RA1975/10/07Cur. =riunity Development Commission Minutes - October 7, 1975, 1:09 P.M. Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Continued 75 -95 Brief discussion ensued, and it was noted that there are many factors which would affect the price of property, i.e., the location and size of the w rail. service, une use proposea, etc. It would be impossible to determine what portion of the sale might be the additional profit resulting from the availability of drainage facilities. Mr. Fernald pointed out that the drainage accessibility would render the properties in the area more valuable, and the major results might be that sales of property would increase although the prices might remain approximately the r-- same. Interim Assistant Community Development Director Dan D'Urso advised that what had been submitted was the result of the concept previously presented and accepted, with the direction to prepare a cost revenue analysis. IIe explained that in the preparation thereof, 20 -year and 30 -year projections (Appendices 1 and 2, respectively) were prepared; the 20 -year projection based on the 40 -acre per year growth previously experienced. The 30 -year projection would more nearly relate to the 32 -year remaining life of Project Alpha, and was also considered to.be a more realistic and more conservative approach. Ile noted the revenues projected and advised that based on the conservative 30 -year projected absorption rate, the Redevelopment Agency would recover all costs of the drain- age facilities within an 11 -year period. In response to question by Commissioner Sneegas, Mr. D'Urso advised that an inflation factor was included in the figures contained in the projects, with revenue figures being projected at today's costs. Commissioner Sneegas moved that an agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council be executed to fund the construction of the storm drain facilities and that if the City Council established a drainage fee to be collected as a condition precedent to the issuance of construction permits, the fees be used to off -set part of the storm drain construction costs. Commissioner Kaywood seconded the motion. Commissioner Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. ORANGE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT: Community Development Director Knowlton Fernald reported that the Orange Unified School District had approved and executed the agreement with the Redevelopment Agency for the construction of a school facility within Project Alpha. Although the Agency continued the matter to October 14, 1975, it was the recommendation of the Community Development Department that the Redevelopment Agency consider the matter today, and that the site plan submitted be approved, together with the execution of the agreement. In response to question by Chairman Thom as to the nature of the urgency for action at this time, 14r. Ken Selby of the Orange Unified School District urged the Agency to reconsider the document at this time inasmuch as the School District had held a special meeting to approve and execute the agreement, and although approval would not accelerate the cash flow, it would provide the written legal grounds for proceeding with plans for the project. In answer to question by Commissioner Kaywood, Mr. Selby advised that at present the District was not prepared to submit any plans additional to the site plan for Agency consideration; however building plans would be forthcoming, and the Agency would be kept informed. The questions of allowable signing, roof mounted equipment, and proposed pedestrian walkways would be resolved in conjunction with the plans to be presented in the future. Rr. Fernald advised that the site plan presented conforms to the various ordinances and regulations for location of buildings, parking provisions, and access. It was pointed out by Interim Assistant City Manager William Griffith that although the concept was similar, the grading plan reviewed by City staff varied significantly from the site plan in at least one area, and a report would be submitted in the near future. 75 -9b Corununity Development Commission Minutes - October 7, 1975, 1.00 P Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Continued Mr. Selby stated that since it appeared the matter would be clarified if a plan depicting both the grading and the site plan were available, he would Lc.ju a lias �iiC �i�llt Y 1 C YaLC 5ucit tt piau for presenLacion c o th Redevelopment Agency. He advised that the site plan presented was a tentative layout. RESOLUTION: Since approval of plans is a prerequisite to release of redevelopment funds, as delineated in the agreement, Commissioner Thom offered a resolution approving the terms and conditions of an agreement with the Orange Unified School District, determining the proposed improvement would be a 0 7 benefit to Redevelopment Project "Alpha ", and authorizing execution thereof. The foregoing resolution failed to carry by the following tie vote: AYES: COMfISSIONERS: Kaywood and Thom NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Pebley and Sneegas ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour By general consent, further consideration of the foregoing matter was again continued to October 14, 1975, 1:00 P.M. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE POSITIONS: On report and recommendation of the Community Development Director and pursuant to recom- mendations by the Community Redevelopment Commission, Commissioner Kaywood moved that the following additional positions be approved for the Community Development Department: Redevelopment Coordinator /Aide and Relocation Secretary /Bilingual. Commissioner Thom seconded the motion. Commissioner Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. URBAN PROJECTS, INC. - PROPOSED EMPLOYMENT: In accordance with recommendation by the Community Redevelopment Commission, Commissioner Sneegas moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an agreement and resolution authorizing the employment of Urban Projects, Inc., to prepare a relocation plan and housing study within Project Alpha. Commissioner Thom seconded the motion. moo Commissioner Seymour absent. MOTION CARRIED. II. ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY: The following matter was considered by the Anaheim Housing Authority: HUD SECTION 8 - HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - UPDATE: Housing Director Rosario Mattessich reported that over 200 applications had been taken for Housing Assistance and approximately 70 more persons have expressed an interest. It was expected that there would be a total of approximately 300 applications for the 200 units allotted. Approximately 20 of the applicants were non - residents, while families and elderly persons were about equally divided. So far, 33 certificates have been issued, with 3 leases approved with private landlords and 7 others in progress. Mr. Mattessich noted that HUD seemed to take action on applications from the elderly more quickly than those from families, and it was his opinion that the fair market trends were unrealistic for family housing. It was his intent to request some leadway for families. In response to question by Commissioner Kaywood, Mr. Mattessich advised that one -year leases were being executed, and at the end of the year, the landlords had the option to raise the rent; however, the increase could not be higher than the yearly published fair market trend. He noted that in many cases the rent charged at a given location had been the same as in the past. .... There being no further business before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency or the Anaheim Housing Authority, Chairman Thom entertained a motion to adjourn the Community Development Commission. ADJOURN1 Commissioner Sneegas moved to adjourn. Commissioner Kaywood seconded the motion. Commissioner Seymour absent. N,10TI03 CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:32 P.H. ALONA 1-1. HOUGARD, SECRETARY, ANAHEIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SIGNED • Deputy