AHA-1984-004RESOLUTION NO. AHA$4 -4 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM ANNUAL CONTRIBU- TIONS CONTRACT PART I FOR MODERATE REHABILITA- TION PROGRAM INCLUDING PROJECT NUMBERS CA16 -K104 -004 PROVIDING FOR THE INCORPORATION OF SAID PART I INTO MASTER SECTION 8 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT NO. SF -498, AND PROVID- ING FOR THE DEPOSIT OF MONIES PURSUANT TO A GENERAL DEPOSITARY AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority (herein called the "Public Housing Agency ") has previously entered into a Master Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Annual Contributions Contract (herein called the "Contract ") with the United States of America (herein called the "Government "), and now proposes to (1) enter into an Annual Contributions Contract Part I for Moderate Rehabilitation Program including Project Nos. CA16 -K104 -004; (2) provide for the incorporation of said Part I into the Master Section 8 Annual Contributions Contract identified herein below; and (3) provide for the deposit of monies pursuant to a General Depositary Agreement with a financial institution which is a mem- ber of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (herein called the "Bank "). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The proposed Contract, designated "Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Annual Contributions Contract Part I for Moderate Rehabilitation Program including Project Nos. CA16 -K104- 004," pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, is hereby approved and accepted both as to form and substance, and the Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Contract in three counterparts on behalf of the Public Housing Agency and to forward such executed counterparts to the Government together with such other documents evidencing the approval and authorizing the execution thereof as may be required by the Government. Section 2 . The Annual Contributions Contract Part I for Moderate Rehabilitation Program as approved and accepted in Section 1 hereinabove, is hereby incorporated into Master Section -� 8 Annual Contributions Contract No. SF -498. Section 3 . The Union Bank and the Public Housing Agency have previously entered into a General Depositary Agreement, Form HUD- 51999A dated November 2, 1982, which provides for the deposit of specific monies of "... one or more additional low -rent housing projects ..." The Public Housing Agency hereby determines that pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, the aforenamed Bank shall be the Depositary for the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program and /or Project established under the Contract hereinabove approved. Section 4 . The Chairman or Secretary of the Public Housing Agency is hereby authorized and directed to file with the Government from time to time as payments are required, requisi- tions together with the necessary supporting documents requesting periodic payments to be made on account of the Annual Contributions Contract, and the proper officers of the Public Housing Agency shall prepare, execute and deliver to the Government said requisitions in a form prescribed by the Government and shall accept payment therefor from the Government and such persons are authorized to do and perform all other things and acts required to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments, which shall be deposited and disbursed only in accord- ance with the provisions of the Annual Contributions Contract. Section 5 . This Resolution shall take effect immediately. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the Anaheim Housing Authority this 3rd day of July, 1984. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY ATTEST: oc4 &-k — SECRETARY ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY MES : fm 2656M 6/13/84 -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, Secretary of the Anaheim Housing Authority, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. AHA84 -4 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority held on the 3rd day of July, 1984 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Bay, Pickler and Roth NOES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None ABSTAINED: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Overholt ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Chairman of the Anaheim Housing Authority signed said Resolution on the 3rd day of July, 1984. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of July, 1984. SECRETARY OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY (SEAL) i U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECTION 8 HOUSING ASSISTANCE PA)M ENTS PROGRAM Moderate Rehabilitation PART I OF THE t ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT Master Section 8 ACC Number SF -498 ACC Part I Number SF- 498(x f 1.1 The Program (a) Projects within Program The Moderate Rehabilitation Program under this ACC Part I includes all Projects listed in- Exhibit I. The PHA, to the maximum extent feasible, shall enter into Agreements and Contracts in -• ,_j accordance with the numbers and sizes of units in each project specified in Exhibit I. No substantial deviation as defined by HUD from the bedroom distribution or number of units in each project is allowed without prior ? HUD approval. The PHA shall not enter into any Agreements or Contracts or take any other action which will result in a claim for an Annual Contribution in respect to any Project in excess of the maximum amount authorized for that Project. (b) Meaning of "Project" as Used in Master ACC and Part II For purposes of this Part I the term "Project" wherever used in the Master Section 8 ACC and in Part II shall mean each Project in the Moderate Rehabilitation ' Program. 1.2 Authorization of Actions by PHA In order to carry out the Project, the PHA is authorized to (a) enter into Agreements, (b) enter into Contracts, (c) make housing assistance payments on behalf of Families and (d) take all other necessary actions, all in accordance with the application, forms, conditions and requirements prescribed or approved by HUD. However, neither the PHA nor HUD shall assume any obligations beyond those provided in the prescribed forms of Agreement and Contract. 1.3 Term of Contract and ACC (a) Term of Contract The total Contract term for any unit, including new Contracts for replacement units in accordance with Section 1.9, is 15 years or the remaining term of the ACC, whichever is less. If the rehabilitation being done under any Contract is to be completed in stages, the total Contract term for all the stages, beginning with -the effective date of the Contract with respect to the first stage, shall not exceed 17 years from the effective date of the ACC for the applicable Project. r (b) Term of ACC The ACC shall remain in effect for 17 years from the + effective date of the most recent project listed in Exhibit I. Annual Contributions may be made for each project for a maximum of 17 years from that project's effective date, but not more than 15 years for any unit. Accordingly, the Contract(s) for all units in any project, other than replacement units, must be executed within two years of the effective date of that Project under the ACC to qualify for the 15 year term. t Ptevious Editions Obsolete Page 1 of 5 HUD- 52520B ( SUPP) (10/ 79 ) 1.4 Annual Contributions (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ACC (other than paragraph (c) of this Section) or any provisions of any other contract between HUD and the PHA, HUD shall not be obligated to make any Annual Cuutributiuu5 ur any other payment with respect to any Fiscal Year in excess of the Maximum Annual Contribution Contract Commitment for each project specified in Exhibit I. However, this amount shall be reduced commensurately with any reduction in the number of Contract Units or changes in unit sizes or pursuant to any other provision of this ACC or the Contracts. (b) Subject to the maximum dollar limitation in paragraph (a) of this Section, HUD shall pay for each Fiscal Year an Annual Contribution to the PHA in respect to each Project in an amount equal to the sum of the following (subject to reduction by the amount of any Project Receipts other than Annual Contributions (such as' interest income) which Receipts shall be available for Project Expenditures): (1) The amount of housing assistance payments payable during each Fiscal Year (see Section 1.5) by the PHA pursuant to the Contracts, as authorized in Section 1.2. (2) The allowance, in the amount approved by HUD, for preliminary costs of administration. (3) The allowance, in the amount approved by HUD, for the regular costs of administration including costs of HUD required audits of Owners and the PHA. (c) To assure that housing assistance payments will be increased on a timely basis to cover increases in Contract Rents or decreases in Gross Family Contributions: (1) A Project Account shall be established and maintained for each Project under this ACC, in an amount as determined by HUD consistent with its responsibilities under Section 8(c)(6) of the Act, out of amounts by which the Maximum ACC Commitment per year exceeds amounts paid under the ACC for each Project for any year. This account shall be established and maintained by HUD as a specifically identified and segregated account. To the extent funds are available in this account, the maximum Annual Contribution otherwise payable for any Fiscal Year may be increased by an amount, if any, as may be required for increases reflected in the estimate of required Annual Contribution applicable to the Fiscal Year as approved by HUD in accordance with Section 2.11. Any amount remaining in the account after payment of the last Annual Contribution with respect to the Project shall be applied by HUD in accordance with law. (2) Whenever the HUD approved estimate of the required Annual Contribution for any Project exceeds the Maximum ACC Commitment then in effect, causing the amount in