CDC1975-058is 1--'E'SOLU'J"I01 _2�1_0. ("DC- 58 A I' SOLUTIO"'Ll 07 C0_"-1i3O.IS_"IOTV, AT0 n -1 !7 t -L i i4-j 4 1 IJOP 71 S DI'T I N T �4 I 1.iD I ­ A l 17 T AG C J . Th]�� PPL]VAILII.IG PAT.' OF V.C TO 1:1 , P-711I ✓ " F EAC � 'I opAfT, ­ ':,Z r-,,-,yp_ O_ i O_ j V I,' q '_ _ .1 0 T,. FOR P(J3j'jIC ViOl_"L:S CONTRACTS. IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. 1 the Coit4cunitv Develop i, Co:, actina as the AnaheLcL Redevelop Agency, roes fJLn(*."_1 an 1 that pUlDliC convenience and neccssit require the accd of ii G - ­ terials, plant, labor an services for public wors roiects; ", and �2'! Section 1770 of the Lai-or Co(:te of 'the State o- California requires tha tflie Cor D eve lo'pvLient: Co_L acting as the Anaheiii Redeveloplaient Agency, ascertain anc &(_ riiine the general prevailinc rate of hourly wacies and rates for legal holidays andL overtime work on public works and ii',ip_ ments in the locality in i the work is to be J- for each craft: or type of workmen, laborer or mechanic neecled for the execution of such public works contracts and the mal'-.ing of such public improvements, and for the furnishing of all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment and performing all wor"J, necessary for the execution and corn-pletion of said public works contracts or improvements. 1'40W, TUER:H BL IT Fj,"SOLVID by -' Clle CO rIU I ra I . Devel- opi'.ient CoyEimission, acting as the AnaheiE-', lledevelopment Agency, -that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor CoCle of the State of California, the Community Development- Co. acting as the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, has as- certained and does hereby determine the general prevailing rate of hourly wages, and rates for legal holidays and overtime work on public works and improvements in the City of Anaheim, in the locality in which such work is to be performed, for each craft or type of laborer, workiL or mechanic needed for the execution of oublic works contracts, andt that said - orevailing, rates so de- termined are as follows: -1- CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Air Compressor, Pump or Generator Operator $ 8.52 A-Frame or Swedish Crane or similar type equipment driver 8.60 A-Frame or ' Truck Operator 9.03 Asphalt Paving Miachine Operator (Barber Green or similar type - 2 screedmen required) 9.45 Asphalt Plant Engineer 9.35 Asphalt Plant Foreman 9.85 Asphalt Raker, Luteman and Ironer 7.51 Asphalt Shoveler 7.30 Asphalt or Concrete Spreadinu Operator (tamping or finishinc.) 9.45 Asbestos: General Foreman 11.90 Foreman 11.65 Worker 11.40 Auto Grader Operator (2 Grade Checkers and 1 additional e.mployee required) 9.71 Backhoe Operator (up to and including 3/4 yard) 9.35 Bootman C.0 Boring -Machine Operator 9.15 Boxman or 1-A.-lerman (Asphalt or Concrete) 9.15 Bricklayer and Stone .11ason 9.53 Bricktender 7.805 Buggymobile Mian 7.41 Carpenter 9.07 Cast in Place Pipe Laying Machine Operator 9.43 Cement Dumper (on 1 yard or larger iui and handling bulk. cement) 7.41 Cement Hason Journeyictian 8.76 Cement 14ason Floatinc and Troweling Machine Operator 9.01 Cement Hason (Iviagnesite, rLiagnesite - Terrazzo and mastic composition, Epoxy, Dex-O-Tex) 8.08 Cl 9.03 Chucktender 7.35 Clary & Similar type of Screed Operator 3.76 Combination mixer and Compressor Operator (Gunite 9.45 Concrete Core Cut Grinder or Sander 7.51 Concrete Curer, impervious _Mlertibrane any: Form Oiler 7.39 Concrete 1.1lixer Operator, Skip Type C . 7 6 " Concrete Mixer Operator - Pavinc, (Oiler or Journey�.n,an - trainee required) Concrete Pui, G gerator (truck iLcounted) Oiler rec�uire�d 9.45 Concrete Pu-ro.D Operator (small portable) 9.15 Concrete Saw Dian, Cutting, Scoring Olds or New Concrete 7.51 Conveyor Operator 0.73 Crane Operator (up to and incluu 25-ton capacity) (Oiler or journeyf.lan - - trainee required) (Long '3oom pay aj_ 9 .6 Cribber anf! Shorer, Lacgin(�� j , sheeting anL trench bracing, hand-�;ui(aeC Lagging , i- - ar) 7.71 Crushing Plant Operator (Oiler or Journey - trainee required) (V`fhere coyosuercial power is not usea, no less than one generator operator is required) 9.45 Curb & Cutter Iachine Operator (Cement Only) 8.76 Driller, Jackhahimer (2 1/2 foot drill steel or longer) 7_159 Drywall 10.74 -2- CLASSIFICATION Electrician, Cable Splicer Electrician, Foreman Electrician, journeyman "I'liraitian and Lineman Encjineer oiler EquipKient Greaser (Grease Truc'r:) Equipir.ent Greaser (RaciO Fine Grader, Highway and Street Paving, Airports, Runways and similar type heavy construction Fireman Ford Fercjuson (with dragt attachments Forklift operator (under 5-1 capaci Forklif't Operator (over 5 tons) Generator, Puiic.p or Cor,�.P_ressor Operator (2-5 inclusive) (Portable units over E" units 10 cents per hour a(� Glazier GraJI'all 0 (Oiler or Journey'_ - trainee require(:') Grade Checker Grinding 1 Operator (all types) Guinea Chaser Hardwood Floor Worker lHead Rock Slinger (Laborer) heavy Duty Re,?airman lieavy Duty Repairman Eel , - , eaV' , 7 Duty Re airman - "elder Coi,!b I p '� j L Instrumentman Ironworker, Fence Erector Ironwork,er, Rein-forcing Ironworl'_��_ Structural Jackson Vibratory & Similar Type Laborer, General or Co Lather Loader Operator (Z\.they, Euclid, Types - Oiler or Journeyman Iillwri'- - Iortarman and Tarman Screecl Operator HOU_?,LY IT A X 11 . Zs C7 12.5 5' 11.40 ( C.32 9.15 9. Sierra anc;"L Si- - trainee requiredl) Motor Patrol - Bla Operator (sinqle engine) 1'.10tor Patrol Operator (multi-engine) Operator of -Pneumatic, Gas, Electric Tools, Vibrating '.-lac pines aril si7.­'i_'ar l­,ac'_1anical tools not separately classifcie herein Painter - 1- Painter - S Can Painter - Sanc'i3jlaster Par Chic.' Pavei'Lient Breaker Operator (trucj" i-,iounteOL' Oiler Journey - - trail - ice rec. Pipe Driver Foreman Pile Driver :: tan - Derrick Bargeman Pipe In( us trial Journeviaan 7.30 8.78 9.03 0 .45 2 .7 < 10.76 9. 5 9.15 CS 7 0' 7.3 9. 27 9 0 9. 9.56 9.35 9. 3�w' 10.23 110.23 .76 7.20 10.50 9.45 9.57 7.25 9.56 9.71 7.3 7.27 9.32 0 9.56 C 10.95 -3- CLASS IFICriTION HOURLY IZAT3.3 Pipelayer perforiAncr all services in t` e layin, anc installation o.L pioe from the point of receiv- ing pipe in the (".itch until corc::,-letion of o3eration, including any anu all forms of tubular material whether pipe, metallic or non- metallic, conduit, and any other stationary type of tubular device use:, nor the conveying of any substance or element whether water, sewage, solid, cas, air, or other product whatsoever anc.. without regard to the nature of material fro =� which the tubular is fabricated 7.71 Pipelayer's Backup Tan, coatiizc,, c ;routing, rtakinq of joints, sealing, caulicing, diapering and incluc.- ing rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and all other services 7.4 Plant Operator, Generator, Pump or Compressor 8.73 Plasterer Foreman 10.72 Plasterer 10.445 Plaster Tender 9.025 Plumber 10.95 Pneumatic Nailer or Power Stapler 9.32 Power Concrete Curing machine Operator 9.03 Power Concrete Saw Operator 9.03 Power - Driven Jumbo Fora: Setter Operator 9.03 Power Sweeper Operator 9.15 Rigger - same scale as craft to which rigging is incidental Riprap Stoneoaver, ?lacing stone or wet sacked. concrete 7.39 Road Oil 'fixing 1,1 Operator 9.35 Rock Slinger (Laborer) 7.46 Rock Bargeman or Scowrian 9.10 Rodman 9.15 Roller Operator (asphalt or finish) 9.35 Roller Operator (compacting) 9.15 Roofer Foreman 11.49 Roofer JourneyALan 10.7,1 Roof Loader of Shingles 7.74 Ross Carrier Driver (jobsite) 9.03 Ross Carrier ?Driver (Highway) 8.60 Rubber-Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator (single engine, up to and including 25 yard struck) 9.35 Rubber-Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator (single engine over 50 yard struck) 9.56 Rubber -sired Earth moving Equipment Operator (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar) (over 25 yards and up to 50 cubic yard struck) 9.56 Rubber -Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar type over 50 cubic yard struck) 9.71 Saw Filer 9.15 Scoring machine Operator 8.76 Scree(" t Operator (asphalt or Concrete) 9.15 Sheet 'etal Woriker 10.67 Shingler 9.20 Shovel, Backhoe, Dragline, Clamshell Operator, over 3/4 yarn and up to 5 cuoic yard. Y;.'1 C. (viler and Journeyman - trainee required) (Long Boos, pay applicaule) 9.45 -4- CLASSIFICATI r1l I_.