RA1975/11/11ANAHEIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION November 11, 1975, (1:00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Sneegas and Thom ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour and Pebley PRESENT: INTERIM ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: William Griffith ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY: William Hopkins CITY CLERK: Alona M. Hougard COM�WNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald INTERIM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - REDEVELOPMENT: Dan D'Urso 75 -109 Chairman Thom called the Regular Meeting of the Anaheim Community Development Commission to order at 1:05 P.M. for the purpose of sitting as the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and Anaheim Housing Authority. MINUTES: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meetings held October 28, and November 4, 1975, was deferred one week, November 18, 1975. REPORT - FINANCIAL DE14ANDS AGAINST THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Demands against the Redevelopment Agency and the Housing Authority, in the amounts of $7,557.15 and $745.00, respectively, in accordance with the 1975 -76 Budget, were approved. I. ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: The following matters were considered by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency: FEASIBILITY AND TECHNICAL STUDY, PROPOSED LAKE - DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT: Memorandum report dated November 4, 1975, from the Community Development Director was submitted together with proposals from the Harvey Mudd College dated October 28, 1975 (copies furnished each Commissioner). Community Development Director Knowlton Fernald reported on recommendation by the Community Redevelopment Commission that a study of the feasibility of a proposed lake in the future downtown development be authorized, to include lake design, water uses and appropriate technology and problems associated with the proposed lake. The Commission recommended that the Harvey Mudd College, Engineer Clinic, be employed to conduct the study in accordance with their proposal entitled "Urban Lake Design ", in the amount of $9,600, to be completed by June, 1976; further that the staff be directed to prepare a contract with the College for that purpose. In reply to questions by Commissioner Thom, Mr. Fernald stated in his opinion, the fee quoted for the study would be a significant savings as compared to a different type of contract with an engineering firm. He had reviewed work by the College and was of the opinion they do an excellent job for a reasonable fee. Mr. Dan D'Urso, Interim Assistant Director - Redevelopment, advised that the firm had done some preliminary work on the project such as conducting discussions with Orange County Water District representatives, and City Water Division and other staff members. RESOLUTION NO. CDC75 -46: Commissioner Sneegas offered Resolution No. CDC75 -46 for adoption, authorizing the employment of Harvey Mudd College Engineering Clinic to conduct a study to determine lake design, water uses and appropriate technology and problems for a proposed lake in conjunction with the development of the downtown area, at a fee of $9,600. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ACTINNG AS THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTI1TG THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES RELATING TO A PROPOSED LAKE FOR PROJECT ALPHA. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Sneegas and Thom NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour and Pebley Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. CDC75 -46 duly passed and adopted. 75 -110 CoiaMunity Development Commission Minutes - November 11, 1975, 1.00 P. Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Continued PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES BY HOUSING AUTHORITY A14D TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Mr. Fernald referred to previous request for transfer of Redevelopment funds to the Housing Authority, which was deferred pending further investigation as to the legalities involved. As a result of working together with the City Attorney's Office, a proposed cooperative agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the Housing Authority was prepared for provision of services by the Housing Authority (copies furnished each Commissioner). It was Mr. Fernald's recommendation that the proposed agreement be approved, and transfer of funds authorized in the amount of $19,416. Commissioner Kaywood inquired whether any provision had been made for a detailed accounting as to the use of the requested funds. Mr. Fernald advised that at the time the Housing Authority Budget was adopted, there was an evident deficient of $19,500 and it was recognized at that time that in order to have the application for HUD funds accepted, it would be necessary for the City or the Redevelopment Agency to make up the difference. He pointed out that basically, the transfer of funds was related to the fact that the Agency would receive the services as indicated in the pro - posed agreement. Since that time, the grant had been received from HUD. At the invitation of Chairman Thom, Mr. Ben Bay, 2148 West Grayson Avenue, Anaheim, addressed the Redevelopment Agency noting that at the time the issue was discussed by the Community Redevelopment Commission, the matter of a detailed accounting to the Redevelopment Commission