ARA1981-0101 10. AI�ASI- 10 A RESOLUTIO v OF TI Ii, ANAHEI"A' R.LDLVELOPIIENT AGENCY STATING ITS ILATE 'ZION TO ESTABLISsl A MARS HISTORICAL I'.EI A I ILI`LIATIOt P, OGIY Z ISSUE RI IIAI IL AND TO ISSUE I LPTI01� IIOTLS FOI CEP T!?.IN HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN TILL, CITY OF ANAP.EI1 , A` D TO RL;TAIN B011 COUNSLL T"THEREAS, the 1.11HH :IT'1 RLDEVLLOPLMjJ T AG;'IvGY, a public body, corporate and politic (the "Agency ", sometimes known as the "Issuer "), is authorized and empowered by the harks Historical Rehabilitation Act of 1976 (Health L Safety Code Sections 37600 et seq., herein referred to as the "Act ") to issue tax - exempt bonds or notes for the purpose of providing loans for the rehabilitation of structures found by t Agency to be of historic, architectural and cultural significance to the Agency and for the purpose of paying the cost of financin; such loans; and 11HEKEAS, the Agency desires to establish a financiz program under the Act to facilitate the rehabilitation financing of significant structures within its jurisdiction; and '�'HEPEAS, the Agency anticipates the designation of the Alpha Project Area as an area within which consideration is to be given to whether certain buildings are appropriate for rehabilitation pursuant to the Act (the "Project Area "); and VI- TtEREAS, the Act requires the citizens of the Agency to participate in the historic preservation process; and T certain property owners and potential property owners (tile "Borrowers ") in the Project Area have requested the Issuer to issue and sell its historic rehabili- tation loan notes pursuant to the provisions of the Lct for the purpose of financing, the rehabilitation of their structures (tile "Project ") ; and ^7HERLaAS , the purchasers of file El Camino Bank building desire to participate in this financing and have agreed to pay all costs associated with the issuance and sale of such notes; and T-THEY "EAS, in order to accomplish the Project, tie Agency requires the advice and assistance of a qualified. Mond Counsel. NOW, THEIREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVED by the ANAhE kEDEVELOPMEryT AGENCY, as follows: 1. It does hereby declare its intention to under - take a klarks Historical Rehabilitation Financing Program with the intention to issue and sell ta-..- exempt historic reliabili- tation rotes of the Agency under and in accordance with the Act, in such an amount necessary to pay the cost of the hereinafter named project and any others hereafter designated, and upon such terms and conditions as riay be mutually agreed upon by the Issuer and the Borrowers. 2. The funds generated by each sale of such notes will be used to finance tile rehabilitation of individual structures in the Alpria Project ixea for projects involving; buildings determined by the Issuer to be of historic signifi- cance to the Issuer. 3. That the use of such tax - exempt loans for the rehabilitation of historic properties advances a public purpose by creating employment opportunities, additional sources of property tax and sales tax revenues, the upgrading of old structures in the Brea, all of which m.i.ht not occur were the Agency not to sponsor to <i- exerq:)t loans. 4. The El Camino Bank building, located at the corner of Old Lincoln Avenue and Claudina Street is founu to be a structure which is architecturally and historically significant to the Agency, consistent with the terms of Marks i ehabilitation Act. 5. The Agency hereby states its intention to issue a tax - exempt rehabilitation note for Harold Graham and his associates, as owners, or such other owners as they may exist at the time the note is sold, of the El Camino bank project, located at 76 South Claudina Street, in an amount not to exceed X2,000,000.00. The use of such loan proceeds shall be consistent with the provisions of the Act and the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of Anaheim Historical rehabilitation Financing Program. 6. Based on earlier review and consideration of the need and desirabilitv of retaining, the structure, it is anticipated that the El Camino Bank building; will soon be designated as an appropriate subject for historic y� reservation financing; under the Act. 7. All notes issued for ttze E1 Camino rank Project shall be secured by and made payable from revenues of the Project. The full faith and credit and the taxing power of Agency shall not be pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on the bonds. 8. The Board of Directors of the Agency or any person executing; the notes shall not be liable personally on the bonds or be subject to any ?personal liability or account- ability by reason of the issuance thereof. 9. All state and local building requirements applicable to the rehabilitation of structures in the City of Anaheim shall be satisfied and this bond financing shall not, in any fashion, modify these requirements. 10. The Executive Director of the Agency is authorized and directed to prepare or cause to be prepares, at the Borrower's expense, any and all documentation necessary to implement the historic rehabilitation program. 11. Wilson Morton Assaf & Mcllligott, Attorneys at Law, shall be retained by the Agency as its bond counsel for the El Camino bank Project and to establish the procedures for historic rehabilitation financings, with their fees chargeable to the Borrowers and payable exclusively from loan proceeds or deposits made with the A -encv. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Pmaheim Redevelopment Agency t lis 5th day of May, 1981. ATTEST: 5ECRE A= Ate ,AdiEIM P..EDEVELOP:' E;I Ii AGENCY ' : dh STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, do he certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ARA81 -10 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency held on the 5th day of May, 1981, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency signed said Resolution on the 5th day of May, 1981. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of May, 1981. SECRET Y OF THE ANAHEfW1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEAL) ba