APFA-2007-005RESOLUTION NO. APFA-2007-005 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING PURCHASE AND -SALE OF TAX ALLOCATION REFUNDING BONDS FOR THE ANAHEIM MERGED PROJECT AREA AND APPROVING CERTAIN RELATED DOCUMENTS AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim (the "City") and the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") have entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (the "Agreement"), creating the Anaheim Public Financing Authority (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Agency has previously entered into loan agreements and borrowed funds from the Anaheim Public Financing Authority in the following original principal amounts: 1992 Loan $134,433,052.80 1997 Loan 27,905,000.00 2000 Loan 31,850,000.00 and _ WHEREAS, the Agency has previously entered into a Note Purchase Agreement with Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. dated as of November 1, 2006 providing for the issuance by the Agency of a Note in the principal amount of $17,875,000 (the "2006 Note"); and WHEREAS, the Authority funded each of the 1992 Loan, the 1997 Loan and the 2000 Loan with the proceeds of its tax allocation revenue bonds in a like principal amount referred to herein as the "1992 Bonds", the "1997 Bonds" and the "2000 Bonds" and collectively as the "Prior Bonds" and WHEREAS, the Agency wishes to prepay and refinance the 1992 Loan, the 1997 Loan, the 2000 Loan and the 2006 Note (collectively, the "Prior Loans") and the related amount of the Prior Bonds and to otherwise finance or refinance certain other redevelopment activities of the Redevelopment Project in the aggregate principal amount of $218 million; and WHEREAS, in order to take advantage of prevailing market conditions and realize interest rate savings and/or restructure debt service for cash flow purposes, the Agency wishes at this time to issue its Anaheim Redevelopment Agency 2007 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds (Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area) Series A and Series B (Taxable) ("2007 Redevelopment Bonds") and Anaheim Redevelopment Agency 2007 Housing Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds (Anaheim Merged Redevelopment Project Area) Series C and Series D (Taxable) ("2007 Housing Bonds") in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $218 million (collectively, the "2007 Bonds"), pursuant to the Redevelopment Law, for the purpose of providing funds to repay all or part of the outstanding Prior Loans and financing redevelopment activities and other redevelopment housing activities of the DOCSOC/ 1243153x5/022621-0130 Agency in net amounts up to an additional $28 million, pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan; all as further described and authorized in that certain authorizing resolution of the Agency adopted of even date herewith; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 4 of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Law") and the Agreement, the Authority is authorized to purchase bonds issued by the Agency; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Law and the Agreement, the Authority is further authorized to sell bonds so purchased to public or private purchasers at public or negotiated sale; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to purchase from the Agency the 2007 Bonds, solely from the proceeds received from the Authority's concurrent sale of the 2007 Bonds to Stone & Youngberg, LLC (the "Underwriter"); and WHEREAS, the proceeds of the 2007 Bonds will be used, among other things, to refund the Prior Loans and the Prior Bonds to the extent determined by the Agency pursuant to its authorizing resolution of even date herewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority, as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and this Authority so finds and determines. SECTION 2. Each Bond Purchase Agreement (collectively, the "Purchase Agreements") by and among the Agency, the Authority and the Underwriter providing for the sale of the 2007 Redevelopment Bonds and the 2007 Housing Bonds, respectively, to the Authority for concurrent resale to the Underwriter is hereby approved in substantially the form presented, together with such changes thereto as shall be approved by the Executive Director of the Agency upon the advice of bond counsel, the Authority Executive Director's execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval. With respect to the 2007 Redevelopment Bonds, in no event shall such Purchase Agreement provide for underwriter's discount (exclusive of original issue discount) in excess of four- tenths of one percent (.4%) of the principal amount of the 2007 Redevelopment Bonds or for an interest rate in excess of six percent (6%) per annum in the case of the 2007 Bonds designated Series A and eight percent (8%) per annum in the case of the 2007 Bonds designated Series B (Taxable), respectively, or for principal amounts allocated to purposes materially in excess of the amounts referenced in the recitals hereto and Section 1 hereof. With respect to the 2007 Housing Bonds, in no event shall such Purchase Agreement provide for underwriter's discount (exclusive of original issue discount) in excess of four-tenths of one percent (.4%) of the principal amount of the 2007 Housing Bonds or for an interest rate in excess of six percent (6%) per annum in the case of the 2007 Bonds designated Series C and eight percent (8%) per annum in the case of the 2007 Bonds designated Series D (Taxable), respectively, or for principal amounts allocated to purposes materially in excess of the amounts referenced in the recitals hereto and Section 1 hereof. SECTION 3. The form of each Escrow Agreement providing for the defeasance of the 1992 Loan, the 1997 Loan and the 2000 Loan and the related Prior Bonds (collectively, the "Escrow Agreements") among the Agency, the Authority, and U.S. Bank National Association (or other entity as may be selected by the Executive Director to act as escrow bank), as Escrow Agent, is hereby DOCSOC/1243153v5/022621-0130 2 approved in substantially the form presented, together with such changes thereto as may be approved by the Executive Director of the Agency upon the advice of bond counsel, the Executive Director's execution thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval. SECTION 4. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the Authority with respect to the issuance of the 2007 Bonds or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Escrow Agreements, the Purchase Agreements or this resolution are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified. The Chair, the Executive Director, Secretary and the Treasurer of the Authority and any and all other officers of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the Authority, to do any and all things, to execute any and all agreements and take any and all other actions which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the purchase of the 2007 Bonds from the Agency and the sale and delivery of the 2007 Bonds to the Underwriter pursuant to the Purchase Agreements approved herein, and to facilitate the refunding of the Prior Bonds to be refunded with the proceeds of the 2007 Bonds. SECTION 5. This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption. DOCSOC/1243153v5/022621-0130 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this Twenty-Seventh (27`h) day of November, 2007, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Pringle, Authority Meanbers Hernandez, Sidhu, Galloway, Kring NOES: ~~ ABSENT: 1~E ABSTAIN: NONE ANAHE UBLIC FINANCI UTHORITY Chairman ATTEST: By: ecretary 4 DOCSOC/ 1243153v5/022621-0130 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss I, Linda N~11~7~~ Secretary of the Anaheim Public Financing Authority, hereby certify that the attached copies of Resolution NoPFA2007- are full, true and correct copies of that 005 now on file in the records of City of Anaheim. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m hand this 2=~hof Navem~Q~007. ecretary o the Anahei u c Financing Authority DOCSOC/ 1243153v5/022621-0130