*Z0UPLY R2%.TE Skiploader Operator - 7 ,(3heel Type u-o to 3/4 yarn. without attacnment $ 8.73 Ski loader Operator (Crawler and h e e- 1 Ty p e , over 3/4 yarCi and up to an, including 1-1/2 yards) 9.35 Sjli. -,) L]ploader Operator (Crawler ama "Y .heel Tv over 1-1/2 yards up to and inciucting 6-1/2 yards) 9.45 Stationary Pipe - ,Irappinu & Clea_ I-lachi'lle Operator 9.03� Table Power Saw Operator 91.17 Tile Laver 10.79 Tile Layer 'Etelper x'.003 '."racL' Loader Operator (Crawler a-ad Ilheej_ -'--up over G-1/2 yar�:"s) k__� - U_ 9.56 Tractor-OT_,era (any type larger than D-3 - 100 :ClVwheel h.p. and over, or si (Bull Dozer, Tam Scraper an& Push Tractor, single encine) 9.4-5 Tractor Operator - .Dull Dozer, Tamper, Scraper (single engine, u to 100 In. flywheel and sil types, up to any. including D-5 and similar type 9.35 1 2 tor Operator (Doom Zit��_ac rac nus) 0 1.45 Tractor Oi. witi-L Scra-crs or Dragty SI in TandeR - $1.00 'leer hour move regular rate Tree Climber, Faller, Chain Saw Operator Pitts'uurg!_� Chipper or si, tt7 Brush Shrec"ders 7. t?l r _IIrencI" T�achine oiler Trenching 1 Operator (u to 6 ft.) 9.15 Trenching IJAchine Operator (over 6 f - kl - -. depth ca Dacit Y ra (Oiler or Journev?:�ian - trainee requirec�) 9 . 4 5 Trucl: Crane Oiler u 7 lj Trucl. Drivers: Djui_,L, n -'ruc. - ,, less t.ia.n 6 -1/2 varCs water level 14 1 1 uiA. re Truc_JZ '3-1/2 yar(Is water level a. c, over 2 r T: L i - Z t 0 road Oil S er Truc�i r all Iruc, —an er 3 va_rc`es i A Transit-_P'_ Truc ya- or i'L!Ore Truc,"s, 2 a:,-les 7. > 0 'Truc'�.s, 3 axles r -- ruc ks, 4 or more a.--- es a "te r TrucI7,s - 2 a,- .L s 0 0 . Ja�er 9 -1 ruc"s - 3 or _::.ore a.-.1cs %0 Truc`-. '_Iounte,3 Power 1=rooi 7. 0 ­1 rl"ruc.'; Creaser an Tireiian (50 ccnt-s - ­ ' , -er 7 ­ , .our a6(,L'itional when worlk on tire sizes above 24" wheel diameter) 8.23 Truck Repairman S" 3 1 1'ruck 1 __e 1 ruc r ,. i liouseyt_ali an6. ''ara'- 7.02 ,iareiiousei Cler"' 7.9< or - G:e- T'iric" Trucj': 'Driver - 7 j ,( �_.it - io_�aal wil_­n �o per wi.ric"c_, or si s att ­.e­ts 0 0 c- 2ance Zluilcli..�r on llesi__a. I-Irojects In addition to the herein stated hourly wages, - fringe benefit provisions including, but not limited to, health and welfare, foreman premium, vacation, pension, and apprentice and training allowances, shall be paid as set forth in Southern Califor-' nia taster Labor Agreement of July, 1975, or as negotiated by the Local Building and Construction Trades Crafts. Apprentices may be employed in conformity with Section 1777.5 of the California Labor Code. Per diem wages, holidays, and overtime pay for the various classi- fications of work shall be in accordance with the Southern Cali- fornia 1viaster Labor Agreement of July, 1975, or as negotiated by the Local Builiaing and Construction Trades Crafts. It shall be mandatory upon the Contractor to whor the contract is awarded and upon any Subcontractor under him to pay not less than the said s rates of wages to all laborers, workrien, and mechanics employed by him in the execution of the con THE FOREGOING 1ESOLUTIO is approved and signed by me this 30th day of December 1975. V collliuNirll DU`NJELOP_' CW.EIISSIOrj A 1 TIE S r m , _L: �I C0111UNITY DEVELOP " C011 /fm -6- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OI:AIGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ALOHA M. HOUGARD, Secretary of the Couununity Development Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. CDC75 -58 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Community Development Commission, held on the 30th day of December, 1375, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM14ISSIONERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Pebley, Sneegas and Thom NOES: C01MISSIONERS: '_done ABSENT: CO u1ISSIONERS: None AND I FURT CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Community Development Commission approved and signed said Resolution on the 30th day of December, 1975. IN 1ITNESS W - 1EAEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of December, 1975. SECRETARY OF THE C1 11-11 A DEVi3LOPMENAT COILIISSIOli (SE )