RA1975/06/1075 -54 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 10, 1975, (10:30 A.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall Adjourned Regular Meeting PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour and Thom ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Pebley and Sneegas PRESENT: SECRETARY: Alona M. Hougard CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald FINANCE DIRECTOR: M. R. Ringer A quorum of the Agency having been established, Chairman Thom called the meeting to order at 11 :00 A.M. MINUTES: Minutes of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency regular meeting of June 3, 1975 were approved on motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Seymour. Members Pebley,and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRIED. ANAHEIM CIVIC THEATRE: Mr. Fernald reported that the proposal for remodeling of the former United States National Bank Building to be used as a Civic Theatre for an interim period will be presented to the Community Redevelopment Commission at their meeting of June 11, 1975. Although he had originally planned to discuss this further with the Agency Members at this time, Mr. Fernald requested that this matter be deferred for one week, pending the recommendation of the Commission. He further reported that several representatives _of interested civic and cultural groups are anticipated to attend the public discussion and therefore suggested that this meeting be adjourned to 10:30 A.M. of June 17th to provide sufficient time. RESOLUTION NO. RA75 -29 - AGREEMENT WITH CLAUDE POMEROY AND ASSOCIATES: Mr. Fernald reported that the Community Redevelopment Commission, at their meeting held June 4, 1975, considered the proposal from Claude Pomeroy and Associates to conduct informational slide shows on the subject of Redevelopment and has recommended that the Agency approve the proposed agreement, as prepared by the City Attorney's Office. Mr. Fernald related that the contract term is 90 days, with a $4,500.00 fee. Mr. Pomeroy would receive a $1,500.00 retainer and accrue $85.00 per showing, with a total of 36 shows in the 90 -day .period. The following are controls provided in the contract: that Redevelopment Staff or Director approve each showing; that the Agency maintains ability to approve final slides and subject matter in the presentation. There is a 20 -day termination clause which can be utilized by either party. In reply to Mr. Seymour, Mr. Pomeroy stated that he would actively solicit engagements for the slide - showing as well as follow leads on invitations given by commissioners, agency members and other people directly involved with the City. He advised that he will present this slide exhibit to a group of any size, small or large, and is committed to presenting it as often as necessary, since he firmly believes that redevelopment cannot proceed unless the citizens are knowledgeable of the process and behind it. He indicated that he would like in this endeav ^r to know that the Agency will give him their support when ofticial endorsement of his program might be required. 75 -55 ' Redevelopment Agency, June 10, 10:30 A.M., Continued: Mr. Thom suggested that it would be very effective to present the slide exhibit in the manner that the Police Community Relations Committee disseminated information, i.e., through small neighbor- hood meetings. He was of the opinion that. this direction should be taken and both Mr. Fernald and Mr. Pomeroy concurred. Mr. Thom also suggested that homeowner groups would be an important area to cover. Mr. Pomeroy explained that for the question and answer period, which will follow the exhibit, he has prepared, with the assistance of Redevelopment Staff, a list of the most frequently asked ques- tions and a series of answers have been formulated and placed on slides. He assured the Agency Members that he did not wish to respond to citizen's questions without some groundwork to avoid the possibilities of misinterpretation. He added that he will not be addressing Redevelopment Projects Alpha or Beta per se in his slide presentation, but the subject of Redevelopment itself. At the conclusion of discussion, Mr. Seymour stated that he felt this proposed expenditure is a very minor sum, especially in comparison to the Redevelopment Department Budget for the coming fiscal year. He was further of the opinion that, given the condi- tions Mr. Pomeroy has outlined, it will be money well invested, and will yield a high return. RESOLUTION NO. RA75 -29: Mr. Seymour offered Resolution No. RA75 -29 for adoption, approving the terms and conditions of an agreement with Claude Pomeroy and Associates: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION THEREOF. (Claude H. Pomeroy) Roll Call Vote: AYES: Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Seymour, and Mr. Thom NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Pebley and Mr. Sneegas Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. RA -29 duly passed and adopted. PROJECT ALPHA - CONSULTANT'S REPORTS: Mr. Fernald advised that it is expected the Consultant's reports for phase one, Project Alpha, will be published in the next two weeks and the Redevelopment Staff, Commission and Consultants would like to make a public presentation of these to both the Agency and the Project Area Committee. By general consent, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency determined they would meet with the Community Redevelopment Commission and Project Area Committee for Alpha at an evening meeting for the purpose of receiving the Consultant's reports. AIR CONDITIONING - CHARTRES RECREATION CENTER: Mr. Fernald reported that the bids received for air' conditioning installation at the " Chartres Recreation Center will be presented to the Agency with recommendation for award of contract at the June 17, 1975, regular meeting. It is anticipated that construction will begin in early August. 