1999/12/14ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: MAYOR: Tom Daly PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Frank Feldhaus, Lucille Kring, Tom Tait, Shirley McCracken ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Jim Ruth CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White CITY CLERK: Sheryll Schroeder ASST. CITY CLERK: Ann Sauvageau PLANNING DIRECTOR: Joel Fick DEPUTY PLANNING DIRECTOR: Mary McCloskey TRAFFIC/TRANSPORTATION MANAGER: John Lower EXEC. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich ZONING DIVISION MANAGER: Greg Hastings SENIOR PLANNER: Jonathan Borrego DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES: Chris Jarvi GOVERNMENT RELATIONS MANAGER: Kristine Thalman CIVIL ENGINEER: Natalie Meeks PARKS SUPERINTENDENT: Jack Kudron PUBLIC UTILITIES GENERAL MANAGER: Ed Aghjayan A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim City Council was posted at 4:30 p.m. on December 10, 1999 at the City Hall Bulletin Board, (both inside and outside the entrance to City Hall) containing all items as shown herein. Mayor Daly called the workshop portion of the meeting of December 14, 1999 to order and welcomed those in attendance (3:13 P.M.). City Manager, James Ruth. The first presentation scheduled is on the Northwest Anaheim Action Plan to be given by the Planning Department. NORTHWEST ANAHEIM ACTION PLAN: Joel Fick, Planning Director. The plan is the next step in conjunction with the Community Planning Program, a comprehensive land use program, designed to examine the physical aspects of every neighborhood throughout the City. The primary staff involved is Mary McCloskey, Deputy Planning Director, Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner and Susan Kim, Assistant Planner. He thanked the City Council and City Manager for their ongoing support of the program and would also like to recognize and thank each of the staff departments individually involved in all of the plan recommendations and also all the residents. He then briefed the steps involved in development of the subject plan. The plan was presented to the Northwest Anaheim community on November 15 and reviewed with the Planning Commission on December 6, 1999. The plan being presented today incorporates many refinements by the community or the Commission. Some of the recommendations can commence quickly; other recommendations, such as installation of landscaping medians, are more of a long-term nature. Staff is always clear in making that point to the community so as not to create false expectations. If the plan is accepted today by the Council, staff will start immediately with implementation and monitoring phase. As in the past, staff will provide the Council with periodic updates as they move through the plan. One will be provided next spring including all the other plans approved in the past. He then introduced Jonathan Borrego to present the action plan recommendations. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 Jonathan Borrego, Senior Planner. His presentation outlined the Northwest Anaheim Action Plan supplemented by Power Pointe slides, hard copies of which where presented in booklet form and submitted to the Council (see The Northwest Anaheim Action Plan -Community Planning - made a part of the record). He briefed the following: the Northwest Anaheim Planning Area (boundaries and neighborhoods involved), status of the Community Planning Program, outlined the Action Items (5 major categories -General Plan Amendments and Zoning Reclassifications, Landscaping Improvements, Open Space Enhancements, Traffic Improvements, Additional Recommendations) noting that they were discussed in greater detail within the Action Plan itself (see Community Planning Program -Northwest Anaheim Action Plan previously submitted to the Council under Memorandum dated December 10, 1999 from the Planning Director), briefed the action items under each of the categories as well as addressing additional recommendations including landscaping improvements, open space enhancements, traffic improvements, closing off Westmont Drive at Euclid, reuse of remnant freeway parcels, utility undergrounding, sidewalk deficiencies, the Carbon Creek Flood Control Channel and North Dresden Place issues (repair/replace curbs and gutters -address the long-term disposition/maintenance of the "Dresden Ditch" problem -see page 22 of the Action Plan). Questions were then posed by Council Members which were addressed by staff. Mr. Fick explained for the Mayor that relative to a time table for accomplishing the recommendations, staff has been clear in making known to the community that there are time tables but they have not yet developed a schedule. Once the plan is approved, it needs to go back to the individual departments to fit into their time frames. They have had a lot of success with implementation of all plans thus far. The East Anaheim plan, which was the first, is over 90% complete, West Anaheim, over 50%, the Resort Area Plan is already one quarter implemented. If the Council moves forward with the plan presented today, it will be implemented accordingly through the affected departments and incorporated into their schedules. Mayor Daly asked what staff planned to do in terms of "spotlighting" the recommendations in the future; Joel Fick. They will immediately notify the departments involved all being very supportive of the recommendations. The Council will be given periodic updates, the next scheduled date being early spring on this and the other plans as well. After additional discussion, Mayor Daly stated these are very welcome suggestions. They look forward to the implementation of the recommendations and hope this will be a "spring board" for improvements in a variety of places. He is familiar with many of the streets involved in this particular plan and feels the recommendations make a lot of sense. ********************* City Manager Ruth. The second workshop today is on "Access Anaheim". Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development will introduce the subject. ACCESS ANAHEIM: Lisa Stipkovich, Executive Director of Community Development. Being presented today is an Economic Development Program which is a part of the Economic Development Strategy the City has had for over 10 years. The last update of the strategy was 1995 with an update typically every five years (1995-2000). They will be preparing a new strategy for 2000-2005. The presentation today was a joint effort with the City Manager's'Office and the Powerful Partnership which is made up of the City's Utilities Department and Community Development with many other departments participating on economic development. Mrs. Stipkovich then gave a presentation supplemented by Power Pointe slides, hard copies of which were submitted to the Council (see -Economic Development Strategy 1995-2000 - made a part of the record) which covered three basic strategies -Diversify Economic Base -Optimize Revenue - Create a Positive Image -briefed the categories under each (respectively -retain existing businesses, attract new businesses, increase job opportunities, property tax, sales tax, utility revenue, revitalize industrial/commercial areas, communicate through public relation programs). She also briefed the items listed under Anaheim's Assets which included competitive utility rates, fiber optic access, Redevelopment programs, one-stop career center, Housing programs, Small Business Assistance Program and an Anaheim transportation network. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 Mrs. Stipkovich, continuing with the presentation, stated that staff is today asking the Council to review a new marketing program which they have been working on for some time, some of which was presented to the Council over a year ago. The program is called -- Access Anaheim. It is a new slogan with a new logo they would like to use (shown in the slide, i.e., Access Anaheim -People, Places and Power to Succeed) targeted to certain high-tech businesses on a direct mail basis, media outreach and person-to- person contacts as well as selective trade-show participation. Her detailed presentation on this subject covered the marketing aspect and why it is targeted to technology (City benefits, strong growth, high wages), the target market, a comparison of direct economic impacts between technology businesses and warehouse/distribution businesses and what those positive economic impacts mean to the community (see hard copies of Power Pointe slides - made a part of the record). She concluded her presentation by outlining the proposed work plan and the goals of the plan (increase awareness, promote benefits, encourage expansion, attract key industries). During and following her presentation, Mrs. Stipkovich answered questions posed by Council. Members relative to certain aspects of the plan, specifically the economic impacts. She noted the biggest impact is on the housing market since typically about 20% of the work force lives in the city where their company is located. Questions were also posed relative to the total economic development budget City wide, efforts being made to attract businesses to the City, etc. Ed Aghjayan, Public Utilities General Manager (Utilities being the other half of the Powerful Partnership) also answered questions and gave additional input. Comments from the Mayor/Council Members included the Mayor's recommendation to have the Council be part of any efforts to attract businesses to Anaheim, making it easier and cost efficient for a company to relocate to Anaheim by cutting the "red tape" ,that there be more staff contact with new companies in the City, provide the Council with as much detail as possible on the companies, etc. Mayor Daly noted that relative to the proposed Access Anaheim, there are other programs such as Anaheim Advantage and Anaheim Achieves; Mr. Aghjayn explained that the "Advantage" programs are used primarily relative to utility programs. The Access program includes the Advantage program and ties together all of the other programs. It is a piece of the overall