or the Redevelopment Agency of these funds was discussed at length. He was of the opinion, from an ethical standpoint, that there should be clear cut provisions to insure a detailed accounting by the end of the year, indicating exactly how this amount has been expended, which would justify the transfer from redevelopment funds. Commissioner Thom saw no reason why such a provision could not be emphasized by inclusion in an action taken to authorize the agreement and transfer of funds. He noted that as Arthur Young & Company complete their audit of Financial and Management Practices within the City, they would in all probability recommend internal controls for future transactions of this nature. Mr. Fernald noted that the requested funds were basically to be utilized for overhead expenses such as salaries and operating costs, and the proposed contract provides for services to the Redevelopment Agency by the Housing Authority staff. The contract also covers use of grant funds for Housing Assistance payments in cases of relocation. He advised that there were two sources of funds which would be utilized to assist the redevelopment process, i.e., relocation funds to assist the Redevelopment Agency in the relocation process, and assistance being provided by the Housing Authority staff. This would be accounted for and reported to the Redevelopment Agency at a later date. Commissioner Sneegas called attention to Section 3 of the proposed agreement, compensation and method of payment, being of the opinion that the accounting was provided for, if the contract was fulfilled. RESOLUTION NO. CDC75 -47: On the recommendations of the Community Development Director, Commissioner Kaywood offered Resolution No. CDC75 -47 for adoption, approving the proposed agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the Housing Authority, to include a provision for the submission of an itemized accounting of the $19,416, and directing the staff to prepare the necessary documents for execution by the Agency; and further, upon execution of the agreement, that the Treasurer be directed to transfer the funds to the Housing Authority in accordance with provisions of the agreement. A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ACTING AS THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING PREPARATION OF A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BET14EEN THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR RELOCATION ASSISTANCE. ROLL CALL VOTE: AvrC K- 7 -7on d 1 a �eb s a Thom NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour and Pebley Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. CDC75 -47 duly passed and adopted. 73-1 c:c� : .inity D �vzlopment Co:s:_i:iss on ti1i nutes - idovt,:ber 11, 1975, 1:00 P.N Ariaheim Redevelopment Agency, Continued There being no further business before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency or the Anaheim Housing Authority, Chairman Thom entertained a motion to adjourn the Anaheim Community Development Commission. ADJOURNMENT: Compissioner Kayiaood moved to adjourn. Commissioner Sneegas seconded the motion. Commissioners Seymour and Pebley absent. MOTION CAIT IED. ADJOURNED: 1:21 P.M. SIGNED Y, ANAHEIM COZ- 1MIiiNITY DEVELOPME-NT COIZIISSION ANAHEIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COW1ISSION November 18, 1975, (1:00 P.M.) Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Kaywood, Seymour and Thom ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Pebley and Sneegas PRESENT: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Keith A. Murdoch CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts DEPUTY CITY CLERK: Linda D. Roberts COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald Chairman Thom called the Regular Meeting of the Anaheim. Community Development Commission to order at 1:23 P.M. for the purpose of sitting as the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the Anaheim Housing Authority. MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Kaywood, seconded by Commissioner Seymour, Minutes of the Regular Meetings held October 28 and November 4, 1975, were approved. Commissioners Pebley and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT - FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE CO',DfUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMiMISSION: Demands against the Redevelopment Agency and the Housing Authority, in the amounts of $2,125.12 and $396.20 respectively, in accordance with the 1975 -76 Budget, were approved. I. ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: The following matters were considered by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency: DRAFT E.I.R. CUIDESLINES - PROJECT ALPHA: Consideration of Draft E.I.R. guide- lines for Project Alpha was continued from the meetings of October 28 and November 4, 1975; and by general Commission consent, further continued one week, as recommended by the City Attorney. There being no further business before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency or the Anaheim Housing Authority, Chairman Thom entertained a motion to adjourn the Community Development Commission. ADJOURNM1ENT: Commissioner Kaywood moved to adjourn to Tuesday, November 25, 1975, 9:30 A.M. Commissioner Seymour seconded the motion. Commissioners Pebley and Sneegas absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:26 P.M. ALOHA M. 11OUGARD, SECRETARY, AiNAHEIM COMLUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION B y L_4�� Deputy