AHA-1976-005R_E, i i"UTIP.,76- 5 A ­So_ P i::i U10IC)'17 OF T*'T-,7 -`I 0U U H ` I " C ` O - IRI - iy , 'iPP ROVII`G 1�2�11 1 -' NDL-LINT T"O THE BY-LX_V OF 1 1"IuZ X - A'_NAIdEI. u.OU Section 301 of the 23N Ior - the Z'iziaheim Housing Tiuthorit proviCies, in part, t1ria the IC_'i 1 s1 be the Executive Director of the Iluthority; and WHEREAS, it is necessary an6. desirable - to am.end' the first sentence of said By-Laws to permit the Authority to appoint a person other than the _ as 1 - ecu - tive Director; and 14HEREEAS, the Authority mey�!.)ers have receiveci seven days' notice of the nature of this Dro?oseC, change in the By-Laws. rTOII THERE FORE ', 3L IT 1 SOLV. D - that the first sentence of the !u or the 'r. Housing Authority be a:iiended to read as follows: "I Luthority shall, by resolution, appoint the person to serve as Executive Director." THL' FOREGOI 1' CSOLUTIO'N is approved and' signed by rie this Sth may of October, 1976. 2, HOUSI A.U ATTES J SECR'I_IJT,UY .2� _IA11EII'll 1`10TUSI 10 T"HORITY IILS .. fm STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, Secretary of the Anaheim Housing Authority, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. AHA76 -5 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority held on the 5th day of October, 1976, by the follow- ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Housing Authority approved and signed said Resolution on the 5th day of October, 1976. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of October, 1976. � ' SECRETARY OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY (SEAL)