message. During and following her presentation, Mrs. Stipkovich answered questions posed by Council Mayor Daly. He feels too many labels become confusing and questioned why staff is not using one of the existing labels; he questioned why they need a new name to go after companies who have heard from the City before. He feels, relative to Access Anaheim, that there are too many labels but believes that the framework and approach is great. Secondly, they had previously talked about "beefing up" the name of the Anaheim Canyon Business Center, the neighborhood for most of the companies under discussion. Mrs. Stipkovich stated, relative to Access Anaheim, the consultants felt that name was somehow better in terms of attracting businesses. Relative to the name for the business center, there was a focus group made up of the business community, brokers, and other interested parties and they came up with "The Canyon" ;Council Member Tait. The Spectrum in Irvine has a certain connotation and people want to be in the Spectrum. Perhaps "The Canyon" is an appropriate identification. Mrs. Stipkovich. They are trying to create an image (image building). More high-tech companies will locate in the area if it is more well known. Relative to Access Anaheim and the logo, in order for staff to print up the material and put together a package, they need to get the Council's feelings/input and approval. If they want more time, staff can wait. They will provide the Council with a list of the 500 companies they will be contacting and then consider the matter again. They are basically taking the consultant's advice. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 At the conclusion of further discussion, Mrs. Stipkovich stated staff will rethink the logo, be back in touch with the consultant, and subsequently bring it back to the Council; Mayor Daly. The list of the 500 companies will be helpful. Mayor Daly thanked all the staff involved in both workshops for the informative, helpful and detailed presentations. REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Jack White requested a Closed Session noting first that there were no additions to Closed Session items. PUBLIC COMMENTS -CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: There were no public comments relative to Closed Session items. The following items are to be considered at the Closed Session. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.91a) -Existing Litigation: Name of Case: Vista Royale Homeowners Assn. v. 396 Investment Co. fka The Fieldstone Company, et al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 77-30-74 (and related cases). 2. CONFERECE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.91a) -Existing Litigation: Name of case: City of Anaheim v. O'Connell, et al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 80-90-04. 3. CONFERECE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.91a) -Existing Litigation: Name of case: Barragan v. City of Anaheim, Orange County Superior Court Case No. 80-57- 63. 4. CONFERECE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6: Agency negotiator: David Hill Name of employee organization: Anaheim Firefighters' Association, Anaheim Police Association, Unrepresented Management Employees. Mayor Daly moved to recess into Closed Session. Council Member McCracken seconded the motion. (4:30 p.m.) AFTER RECESS: Mayor Daly called the regular Council meeting of December 14, 1999 to order at 5:58 p.m. and welcomed those in attendance. INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence was observed in lieu of an invocation. FLAG CEREMONY: The Presentation of the Colors and Flag Salute were made by members of Anaheim Boy Scout Troop 538. After the ceremony/salute, Mayor Daly thanked the Scouts and their leader (who was present in the Chamber audience) for their assistance at the Council Meeting. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY in the amount of $3,825,743.61 for the period ending December 13, 1999 in accordance with the 1999-2000 Budget, were approved. Mayor Daly recessed the City Council meeting until after the Redevelopment Agency and Anaheim Housing Authority meetings. (6:02 p.m.). Mayor Daly reconvened the City Council Meeting. (6:07 p.m.). ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to agenda items. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: Linda Crum, Member of this year's Orange County Grand Jury. It is recruitement time for next year for the 19-member Grand Jury. Applications are due by January 31, 2000 for the session starting July 1, 2000. Applicants must be 18 years of age, United States citizens with no felony record and reside in Orange County for one year. Although it is a volunteer position, a member is paid $25 a day, mileage and given free parking. Ms. Crum then briefed the selection process and indicated some of the subjects undertaken by the Grand Jury with most of their time spent on civil issues. Personally, she would like to see more people apply from central and north Orange County and more women. She has pamphlets with her and will be glad to stay at the meeting to answer questions from those who may be interested. Mayor Daly thanked Ms. Crum for taking the time to come to the meeting. ******************** Mike Salta. He asked if the City had any specific plans for the property where the Rancho Del Rio Stables are now located. Their lease is up in July and they will be going on a month-to-month basis. If there are plans, he asked if they were spelled out and could he obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting where it was discussed. Mayor Daly. He asked the City Manager to comment briefly on the matter at this time; City Manager Ruth. The lease (Rancho Del Rio) is up and they have been working through Community Development to work with the current lessor of the property. Right now, the City does not have any future plans for development of the property but will be looking to the highest and best use. In working with the lessor, they have indicated they would give him plenty of time. He stated in answer to Mr. Salta that the City would be interested in a proposal. The concern is whether the use would be compatible with surrounding properties. He suggested that Mr. Salta contact him at his office and he will be given written comments as to what the expectations are for the property. Arlene Eliason, 542 S. Lemon Street, Anaheim 92805. She is speaking relative to the property leased from the City at 1370 E. Sanderson St., Anaheim. It is in a very specialized location in the City being under high-voltage power lines, next to a freight rail line with convoluted access roads. It can and serves the populace in a unique way fulfilling the City's long-term goals of providing activities for the disabled upon which she elaborated. Rancho Del Rio Stables tries to be a good neighbor. They are asking for the opportunity to restore their foundation. They are open to working with City programs as they have done and are willing to do more. She urged that they reinstate the long-term lease for the property. Mayor Daly. He believes those concerns will be addressed as part of the follow-up with the City Manager. Thomas Garsha, 1421 N. Hollyvale Dr., Fullteron. He is speaking on behalf of the Rancho Del Rio Stables. He was informed that Council made a decision in closed session in October that the lease ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 would not be renewed. He is asking that the matter be included as an agenda item for a Council meeting and if not to renew the lease for that spot, to give assistance to the lessee to find another property. ******************** Debra Irizarry, 14 Chestnut Drive, Aliso Viejo 92656. She referred to her three-page letter, with attachments, just submitted (made a part of the record). She thereupon read the letter which outlined in detail the difficulties she experienced with traffic when she recently attended the RESULTS 2000 Conference held at the Arrowhead Pond. She was particularly concerned that, in her opinion, the Anehim Police Department could not deal with the traffic situation for an event with 17,000 people. In concluding, she asked that the Council give consideration to the matter at a future meeting. She would like to see the matter addressed. Mayor Daly. The Council will take her criticisms of the Pond and the Police Department under advisement. PUBLIC COMMENTS -AGENDA ITEMS: There were no public comments on City Council Agenda items. MOTION: Mayor Daly moved to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions to be acted upon for the Council meeting of December 14, 1999. Council Member McCracken seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. CITY MANAGER/DEPARTMENTAL CONSENT CALENDAR Al - A20: On motion by Mayor Daly, seconded by Council Member McCracken, the following items were approved in accordance with the reports, certifications and recommendations furnished each Council Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar; Mayor Daly offered Resolutions Nos. 99R-244 through 99R-248, both inclusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A1. 105: Receive and file Golf Advisory Commission Minutes dated October 28, 1999. 105: Receive and file Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes dated November 3, 1999 and Monthly Circulation by Residency Report for October. 105: Receive and file Anaheim Redevelopment and Housing Commission dated November 3, 1999. 128: Receive and file the Monthly Analysis for three months ended September 30, 1999. 117: Receive and file the Investment Portfolio Report for the month of November, 1999, as submitted by the City Treasurer. 105: Receive and file the Investment Advisory Commission Minutes for the meeting of August 17, 1999. A2. 160: Accept the low bid of Christenson Electric, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $27,469.00, for the lighting retrofit of the Central Library, all in accordance with Bid #5982. A3. 