ARA1980-041v RESOLUTION NO. ARA 80 -41 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPOINTING PAYING AGENTS FOR BONDS WHEREAS, this Agency has adopted its Resolution No. ARA 80 -34, authorizing the issuance of $10,000,000 principal amount of Redevelopment Project Alpha Tax Alloca- tion Bonds, Series B; and WHEREAS, said resolution provides that the bonds so authorized shall be payable, at the option of the holder, at the corporate agency division of the Fiscal Agent, Bank of America N.T. & S.A., in Los Angeles California; or at any paying agent of the Agency in Los Angeles or San Francisco, California; Chicago, Illinois or New York, New York; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that such paying agents be designated at this time; NOW, THEREFORE, the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER as follows: 1 I Section 1. Bank of America N.T. & S.A., in the Cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco, California; Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, in the City of Chicago, Illinois; and The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., in the City of New York, New York, are hereby respectively designated as paying agents of the Agency for said Bonds, in said cities. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 29th day of October, 1980. Chairman Pro Tem ATTEST: Secretary 2 E STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, Secretary of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. ARA80 -41 was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency held on the 29th day.of October, 198O,'by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Overholt NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Seymour AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that.the Chairman Pro Tem,of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency signed said Resolution on the 29th day of October, 1980. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of October, 1980. SECRETA — CRY OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEAL)