RA1975/12/0975 -124 C»munity Development Commission Minutes - December 9, 1975, 1:00 P.M. MINUTES Approval of the minutes of the Community Development Commis- sion Regular Meetings held November 25 and December 2, 1975, and Adjourned Regular Meeting held November 25, 1975, was deferred to the next meeting. REPORT - FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COtITMISSION: Demands against the Redevelopment Agency and the Housing Authority, in the amounts of $5,000.11 and $1,849.26 respectively, in accordance with the 1975 -76 Budget, were approved. s I. ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The following matter was considered by the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency: STORM DRAIN PROJECT NO. 1 - ANAHEIM CANYON INDUSTRIAL AREA City Attor- ney Alan Watts recalled that on August 19, 1975, the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council approved in principle a drainage project in the Northeast Industrial Area, to be designated Project No. 1 (gee Community Development Commission minutes, page 75 -81). An agreement has been prepared to be executed between the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council pertaining to said project, at an estimated dollar amount of $4,757,500 total. The City would be responsible for design- ing the facilities and providing for construction, while the Redevel- opment Agency would provide and pay for the costs of said construction. Mr. Watts further advised that Exhibit A. attached to the proposed agreement, lists the nineteen separate projects, while Exhibit B consists of a map depicting the locations of said projects. RESOLUTION NO. CDC75 -54 Commissioner Sneegas offered Resolution No. CDC75 -54 for adoption, authorizing the execution of said agreement as outlined by the City Attorney. waft A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, ACTING AS THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Storm Drain Projects, .Anaheim Canyon Industrial Area) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour, Sneegas and'Thom None Kaywood and Pebley Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. CDC75 -54 duly passed and adopted. II. ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY The following matter was considered by the Anaheim Housing Authority: HUD SECTION 8 UPDATE - REPORT, NOVEMBER, 1975 The November report of the Housing Director, Rosario Mattessich, was submitted (copies fur- nished each Commissioner). Mr. Mattessich briefly synopsized his report, noting that the November breakdown of total certificates issued for family participation reflected 14 for non - elderly families and 40 for elderly families. The certificates for the elderly places the Authority more in line with the breakdown as discussed at the Housing Authority meeting of November 4, 1975 (see page 75 -107, Community Development. Commission minutes). Item B of the report reflects the actual amount of dollars obligated for the effective contracts executed during November; 19 contracts were signed in November, and with those additional signed in December, the total now is at least 43 families being assisted. 75 -125 Community Development Commission Minutes - December 9, 1975, 1.00 P.M Anaheim Housing Authority, Continued Mr. Mattessich reported that on page 2 of his report. there was a cumulative breakdown of the total number of certificates; that to date, 110 certificates have been issued, or more than half the allo- cation of 200. A certain number have expired, or have been eliminated because the holders have not checked back with the Housing Authority Office. The total average increase in rents over what the landlords were previously charging amounts to 2.5%, which is well below what was expected with these lease rentals. The total residential infla- tion factor for Los Angeles and Orange Counties is 5%. In conclusion, Mr. Mattessich further reported that he was one of approximately ten housing directors who have been selected to travel to the HUD central office in Washington, D.C. for the purpose of providing feedback as to how the program is progressing. Indica- tions are that this may result in more flexibility for the program. In response to question by Commissioner Seymour, Mr. Mattessich reported that several of the programs to be represented in Washington are just getting under way; in some instances they were hesitant about getting into the program, being concerned that some families would not understand it, and might require legal assistance to interpret the documents involved. The emphasis is that the fair market trends are not adequate for the larger family units, while the smaller units for elderly families are working out well. Everyone who is involved in the program seems to be happy to be a part thereof. As a supplement to the foregoing report, Executive Director Keith Murdoch reported that the first unit of the rehabilitation under the Community Development Block Grant Program is rapidly approaching com- pletion, and work on the second unit will begin in a week or so. The program has been very successful thus far, and it was felt the two programs had many things in common, and should be tied more closely together; therefore the Housing Director has the responsibility for implementing this program in addition to his housing responsibilities. He further reported that there had been some difficulty in getting people to participate, as this is basically a training program; how- ever it is moving along successfully. There being no further business before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency or the Anaheim Housing Authority, Chairman Thom entertained a motion to adjourn the Community Development Commission. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Seymour moved to adjourn. Commissioner Thom seconded the motion. Commissioners Kaywood and Pebley absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:20 P.M. A1ona M. Hougard, Secretary, Anaheim Community Development Commission SIGNED: �"& r�,v_� '� Deputy