160: Waive the sealed bidding requirements of Council Policy #306 and authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order to Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc., in the amount of $33,312.00 for a total of sixty (60) Scott air bottles. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 A4. 160: Waive the advertising and bid requirement of City Charter Section 1222 regarding the sale of municipal property in excess of $50,000 and authorize the sale of a surplus generator in the amount of $145,000 to Collicutt Hanover Services, Ltd. A5. 160: Accept the low bid and authorize the execution of a Lease/Rental Agreement with Pacific Equipment and Irrigation, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $269,673.00 per year for five years, for park maintenance equipment, all in accordance with Bid #5981. A6. 123: Approve an agreement with the United State Department of Energy for $24,000 to implement the Anaheim Electric Vehicle Station Cars Program. A7. 176: RESOLUTION NO. 99R-244 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM declaring its intention to vacate certain public streets, highways and service easements. (Abandonment No. 98-12A, Imperial Highway excess right-of-way located north of Via Escola) (Suggested public hearing date January 25, 2000), approve an Agreement for the sale of the right-of-way to Southridge Development upon approval of the abandonment. A8. 123: Authorize the first amendment to an Agreement with Textron, Inc., dba Jacobsen E-Z Go Textron, to extend the Agreement on a month-to-month basis for park turf maintenance equipment. A9. 123: Approve the Sixth Amendment to an Agreement with Taormina Industries, Inc., to haul tree waste for recycling purposes. A10. 123: Approve Amendment No. 1 to Cooperation Agreement by and among the Anaheim Housing Authority, Anaheim Redevelopment Agency and the City of Anaheim regarding the Jeffrey-Lynne Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Project. Council Member Tait. For the reasons already stated (under the Redevelopment Agency Meeting of today), he is going to vote no on this item; Council Member Kring also voted no. A11. 129: Authorize the execution of a contract with Golden West Medical Center to conduct annual firefighter medical examinations for a period of two years, beginning January 1, 2000. A12. 123: Approve the lease agreements with Allen A. Posner, for 1600 square feet of office space at 1335 S. Euclid Avenue; and the Anaheim Union High School District for an adjacent section of the Loara High School athletic field, located at 1765 Cerritos Avenue, Anaheim, for temporary housing of personnel and equipment for a period of 9-12 months during construction of the new Euclid Fire Station; and determined that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA under Section 15301 and 15311 of CEQA Guidelines. A13. 123: RESOLUTION NO. 99R-245 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving an Agreement with the County of Orange for the City of Anaheim to become a member of the Emergency Management Operational Area in Compliance with Title 19 California Code of Regulations, Section 2400 et seq. and Government Code Section 8550 et seq. A14. 153: RESOLUTION NO. 99R-246 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM amending Resolution No. 98R-13, which established rates of compensation for Classifications Designated as Confidential. A15. 153: Authorize the Human Resource Director to enter into an Agreement between the City of Anaheim and Standard Insurance Co. for the administration of the self-funded Short Term Disability Program. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 A16. 153: RESOLUTION NO. 99R-247 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving a Letter of Understanding between the Anaheim Municipal Employees Association, General Employees, and the City of Anaheim. A17. 153: RESOLUTION NO. 99R-248 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM approving a Letter of Understanding between the Anaheim Municipal Employees Association, Clerical Employees, and the City of Anaheim. A18. 123: Approve the Management agreement between the City of Anaheim and ARAMARK Sports and Entertainment Services, Inc. which designates ARAMARK as the exclusive provider of food service at the Anaheim Convention Center. A19. 123: Approve an agreement with URS Greiner Woodward Clyde International Americas, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $40,402 to provide consulting engineering services for the Walnut Canyon Reservoir and Dam, and authorize the Public Utilities General Manager, on behalf of the City, to execute the agreement and any other related documents and to take such actions as are necessary to implement the agreement. A20. 114: Adopt proposed Council Meeting schedule for calendar year 2000. (Continued from the City Council meeting of December 7, 1999, Item A22.) Mayor Daly. Relative to the Council Meeting Schedule for 2000, the meeting date of April 11, 2000 is added to the list of meetings instead of the 25th of April, i.e., remove April 25 from the schedule and add April 11, with the understanding as they proceed through the year 2000, there may be changes made to the meeting schedule as appropriate. Roll Call Vote on Resolution Nos. 99R-244 through 99R-248, both inclusive, for adoption: AYES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Kring, Tait, McCracken, Daly NOES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution Nos. 99R-244 through 99R-248, both inclusive, duly passed and adopted. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR. MOTIONS CARRIED. (Council Member Kring and Council Member Tait voted no on Item A10.). Mayor Daly noted that several appeals had been received on a number of the following items (B1 - B26) appealing the decision(s) made by the Planning Commission. In a couple of cases, the applicants/appellants are appealing only one or two of the conditions imposed. His understanding is, when an appeal is filed, the entire matter is before the Council and not just the conditions of concern. City Attorney White. He confirmed that was correct. The City has no mechanism for appealing just certain conditions. The Public Hearing is a de novo hearing on the entire application and the Council will have the authority to approve, deny, or change conditions of the entire application. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 ITEMS B1 - B10 FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1999 - INFORMATION ONLY. APPEAL PERIOD ENDS DECEMBER 14. 1999: B1. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4160 OWNER: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., Attn: Mike Johsz, 1452 Edinger Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 AGENT: Edmund Olson, 11560 Tennessee, Los Angeles, CA 90064 LOCATION: 130 South Knott Street. Property is 2.79 acres located on the east side of Knott Avenue, 440 feet south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue. To permit aself-storage facility with waiver of (a) required structural setback adjacent to a residential zone, (b) minimum number of parking spaces and (c) required site screening abutting a residential zone boundary. Continued from the Commission meeting of November 8, 1999. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Approved the Negative Declaration; approved, in part, the Waiver of Code Requirement; granted, in part, CUP NO. 160 (PC99-199) (5 yes notes: Commissioners Bostwick, Boydstun, Bristol, Koos, Napoles; 2 nay votes: Commissioners Arnold and Vanderbilt). Council Member Feldhaus. On this item, he was wondering what other uses could be envisioned for the property. Gred Hastings, Zoning Division Manager. He first clarified there was a split vote by the Commission. Staff had suggested that there could be other uses relating to adjacent uses which include commercial and multi-family residential. He believes the reason two Commissioners voted against the proposal was the fact that it did not quite meet the Commission and Council policy relative to the shape of the property for public storage development. They felt it was much deeper than it was wider. Council Member Feldhaus. He knows that Steve Swaim, Community Services Superintendent, works with a group of citizens in west Anaheim and they prioritize some things they envision could go on certain properties as well as this property; Greg Hastings answered that staff was not aware of that conversation. Mayor Daly. The staff report states that Planning staff feels that public storage projects are at a saturation level. He asked if staff knew how many more such projects are in the "pipeline." Mr. Hastings stated there is one additional project next to Fairmont School but other than that there are no others. In the staff report there is a listing of the public storage facilities that have been approved, ones that have been denied and the ones that have already been constructed; Council Member Feldhaus. He would like to know what suggestions staff could make relative to other uses for the property. Perhaps they should continue the item until staff can bring back some alternative uses that could be built either by right or an accessory use. Mayor Daly. The only choice today is to let the project go forward as approved or set the matter for a Public Hearing; City Attorney White. Today is the last day to set this matter for a hearing. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 After further discussion and input from staff, Mayor Daly stated if he (Feldhaus) wants to set a hearing, he is willing to second the request. However, he believes the Planning Commission in this case made the correct decision based on all the facts that are/were available. If other uses were to occur on the site, it would most likely have to be in conjunction with the shopping area to the north and some type of Redevelopment activity would have to take place. No action was taken by the Council on Item B1. B2. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION,WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4069 OWNER: Khoda B. Ostowari, Parvin Soroushian and Irandokht Djahanian, 6263 E. Twin Peak Circle, Anaheim, CA 92807 LOCATION: 801 South Harbor Boulevard and 510 West South Street. Property is 0.8 acre located at the southwest corner of South Street and Harbor Boulevard. To amend or delete conditions of approval pertaining to the license for the retail sale of beer and wine for off-premises consumption and to amend plans pertaining to the proposed freestanding sign and required screening adjacent to a residential zone with waiver of (a) permitted location of freestanding signs, (b) required site screening abutting a residential zone and (c) timing of required improvement of right-of-way. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 4160, Granted in part. Waiver of Code approved in part, Negative Declaration previously-approved. (PC99-199) (5 yes notes: Commissioners Bostwick, Boydstun, Bristol, Koos, Napoles; 2 nay votes: Commissioners Arnold and Vanderbilt). Joel Fick, Planning Director first clarified that he believed from the location of the subject project, that Council Member Feldhaus' business was outside of the 300' radius of the proposed project. A review of the Planning Commission's decision was requested by Mayor Daly and concurred in by Council Member Feldhaus and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be set at a later date. B3. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4162 OWNER: Leonard Joe Chaidez & Cyndie M. Chaidez, P.O. Box 29, Anaheim, CA 92815 AGENT: Michael Clarke, 8421 Yorktown, Huntington Beach, CA 92686 LOCATION: 507 South Lemon Street. Property is 0.56 acre located at the southwest corner of Lemon Street and Santa Ana Street. To permit a contractor's storage yard. Continued from the Commission meeting of November 8, 1999. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMSSION: WITHDRAWN B4. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1322 OWNER: Sidney E. Bickel Trust, 5585-B Via Dicha, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 AGENT: Greg Hammill, 414 Fernhill Lane, Anaheim, CA 92807 Sam Governale, 633 S. East Street, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 633 South East Street. Property is 1.9 acre located on the west side of East Street, 182 feet north of the centerline of South Street (Quartz Dealer Direct). To permit and retain an automobile wholesale and retail auction facility. Continued from the Commission meeting of October 11, 1999. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Approved the Negative Declaration; approved, use, for 1 additional year, CUP NO. 1322. (PC99-201) (6 yes votes, 1 nay vote (Commissioner Koos)) 10 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 The decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by Sam Governale on behalf of Quartz Dealer Direct in letter dated December 14, 1999 and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be set at a later date. B5. 179: CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 21 VARIANCE NO. 1229 OWNER: Gregory Parkin, 2500 West Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite V, Fullerton, CA 92833 LOCATION: 823 South Beach Boulevard. Property is 1.3 acre located on the west side of Beach Boulevard 975 feet north of the centerline of Ball Road (Covered Wagon Motel). To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently contains a time limitation expired on November 17, 1999 to retain an existing 70-unit motel. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Approved Variance No. 1229 re-instatement for 1 year, Categorical Exemption Class 21, concurred with staff (PC99-202) (7 yes votes) The decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by Gregory L. Parkin, Attorney, Covered Wagon Motel in letter dated December 3, 1999 and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be set at a later date. B6. 179: CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 21 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1043 INITIATED BY: City of Anaheim (Code Enforcement), 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 OWNER: Ben Karmelich, 30 Harbor Sight Drive, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 LOCATION: 2748 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is 1.7 acre located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue 670 feet east of the centerline of Dale Avenue (Seville Inn). City-initiated request to consider revocation or modification of Conditional Use Permit No. 1043 (permitting a 129-unit, 3-story motel with waiver of maximum structural height). ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Modified CUP NO. 1043 to permit use for another 6 months, Categorical exemption-Class 21, concurred with staff. (PC99-203) (7 yes votes) The decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by Ben Kamelich, Jr., Owner of the Seville Inn in letter dated December 10, 1999 and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be set at a later date. B7. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3955 OWNER: Kaufman and Broad, Attn: Efrem Joelson, Project Manager, 801 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 201, Pomona, CA 91768 LOCATION: Property is 4.6 acres identified as "Cypress Infill", located as follows: Parcel A: Property is 0.51 acres located the northeast corner of Olive Street and Cypress Street (304, 304'h, 308, 308'h, 312, 312'h, 314, 314'h, and 320 North Olive Street and; Parcel B: Property is 3.0 acres located (1) on Cypress Street, 40 feet east of the centerline of Olive Street and (2) at the northeast corner of Pauline Street and Adele Street, and (3) at the southeast corner of Pauline Street and Adele Street, and (4) at the southwest corner of Adele Street and Sabina Street, (424, 605 and 605'h East Adele Street; 300 North Olive Street; 300 301, 306, 306'h, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 312'h, 315 and 317 North Sabina Street; 300, 305, 307, 312, 318, 322, and 412 North Pauline Street; and 411, 415, 419, 421, 517, 521 and 527 East Cypress Street). 11 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 To amend or delete a condition of approval pertaining to fencing materials for apreviously- approved 2-lot, 6-unit RM-2400 attached "affordable" condominium subdivision with waivers (Parcel A); and a 43-lot, 41-unit RM-3000 detached "affordable" one-family subdivision with waivers (Parcel B). ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Approved amendment to the conditions of approval of CUP NO. 3955, previously approved Negative Declaration. (PC99-204) (5 yes votes; 1 absent, Commissioner Boydstun, 1 declared conflict of interest, Commissioner Vanderbilt). B8. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4159 DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. 99-06 OWNER: Thrifty Oil Company, 13539 Foster Road, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90650 AGENT: The Regents Group, Attn: David Rose, 3870 La Sierra Avenue, #193, Riverside, CA 92505 LOCATION: 1881 West Ball Road. Property is 0.43 acre located at the northeast corner of Ball Road and Nutwood Street (Thrifty Oil). Conditional Use Permit No. 4159 - To permit the conversion of a 1,471 square foot vacant service station into a convenience market with sales of beer and wine for off-premises consumption. Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-06 - To determine public convenience or necessity to allow the retail sales of beer and wine for off-premises consumption within a proposed convenience market. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMSSION: Granted CUP NO. 4159, in part, for 5 years; denied Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-06 and approved Negative Declaration. (PC99-205 - CUP NO. 4159, PC99-206 - NECESSITY RESOLUTION) (6 yes votes, Commissioner Boydstun absent). The decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by David A. Rose III of the Regents Group in letter dated December 13, 1999 and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be set at a later date. B9. 179: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION, WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3962 OWNER: Argonaut Holdings, Attn: Dennis Linville, 515 Marin Street, #212, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 AGENT: Classic Chevrolet, Attn: Milt Barnes, Jr., 1001 North Weir Canyon Road, Anaheim, CA 92807 LOCATION: 1001 North Weir Canyon Road Property is 2.95 acres located at the northeast corner of Pullman Street and Old Canal Road (Classic Chevrolet). To amend or delete conditions of approval to permit sign plan revisions for an existing auto dealership with waiver of (a) permitted freestanding signs and (b) permitted directional signs. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Approve Waiver of Code Requirement, Amended conditions of approval for CUP NO. 3962, previously approved Negative Declaration. (PC99-207) (6 yes votes, Commissioner Boydstun absent). B10. 179/170: CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION, RECLASSIFICATION NO. 99-00-09 VARIANCE NO. 4380. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 15961 (APPEAL PERIOD ENDED 12/2/99) OWNER: California Department of Transportation, District 12, 3347 Michelson Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92612-0661 AGENT: Advanced Real Estate Services, Attn: Rick Julian, 22974 EI Toro Road, Lake Forest, CA 92630 12 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 LOCATION: 4000 East Riverdale Avenue. Property is 10.0 acres located on the south side of Addington Street, 310 feet east of the centerline of Fauna Avenue. Reclassification No. 99-00-09 - To reclassify subject property from RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/Agricultural; Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone to the RS-5000(SC) (Residential, Single-Family; Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone or less intense zone. Variance No. 4380 -Waiver of (a) required setbacks for lots adjacent to a freeway, and (b) minimum building site width to construct 43 single-family residences. Tentative Tract Map No. 15961 - To establish a 48-lot (43 residential lots and 5 lettered lots), RS-5000(SC) single-family residential subdivision. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Granted Reclassification No. 99-00-09 and Variance No. 4380, approved Tentative Tract Map No. 15961 and approved Negative Declaration. (PC99-208 -Reclassification PC99-209 - Variance) (5 yes votes, Commissioners Boydstun and Bristol absent). A review of the Planning Commission's decision was requested by Mayor Daly and concurred in by Council Member Tait and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be set at a later date. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE NOVEMBER 22, 1999 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING -APPEAL PERIOD ENDS DECEMBER 14. 1999: B11. 179: ORANGE COUNTY CENTERLINE RAIL TRANSIT PROJECT: Request for the Planning Commission, by motion, to provide a recommendation to the City Council regarding the Orange County Transportation Authority "Staff Recommended Alignment" for the Orange County Centerline Rail Transit Project in the City of Anaheim. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that if the Council decides to support a "Build" Alternative for the Centerline Project, and if there is an alignment in Anaheim, that the alignment in Anaheim be the City staff prepared Locally-Preferred Alignment (including the station locations) and requested mitigation as described in the October 25, 1999 letter to OCTA and summarized in Attachment A to the Planning Commission staff report dated November 22, 1999, correcting Item No. 4 to read as follows: "4. La Palma Avenue widening at Anaheim Boulevard to retain four through lanes". (7 yes votes) Council Member Kring asked that a Public Hearing be set on this item; City Attorney White explained that this matter was taken to the Planning Commission as an informational item for the Commission to make a recommendation to the Council. Last week, the Council considered the item. It is on the agenda today because it was on the Planning Commission meeting agenda of November 22, 1999. The Council took action on the matter at the meeting of December 7, 1999 (see minutes that date). It does not require a Public Hearing and the Planning Commission did not hold such a hearing. Council Member Kring thereupon withdrew her request. B12. 179: CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION -SECTION 150611b)13) CODE AMENDMENT NO. 99-08: City-initiated (Planning Department), 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805, request for consideration to amend Title 18 pertaining to self- service laundry facilities. ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby concur with staff that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 15061(b)(3), 13 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirements to prepare an EIR. Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council adoption of the draft ordinances attached to the November 22, 1999 Planning Commission staff report. (7 Yes votes). ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMSSION: Concurred with staff, recommended adoption of the draft ordinance. (7 yes votes) 613. 179: CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION -SECTION 150611b)13) CODE AMENDMENT NO. 99- 11: City-initiated (Planning Department), 200 South Anaheim Boulevard #162, Anaheim, CA 92805, Proposal to amend Section 18.86.030 of Chapter 18.86 pertaining to signs in the PR "Public Recreation" zone. ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby concur with staff that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 15061(b)(3), as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirements to prepare an EIR. Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Napoles and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council adoption of the draft ordinance attached to the Planning Commission staff report dated November 22, 1999. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Concurred with staff, recommended adoption of the draft ordinance. (7 yes votes). ITEMS 614 - 615 FROM THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1999 - DECISION DATE DECEMBER 9, 1999: INFORMATION ONLY -APPEAL PERIOD ENDS DECEMBER 24, 1999: 614. 179: CEQA EXEMPT {SECTION 15061 (6)13)} ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 177 OWNER: Don L. Garcia and Lisa F. Morales, 896 S. Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENT: Rose Morales, 896 S. Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 894 & 896 South Harbor Boulevard. Property is 0.27 acres located at the northeast corner of Vermont Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Waiver of maximum fence height (3 feet permitted; 6 feet proposed) to authorize an existing unpermitted 6 feet high wrought iron fence within the required front yard setback adjacent to two street frontages. ACTION TAKING BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Approved ADMINITRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 177 (ZA99-45) 615. 179: CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 1 VARIANCE N0.4382 OWNER: Joseph G. Little, 6991 E. Via EI Estribo, Anaheim, CA 92807 AGENT: Frank Joe Lopez, 5390 Park Place, Chino, CA 91710 LOCATION: 6991 East Via EI Estribo: Property is 0.98 acre located at the northeast corner of Avenida De Santiago and Via EI Estribo. Waiver of maximum structural height (25 feet permitted; 31.5 feet proposed) to construct a 2-story addition to an existing single-family residence in the RS-HS-22,000(SC) (Residential, Single-Family Hillside; Scenic Corridor Overlay) zone. 14 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 ACTION TAKING BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: Denied Variance No. 4382 (ZA99-46) ITEMS B16 - B26 FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 6, 1999 - INFORMATION ONLY. APPEAL PERIOD ENDS DECEMBER 28. 1999: B16. 179: CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 21 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3490 INITIATED BY: City of Anaheim (Planning Department), 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 OWNER: Sycamore Canyon Plaza, Inc., c/o GE Capital, Attn: Lisa Mitchelson, Asset Manager, One Boston Place, Suite 1810, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 AGENT: CB Richard Ellis, Inc., Attn: Ivette Barnett, 4141 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite 200, Ontario, CA 91764 LOCATION: 701 South Weir Canyon Road. Property is 11.9 acres located at the southwest corner of Weir Canyon Road and Serrano Avenue (Blockbuster Video). City-initiated request for revocation or modification of a previously approved restaurant with beer and wine and outdoor seating where current use is anon-restaurant use. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 3490, Revoked (PC99-212) (6 yes votes, Boydstun absent) B17. 179: NEGATIVE DECLARATION, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4163 OWNER: Marvin Frederick and Vivian Marie Rogers, 321 North State College Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 AGENT: Allen Golden, 2888 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91107 LOCATION: 321 North State College Boulevard. Property is 0.69 acre located on the west side of State College Boulevard, 310 feet south of the centerline of Redwood Avenue. To permit a substance abuse recovery center for women and their dependent children. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 4163, Granted for 44 occupants for 1 year, to expire December 6, 2000. Approved Negative Declaration (PC99-213) (4 yes votes, 2 no votes -Koons and Vanderbilt, 1 absent -Boydstun) Mayor Daly. The Planning Commission action was to allow this for one year. He asked what criteria will the Commission use to revisit the use. His understanding is the applicant will have to reapply within a year and go back to the Planning Commission for a full Public Hearing which is counter to the Planning staff recommendation. They recommended denial of the proposed residency by 48; the Planning Commission lowered it to 44. He asked if that solved the concern. Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager. Staff was interested in keeping the density of the project down to what a normal multi-family project would be. The applicant is going to be converting two or three of the units making living rooms into bedrooms. The Planning Commission approved 44 based on quite a bit of input from the County as well as the proposed operator. The Commission felt comfortable with the 15 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 way the facility was to be operated but wanted to look at it again in a year; Joel Fick. Based upon information from the County and input received the Commission was comfortable with one year. Mayor Daly asked if the County is vouching for the credibility and experience of the proposed operator; Greg Hastings answered that the County was in attendance in support. The operator is to be Southern California Alcohol and Drug Programs, Inc. Also answering the Mayor, he confirmed that the applicant indicated there would be no signage and a condition was imposed that there be no signage. B18. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4155, DETERMINATION OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. 99-07 NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT: OWNER: Devtech Inc., Attn: Young Woo Kim, President, 1812 Fairford Drive, Fullerton, CA 92833 LOCATION: 500-528 South Beach Boulevard. Property is 1.91 acres located at the northeast corner of Orange Avenue and Beach Boulevard (Sav-on Drug Store). Conditional Use Permit No. 4155 - To permit a commercial retail center, including a drug store with adrive-through lane and with sales of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption, and to retain an existing convenience market with sales of beer and wine for off-premises consumption, and with waiver of (a) unpermitted marquee sign, (b) minimum distance between freestanding signs, (c) minimum number of parking spaces, (d) maximum structural height, and (e) required setback adjacent to a residential zone boundary. Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-07 - To determine public convenience or necessity for one (1) additional Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) license in this shopping center (the existing convenience market currently has a license) to permit the sales of beer and wine and alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption at the drug store. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 4155, Granted in part (PC99-214). Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity No. 99-07, Approved in part (PC99-215). Approved Negative Declaration Waiver of Code requirements, Approved in part. (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) B19. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOS. 244 & 564 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 1 OWNER: Ritz Realty, 2030 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825 AGENT: Louise Whitworh, 460 Pacific Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, CA 92604 LOCATION: 1800 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is 0.84 acre located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, 1,202 feet west of the centerline of Euclid Street (Ha Penny Inn). To modify the conditions of approval to facilitate the renovation of an existing 52-unit motel. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit Nos. 244 & 564, Approved Modification. (PC99-216) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) B20. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1550 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION: OWNER: John Pedicini, P.O. Box 15033, Newport Beach, CA 92659 AGENT: Alex Burrola, 1747 South Douglass Road, Suite B, Anaheim, CA 92806 16 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 LOCATION: 1755 West La Palma Avenue. Property is 0.4 acre located on the north side of La Palma Avenue, 650 feet west of the centerline of Euclid Street (EI Rey Del Marisco Restaurant). To permit the expansion of an existing restaurant with the sale of beer and wine for on-premises consumption. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 1550, Approved expansion for 1 year, to expire December 6, 2000. Approved Negative Declaration (PC99-217) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Bydstun) Mayor Daly. There is an existing restaurant next to a commercial office building near the intersection of LaPalma and Euclid. The property owner of the commercial office building was not able to attend the Planning Commission hearing and expressed his concern that the restaurant already uses his property for parking on Friday and Saturday nights. He feels the Council should reconsider this proposal. A review of the Planning Commission's decision was requested by Mayor Daly concurred in by Council Member Feldhaus and, therefore, a Public Hearing will be scheduled at a later date. B21. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4002 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION: INITIATED BY: City of Anaheim (Code Enforcement), 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92805 OWNERS: Rollins Properties, Inc., 1 Rollins, Plaza, Wilmington, Delaware 19803 AGENT: Hertz Equipment Rental Corp. 225 Brae Boulevard, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 LOCATION: 1801 East Ball Road. Property is 1.52 acre located on the north side of Ball Road, 490 feet west of the centerline of State College Boulevard (Hertz Equipment Rental). City-initiated request to consider revocation or modification of this permit for a large equipment storage yard which contains a condition of approval (No. 26) requiring a six month review (originally approved on May 24, 1999). ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Modified CUP 4002 by deleting Condition No. 26 of Resolution No. PC99-88. Negative Declaration previously-approved (PC99-218) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) B22. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4041 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION OWNER: Michael R. A. Bagguley, 701 Concord Street, Glendale, CA 91202 AGENT: Carol D. Cushing, 701 Concord Street, Glendale, CA 91202 LOCATION: 3010 West Lincoln Avenue. Property is 1.58 acres located at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Beach Boulevard (Numero Uno Pizzeria). To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently contains a time limitation and which expired on July 6, 1999, to retain a restaurant with retail sales of beer and wine for on-premises consumption and an amusement arcade with up to sixteen amusement devices. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 4041, approved reinstatement, to expire December 31, 2001. Negative Declaration previously-approved. (PC99-219) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) B23. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4165 NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT: OWNER: Southern California Edison, P.O. Box 800, 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770 AGENT: Ryan Young, SDS Wireless for Sprint PCS, 26522 La Alameda, Suite 170, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 17 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 LOCATION: 1200-1400 West Audre Drive, 1650 South Ninth Street and 1651 South Walnut Street. Property is 5.02 acres located on the south side of Audre Drive between Walnut Street and Ninth Street (Southern California Edison Easement). To permit telecommunication antennas on an existing electrical transmission tower with waiver of minimum landscape requirements (deleted). ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 4165, Granted in part, for 5 years, to expire December 6, 2004. Approved Negative Declaration Denied Waiver of Code requirement (PC99-220) (5 yes votes, 1 conflict of interest -Koos, 1absent-Boydstun) B24. 179: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4166, NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND WAIVER OF CODE REQUIREMENT: OWNER: International Sangha Bhiksu Buddhist Association, 8752 Westminster Avenue, Westminster, CA 92683 AGENT: Paul Kott, 1225 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 610 South Sunkist Street. Property is 1.07 acre located on the east side of Sunkist Avenue, 400 feet north of the centerline of South Street. To construct a cultural meditation center with accessory caretaker residence with waiver of (a) minimum rear yard setback (deleted), (b) permitted encroachments into required yards (deleted), and (c) maximum fence height in front yard. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Conditional Use Permit No. 4166, Granted in part Negative Declaration Approved Waiver of Code Requirement Denied (PC99-221) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) B25. 179: VARIANCE NO. 4292 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION: OWNER: Tuna Puna Marital Trust, Attn: Ronald C. Douglas, Trustee, 12651 Newport Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 AGENT: Janice Renne, 2915 Red Hill Avenue, Suite C-101-A, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 LOCATION: 5481 East Santa Ana Canyon Road. Property is 1.2 acre located at the northwest corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Maude Lane (Seven Gables Real Estate). Requests approval of revised plans pertaining to enhancements to the exterior of the existing office building, including lights, awnings and relocating the existing wall sign to the second floor. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Variance No. 4292 revised plans, Approved in part, Negative Declaration previously approved (PC99-222) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) B26. 179: VARIANCE NO. 4381 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION: OWNER: Pacific Homes, LLC, 2760 Spring Street, Suite 220, Long Beach, CA 90806 AGENT: Phil Bennett, 5535 East Cerritos Drive, Orange, CA 92869 LOCATION: 1312 West La Palma Avenue. Property is 0.56 acres located on the south side of La Palma Avenue, 1310 feet east of the centerline of Euclid Street. 18 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 Waiver of (a) minimum lot depth, (b) minimum lot size, (c) minimum lot width, and (d) orientation of residential structures, to construct three detached single family residential homes. ACTION TAKEN BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Variance No. 4381, Granted Negative Declaration Approved (PC99-223) (6 yes votes, 1 absent Boydstun) END OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS FOR DECEMBER 6, 1999. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Mayor Daly offered Ordinance Nos. 5708 through 5711 for adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book. B27. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5708 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE ZONING MAP REFERRED TO IN TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING (RECLASSIFICATION NO. 98-99- 12) CH (COMMERCIAL, HEAVY) TO CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMITED) ZONING AT 100, 200 AND 220 N. BEACH BLVD. (INFORMATIONAL ITEM AT THE MEETING OF MAY 18, 1999, ITEM B11. INTRODUCED AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1999, ITEM B7.) B28. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5709 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE ZONING MAP REFERRED TO IN TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING (RECLASSIFICATION NO. 98-99- 14) RM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE -FAMILY) AND ML (LIMITED INDUSTRIAL) TO CL (COMM. LIMITED), AT 600 TO 626 N. BROOKHURST ST. (INFORMATIONAL ITEM AT THE MEETING OF AUGUST 24, 1999, ITEM B2. INTRODUCED AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1999, ITEM B8.) B29. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5710 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE ZONING MAP REFERRED TO IN TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING (RECLASSIFICATION NO. 99-00- 01) CG (COMMERCIAL, GENERAL) TO CL (COMMERCIAL, LIMITED) AT 624 TO 636 W. ORANGEWOOD AVE. (INFORMATIONAL ITEM AT THE MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 1999, ITEM B3. INTRODUCED AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7 1999, ITEM B9.) B30. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5711 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE ZONING MAP REFERRED TO IN TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING (RECLASSIFICATION NO. 99-00- 19 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 02) RM-1200 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY) AND RS-A- 43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL) TO OS (OPEN SPACE) AT SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ORANGEWOOD AVE. AND HASTER ST./PONDEROSA PARK. INFORMATIONAL ITEM AT THE MEETING OF AUGUST 10, 1999, ITEM B4. INTRODUCED AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1999, ITEM B10.) Roll Call Vote on Ordinance Nos. 5708 through 5711 for adoption: AYES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Kring, Tait, McCracken, Daly NOES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Ordinance Nos. 5708 through 5711 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Mayor Daly offered Ordinance Nos. 5712 through 5717 for first reading. B31. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5712 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING SUBSECTION OF SECTION 18.86.030 OF CHAPTER 18.86 OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING (SIGNS IN "PR" PUBLIC RECREATIONAL ZONE). B32. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5713 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING REQUIREMENTS (SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES). B33. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5714 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN ADJUSTMENT NO. 5 TO THE NORTHEAST AREA SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 94-1, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5517, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, AND AMENDING SUBSECTIONS .010 AND 050 OF SECTION 18.110.100 OF SECTION 18.110.100 OF CHAPTER 18.110 OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE (SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES). B34. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5715 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN ADJUSTMENT NO. 1 TO THE PACIFICENTER ANAHEIM SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 88-3, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5054, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, ACCORDINGLY (THE PACIFICENTER ANAHEIM SPECIFIC PLAN) RELATING TO SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES. B35. 179: ORDINANCE NO. 5716 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 20 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 14. 1999 APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN ADJUSTMENT NO. 1 TO THE CYPRESS CANYON SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 90-3, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5296, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, AND AMENDING SUBSECTION .060 OF SECTION 18.77.070 OF CHAPTER 18.77 OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE (SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES) B36. 179 ORDINANCE NO. 5717 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN ADJUSTMENT NO. 2 TO THE ANAHEIM HILLS FESTIVAL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 90-1, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5109, AS PREVIOUSLY AMENDED, AND AMENDING SUBSECTION .020, OF SECTION 18.74.040 OF CHAPTER 18.74 OF TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE (SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES). D1. 000: PUBLIC HEARING -GOLF COURSE FEE CHANGES: Amending Resolution No. 99R-117 creating a resident/non-resident fee structure effective February 1, 2000. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS MET BY: Publication in North County News: November 25, 1999 Submitted was report dated December 1, 1999 from the Director of Community Services, Chris Jarvi recommending the adoption of a resolution creating a resident and non-resident green fees and cart fees structure effective February 1, 2000. Christ Jarvi, Director of Community Services briefed the information contained in the subject staff report following which questions were posed by Council Members relative to the specifics of the proposed fee structure which were answered by both Mr. Jarvi and Jack Kudron, Parks Superintendent. Mayor Daly subsequently opened the Public Hearing and asked to hear from those who wished to speak. Jean Nixon, 6401 E. Nohl Ranch Road #79, Anaheim (40 years). She is and has been a member of the Women's Golf Club for 10 years and was a past President. She asked if the Golf Commission has taken into consideration making the current members of the Club exempt from this increase. The Club has approximately 45 members, nine of which are residents. It would show appreciation to those women who have supported and have interest in the golf course(s) and Club if they could be made exempt. Mayor Daly asked staff to comment; Jack Kudron. Currently there are four clubs, two at each course. When the City established the tournament surcharge involved with booking tournaments, the clubs were exempted from that. Currently there are about 350 members at the Anaheim Hills week-end club and 260 at Dad Miller's, i.e., the week-end clubs at Dad Miller and Anaheim Hills and the two women's clubls at each course. Staff is recommending that the resident/non-resident fee structure be applied to everyone since the existing clubs already have tremendous privileges which he explained. He reiterated, they are recommending that they either have aresident/non-resident situation or in the case of a tournament, the surcharge. He does not believe the clubs are interested in a surcharge. There being no further persons who wished to speak, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Daly. They appreciate the comments made by the Women's Golf Club. The proposal is a step in the right direction, i.e., to give preference to Anaheim residents. 21 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 Mayor Daly offered Resolution No. 99R-249 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. 99R-249 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING THE GREEN FEES AND CART RENTAL FEES TO BE CHARGED AT THE DAD MILLER GOLF COURSE AND THE ANAHEIM HILLS GOLF COURSE. Roll Call Vote on Resolution No. 99R-249 for adoption: AYES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Kring, Tait, McCracken, Daly NOES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 99R-249, duly passed and adopted. D2. 130: PUBLIC HEARING -CENTURY -TCI CABLE TELEVISION -TRANSFER To consider an Ordinance of the City of Anaheim consenting to the Transfer of a Franchise for Cable Television. At the meeting of November 16, 1999 the City Council adopted Resolution 99R-233 declaring its intention to approve the transfer of a cable television franchise from Century -TCI, California to Adelphia Communications Corporation and ordering a hearing thereon. Submitted was a report dated December 14, 1999 from Kristine Thalman, Government Relations Manager recommending that the Council, by Ordinance, approve the Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) relating to the consent of the City of Anaheim to the transfer of control of the Franchise Agreement held by Century-TCI California to Adelphia Communications Corporation. Mayor Daly asked for a brief report from staff; Kristine Thalman, Government Relations Manager briefed report dated December 14, 1999 which summarized the Franchise Transfer Agreement and the Memorandum of Understanding. In concluding, she noted that Betsy Martin from Rutan and Tucker, outside Counsel, was present to answer any questions. Mayor Daly posed a line of questions relating to what the "lifeline" tier rate would be as well as other related questions; Ms. Thalman explained that they do not have a rate at this time since that would have to be negotiated. Betsy Martin, Rutan & Tucker. She explained that within 18 months, Adelphia has agreed to transition to a lifeline service. It would be over-the-air stations, public access stations, and mutually agreed upon additional stations. She suggested that they may want to ask what the proposed lifeline rate will be. Because it is 18 months away, they do not have a figure at this time. Kristine Thalman. The only thing they can legally require in the MOU is that they will come to some mutual agreement about the channels that will be provided in the lifeline rate. As far as the rate, they are starting to get into regulatory issues which is under Federal law and out of the City's purview. All will be mutually agreed upon within 18 months before providing the service. Ms. Martin referred to Page 2 of the MOU (made a part of the record) and read those portions specifically relating to the Mayor's questions relative to the lifeline rate. 22 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 Penny Contas, Adelphia Communications. She noted they are not required to carry a lifeline rate but Adelphia has agreed to do so. Mayor Daly opened the Public Hearing and asked to hear from anyone who wished to speak; there being no response, he closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Daly offered Ordinance No. 5718 for first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 5718 (INTRODUCTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE TRANSFER OF A FRANCHISE FOR CABLE TELEVISION D3. 