special Counsel legal services and authorized execution of said assignment. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn to Tuesday, June 10, 1975, at 10:30 A.M. Mr. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1 :25 P.M. SIGNED: ALONA M. HOUGARD, SECRETARY BY: � I I& I c-c -c=i Deputy City Clerk