75 -56 Redevelopment Agency, June 10, 1975, 10:30 A.M., Continued FINANCIAL REPORT: Mr. Ringer briefed the Agency Members on up -dated financial information which was presented to the Community Redevel- opment Commission to assist in their consideration for the first time of financial needs outside of the operating budget. He explained that within the next 30 and 60 days respectively, the Community Redevelopment Commission will be asked to make recom- mendations regarding the loss of tax revenues experienced by the Orange Unified and Placentia Unified School Districts, as a result of Project Alpha. Using slide transparancies, Mr. Ringer displayed some tentative budget amounts and emphasized that these figures were not firm. He indicated that there is included in this tentative budget the sum of $600,000 for Orange Unified School District and $120,000 for Placentia Unified (although the figure most recently quoted as the actual tax loss incurred by Placentia is $199,000 for the two -year period of Project Alpha). Mr. Ringer reported that an agreement with Placentia Unified School District on the basis of a straight cash flow- through is in preparation by the City Attorney's Office. Mr. Ringer listed projected expenditures totaling $14,720,000, and noted that in considering the tentative budget the Agency Members should look beyond the Two Million Dollars available in fiscal year 1974 -75, and remain aware that Three and One -Half to Four Million Dollars will be available in the coming fiscal year, plus a bonding capacity of up to Fifteen Million Dollars. Mr. Seymour inquired what would be the maximum leverage for bonding purposes which could be obtained from the incremental funds. Mr. Ringer advised that bonding ability is based on the annual tax flow and that it is considered that $100,000 would be necessary for each Million Dollars in bonds; the Agency's total bonding capa- city would appear to be between Fifteen and Twenty Million Dollars. Mr. Seymour:asked if the amounts to be extended to the Orange Unified and Placentia Unified School Districts would be a straight cash transaction or leveraged through bonding. Mr. Ringer reported that the Orange Unified School District has requested assistance in school construction, and this would probably require $60,000 of the Agency's annual tax increment over a thirty -year period. The Placentia Unified School District and the Redevelopment Agency will most likely sign an agreement with a one -year term for flow - through funds to reimburse their loss, and then review the situation on an annual basis. In connection with a memorandum outlining his opinion on the legal ability of the Agency and the School District to put facili- ties such as a library, park and school together to form a joint powers bond program, Mr. Watts advised that while he did not think there would be any problem with the library, there may be some problems with bond counsel regarding the facility. He indicated that he would provide Agency Members with copies of said memorandum. Mr. Seymour indicated that he felt the Orange Unified School District should be prepared to make some commitment in this arrange- ment to meet their citizens' needs, and that his attitude towards any agreement with that governmental agency is predicated upon their willingness to help. 75 -57 v... Redevelopment Agency, June 10, 1975, 10 :30 A.M., Co n ti nued: In reply to Mr. Seymour's inquiry as to whether that portion of tax increment funds to be utilized in financing.the school con - struction were funds allocated for reimbursement to Orange Unified School District, Mr. RingQr explained that the Orange Unified .School District lost an estimated $156,000 the first year as a ° result of Project Alpha, but this loss was replaced 100% through State ADA funds. The proposal to construct a school is justified on the basis that the Orange Unified School District will be housing students from the Project Alpha area. He stated that this would be financed by $60,000 per year from Project Alpha tax reve- nue, in exchange for their housing of three hundred students. At the conclusion of report and discussion, no action was taken by the Redevelopment Agency. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Seymour moved to adjourn to Tuesday, June 17, 1975, at 10:30 A.M. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 11:30 A.M. SIGNED: Secretary; Redevelopm nt Agency