the Project Account to be less than an amount equal to 40 percent of the Maximum ACC Commitment for the Page 2 of 5 Project, HUD shall, within a reasonable period of time, take the additional steps authorized by Section 8(c)(6) of the Act as may be necessary to carry out this assurance, including (as provided in that } section of the Act) the reservation of annual contributions 1 authority for the purpose of amending housing assistance contracts or the allocation of a portion of new authorizations for the purpose of amending housing assistance contracts." (d) HUD will make periodic payments on account of each Project upon ' requisition by the PHA in the form prescribed by HUD. Each requisition ' shall include certifications by the PHA that housing assistance payments have been or will be made only: ti (1) In accordance with the provisions of the Contract as the provisions -.• apply to (i) units under lease by Families and (ii) units not under lease by Families, and (2) With respect to units which the PHA has inspected or caused to be inspected and determined to be in decent, safe and sanitary condition, pursuant to Section 2.4 of this ACC, within one year prior to the making of housing assistance payments. (e) Following the end of each Fiscal Year, any amount by which the total payments made during that Fiscal Year exceed the Annual Contribution payable in accordance with this section will be subtracted from the next ' payment made by HUD to the PHA, unless other disposition is approved or "1 required by HUD. 1.5 Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year for the Program shall be the Fiscal Year ' established by Section 0.3 of this ACC. However, the first Fiscal Year for any Project shall be the period beginning with the effective date of the Project identified in Exhibit I to this ACC and ending on the last day of the established Fiscal Year which is not less than 12 months nor more than 23 months after the effective date. If the first Fiscal Year exceeds 12 months, . 1 the Maximum ACC Commitment shall be adjusted by the addition of the pro rata j amount applicable to the period of operation in excess of 12 months. 1.6 Periodic Adjustment of Contract Rents The Contract will provide for periodic adjustments in the Contract Rents chargeable by the Owner and commensurate increases in amounts of housing assistance payments, in accordance with - applicable HUD regulations, up to the maximum amount authorized for housing assistance payments in the HUD approved estimate submitted pursuant to Section 2.11. - 1.7 Equal Opportunity Housing Plan, Administrative Plan and Application The PHA shall comply with all provisions of its Equal Opportunity Housing Plan, Administrative Plan and Application, each as approved by HUD. • p 1.8 Expeditious Carrying Out of Project The PHA shall proceed expeditiously to implement the Program consistent with the rehabilitation and leasing schedule. If the PHA fails to proceed expeditiously, HUD, after giving the PHA and Owners, where appropriate, reasonable opportunity to take corrective action, '1 may terminate or reduce its obligation under this ACC Part I with respect to the Project. Page 3 of 5 1.9 Assistance to Eligible Families When Contracts are Terminated When the Contract for any unit(s) is terminated for any reason, leaving Contract Authority available under this ACC, the assisted family(ies) if eligible for continued assistance, or other eligible family(ies) if the unit(s) is vacant, may continue to receive housing assistance for the remainder of the 15 year term in accordance with HUD regulations through the conversion of the Moderate Rehabilitation unit(s) allocation to Existing Housing. The PHA shall issue the Family a Certificate of Family Participation, assist it in finding a suitable rental unit, and comply with all applicable HUD regulations and rules. 1.10 Responsibility for Administration of Contract The PHA is primarily responsible for administration of the Contracts, subject to review and audit by HUD. '.ATTEST. SECRETARY Approved -City Attorney PHA: ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY By _ A Chairman (Official Title Date United States of America Secretary of Housing and Urban Development By Deputy Director, Multifamily Development Los Angeles Office Date Page 4 of 5 N tlQ a to N O O 1 O 0 M 1 O O O � O 1 w U 1 S 3o S a$8d ►.►ic.e -ccy �Lti IJIJ /O UIdLOYd IJIIRNY1A09 / '(1 • 0 to L W tt1 \ M O 44 CV W N \ .1 L C u O co M 41 O . . 6 a) $4 O O 4-1 t6o 0 .,4 .d -C M M N CO lD N _ 6 CO :3 O d to to t!1 co U t? U d Ai u Q -4 To la M M N 4 L 111 lfl Q1 cd O 7 V' M n lD U d V to M u1 t? N (/► to .-1 4+ M ►.a .O O N C8 ri M co C d a ai OD N L \ \ ) (d OD O Y, + O N O W -3 v N v b n a o 1) U 1 0 O 4J � i b If) 1 b co (0 m y OD 4J t" U) w v w v U) U) rL W ° 0.0 to , 1 � n at t+ N 6 11 c'1 !r � l0 r1 [ I I 1 1-1 O.-1 U 1-1 .i O O aJ 1 l I 1 Li I I- u 1 I L z v o 0 1 co 0 -4r -4e -,t H O -INC" 1* H 0 - NM.7 [-+ 0 cn-? H to .-1 O O i O 0 Aj U N O O 1 O 0 M 1 O O O � O 1 w U 1