176: PUBLIC HEARING -ABANDONMENT NO. 99-6A: In accordance with application filed by Kaufman and Broad Coastal Inc., 36 Technology Drive, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92618-2301, a Public Hearing was held on the proposed abandonment of a certain electrical easement located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Brookhurst Street reserving unto the City of Anaheim easement for public utility purposes, pursuant to Resolution 99R-217 duly published in the North Orange County News and notices thereof posted in accordance with law. At their meeting held November 2, 1999, the Anaheim City Council adopted Resolution No. 99R- 217declaring its intention to vacate certain public streets, highways and service easements and to consider the abandoning certain easements for electrical purposes extending easterly from Brookhurst Street, running parallel to and approximately 150 feet south of Lincoln Avenue. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS MET BY: Publication in North County News: December 2, 1999 Mailing to property owners within 300 feet: December 2, 1999 Posting of property: December 3, 1999 Natalie Meeks, Civil Engineer, Public Works. The easement is no longer required. Additional easements have been dedicated for the development of a new housing tract. Mayor Daly opened the Public Hearing and asked to hear from anyone who wished to speak; there being none, he closed the Public Hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT -CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION: On motion by Mayor Daly, seconded by Council Member McCracken, the City Council determined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01 Class 5, of the City of Anaheim guidelines to the requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, Categorically Exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Daly offered Resolution No. 99R-250 for adoption, approving Abandonment No. 99-6A. Refer to Resolution Book. 23 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 RESOLUTION NO. 99R-250: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND SERVICE EASEMENTS (ABANDONMENT NO. 99-6A). Roll Call Vote on Resolution No. 99R-250 for adoption: AYES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Kring, Tait, McCracken, Daly NOES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 99R-250, duly passed and adopted. D4. 176: PUBLIC HEARING -ABANDONMENT NO. 99-16A: In accordance with application filed by Jackson-Shaw Company, 4890 Alpha Road, Suite 100, Dallas, TX, 75244, a Public Hearing was held on the proposed abandonment of a certain easement located at 901 East South Street (Hitachi Site), reserving unto the City of Anaheim easement for public utility purposes, pursuant to Resolution 99R-229 duly published in the North Orange County News and notices thereof posted in accordance with law. At their meeting held November 16, 1999, the Anaheim City Council adopted Resolution No. 99R-229 declaring its intention to vacate certain public streets, highways and service easements and to consider abandoning certain easements for electrical purposes located on North side of South Street adjacent to and easterly of the Orange Street right-of-way (ABANDONMENT NO. 99-16A). PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS MET BY: Publication in North County News: November 2, 1999 Mailing to property owners within 300 feet: November 2, 1999 Posting of property: November 2, 1999 Natalie Meeks, Civil Engineer, Public Works. The easements are no longer required. The abandonment is in conjunction with remodeling of an existing facility. Mayor Daly opened the Public Hearing and asked to hear from anyone who wished to speak; there being none, he closed the Public Hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT -CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION: On motion by Mayor Daly, seconded by Council Member McCracken, the City Council determined that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01 Class 5, of the City of Anaheim guidelines to the requirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, Categorically Exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Daly offered Resolution No. 99R-251 for adoption, approving Abandonment No. 99-16A. Refer to Resolution Book. 24 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 RESOLUTION NO. 99R-251: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS AND SERVICE EASEMENTS (ABANDONMENT NO. 99-16A). Roll Call Vote on Resolution No. 99R-251 for adoption: AYES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: Feldhaus, Kring, Tait, McCracken, Daly NOES: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: MAYOR/COUNCIL MEMBERS: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 99R-251, duly passed and adopted. C1. 112: REPORTS ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS: City Attorney Jack White stated that there are no actions to report. C2. PLANNING COMMISSION COMPENSATION: Consideration of adjustment of compensation for members of the City Planning Commission requested by Council Member Feldhaus at the meeting of December 7, 1999. Mayor Daly. This item was placed on the agenda at the request of Council Member Feldhaus. As he understands, the current compensation for Planning Commissioners is $50 per meeting and in most months there are two meetings. Council Member Feldhaus. As far back as he can remember, the expense allowance for the Planning Commission has been $50 now almost 13 years. During that time, expenses such as gasoline have increased considerably. The City has grown to 350,000 and the Commission travels to many properties for on-site reviews. He feels it is time for the Council to consider increasing the allowance for the Planning Commission. His suggestion is that it be $100 per meeting. Mayor Daly. He agrees with $100 per meeting which is reasonable compensation. It is difficult to find qualified people to give up as much time as is necessary to serve. Generally there are two meetings per month. Council Member Tait. He disagrees. He has not heard from the Planning Commissioners with the thought they should be compensated more. The $50 or even $100 does not compensate them for their time. He does not see a need to increase the amount and feels it takes away from the idea of community service. Council Member Feldhaus. He has not heard from anyone either but just believes an increase is a fair thing to do; Council Member Tait. He received a letter from one Commissioner opposing any increase. Council Member Feldhaus stated he had just been handed the letter from a Commissioner who was appointed in the last six months (James Vanderbilt); Council Member Kring. She is opposed as well and does not think there is a shortage of qualified applicants. She has never heard anybody say they weren't adequately compensated. City Attorney White. Because this is an ordinance, any action should be directing staff to prepare an ordinance and bring it back at the next meeting. He noted that the Redevelopment and Housing 25 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 Commission compensation is set at the same amount as the Planning Commission by ordinance which would require a change if the compensation for the Planning Commission is changed. He clarified for Council Member Kring that the ordinance will have to provide Redevelopment and Housing Commission one amount and the Planning Commission another whereas now they are tied together. Mayor Daly. The action would be for the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance to adjust the compensation for the City Planning Commission and separate it out from compensation to the Redevelopment and Housing Commissioners. MOTION. Council Member Feldhaus moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance as articulated. Mayor Daly seconded the motion. Before a vote was taken, Council Member McCracken stated she was also going to oppose. The Planning Commissioners and the Redevelopment and Housing Commissioners are the only commissioners who receive any remuneration. There are people on the Community Services Board, for instance, who spend as much time on the work of the City as the Planning Commission. If they are going to talk about compensation, she would like to look at the whole compensation issue; Mayor Daly asked if she was willing to talk about compensation for all the various commissions. Council Member McCracken. She feels that will take time and study -- what is involved, where the money will come from, etc. The motion right now is just regarding the Planning Commission. She would be willing to put the whole issue on the agenda at a later time. Mayor Daly. He agrees and he does support compensating the Planning Commission out of a sense of fairness more than they are compensated. He also agrees there probably are other commissions who deserve equally fair treatment. They do not want to fall so far behind in their approach that they lose good people. He then asked Council Member Feldhaus if he wanted a vote on his motion or if he wished to withdraw it. Council Member Feldhaus thereupon withdrew his motion. (No further action was taken on the issue at this time.) C3. 114: COUNCIL COMMENTS: Mayor Daly noted this is the last Council Meeting of 1999 and the next scheduled meeting is January 11, 2000. He wished everyone a happy holiday season and a safe and happy New Year's Eve; Council Member Tait. He is looking forward to the new Millennium. He also noted that the City is well prepared relative to Y2K issues. He looks forward to a great new year for the City; Council Member McCracken wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays also to those celebrating their special holidays. She extended her best wishes for a Happy New Year to all; Council Member Kring expressed her sincerest wishes for a happy holiday season to all. Since there is no meeting until January 11, 2000 she reminded everyone of the gala Grand Opening of the Convention Center (expansion) on Saturday, January 8, 2000. There will be an open house, bands, food and festivities. She urged attendance by one and all; Council Member Feldhaus wished happy holidays to all of Anaheim's citizens as well as to his colleagues and to City staff. ADJOURNMENT: By general Council consent, the last City Council Meeting of 1999, December 14, 1999, was adjourned (7:25 P.M.). (The next scheduled Council Meeting is Tuesday, January 11, 2000.) SHERYLLSCHROEDER CITY CLERK 26 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, DECEMBER 14, 1999 27