AHA-1979-007RESOLUTION NO. AHA79 -7 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE- OWNER /PHA PROJECT NO. CA16- 0003 -004 WHEREAS, Village Center Apartments, a Limited Partnership (herein called the "Owner") and the Anaheim Housing Authority (herein called the "Public Housing Agency ") have previously submitted to the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development (herein called the "Government ") a Final Proposal for the construction of 100 one - bedroom elevator units specifically designed for the elderly, handicapped or disabled; and WHEREAS, the Government has previously notified the Owner and the Public Housing Agency that the aforesaid Final Proposal has been approved for housing assistance under the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program -New Construction; and WHEREAS, the Government and the Public Housing Agency have previously entered into a Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Annual Contributions Contract, Part I for New Construction; Project No. CA16- 0003 -004, dated February 14, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency and the Owner have previously entered into an Agreement to Enter Into Housing Payments Contract for Private - Owner /PHA Project No. CA16 -0003- 004, and the Government has approved said Agreement as of March 3, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Government has forwarded to the Public Housing Agency for its consideration a proposed form of Housing Assistance Payments Contract for Private- Owner /PHA Project No. CA16- 0003 -004; and WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency now proposes to enter into the Contract with the Owner in the form provided by the Government: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Anaheim Housing Authority, as follows: Section 1. The proposed Contract, designated "Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Housing Assistance Payments Contract for Private- Owner /PHA, Project No. CA16- 0003 - 004," pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, is hereby approved and accepted both as to form and substance, Im and the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Contract in four counterparts on behalf of the Public Housing Agency and, following the execution of the Contracts by the Owner, to forward such executed counterparts to the Government, together with such other documents evidencing the approval and authorizing the execution thereof as may be required by the Government. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Anaheim Housing Authority this 7th day qoPAugust, 1979. ANAHEIM HOUWNG AUTHORITY ATTEST: LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY BY: Q ACTING SECRETARY ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MES: jh EPZ ,.... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, Secretary of the Anaheim Housing Authority, do hereby.certify that the foregoing Resolution No..AHA79 -7 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the-Anaheim Housing Authority held on the 7th day of August, 1979, by the following vote of the members thereof. AYES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the.Chairman of the Anaheim Housing Authority signed said Resolution on the.7th day of August, 1979. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of August, 1979, LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY OF-THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY (SEAL) AU11NU 5E(;MTAKY