Library 2010/08/09ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE /TIME Central Library Monday, August 9, 2010 500 West Broadway 6:30 p.m. Anaheim, CA 92805 CALL TO ORDER - The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on August 3, 2010, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees Nvas called to order by Chair Brvant at 6:40 p.m. PRESENT Roberto Baeza Lana Barlow Carolyn Brvant Laurie Crawford Linell Mathisen ABSENT: STAFF Carol Stone, City Librarian, Audrey Lujan, Library Operations /Branch Services Manager, and Ymelda Ventura, Acting Sr. Secretary GUESTS Helen Carter, President, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC REPORT: Helen credited Ted Millard, the member of Friends for the bouquets of long stem roses that Nvere used as decorations at the July 10 "' Central Grand Re- Opening celebration. The Friends honored Carol Stone and Rick BroN -,n for their help on moving the Friends items from one fa- cility to another, and for the set up for the new Book Nook. Helen mentioned that the whole staff Nvent ab- solutely above and beyond in making sure the friends got off to a good start. The book auction for Central has been put off until January or later. B. FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT: Audrey shared about the latest project that Focal is funding, which is furniture for the new teen area. Audrey also shared that Luz, the new Branch Manager of Canyon is trying her best to steer the positive energy of these teens and get them involved in volunteering, embracing the branch as theirs, and taking ownership of the newly designed teen area. Teens will make recommendations for furniture. C. FOUNDATION REPORT: Carol promoted the Norkshop that the Foundation is sponsoring: Betty Webb's Norkshop "Five Stories a Day, Every Day" for aspiring writers. The Workshop Nvill take place August 18 "' at the Central Librarv. More detailed information about the Norkshop can be found in the Library Website. D. UNSCHEDULED ORAL COMMUNICATION: Audrey shared a letter thanking Keely Hall on behalf of Anaheim Beautiful and as a Coordinator of the Adopt a Neighborhood program for the support she pro- vided by making the Bookmobile available to the residents during their final cleanup and City Fair event. E. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS: None Anaheim Public Library Meeting Au4ust 9, 2010 Minutes Page 2 ILAPPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 14, 2010 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION: That the Board approved the minutes of the June 14, 2010 meeting as presented. M/S - LB /RB 4Ayes III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. SCLC /SAB: The Board discussed electing a representative to SCLC /SAB for a term to July 2011. MOTION: That the Board recommend and elect Lana Barlow as representative to SCLC /SAB for a term to July 2011. M/S - LM /LC 4 Ayes B. SCLC /SAB: The Board discussed electing an alternate representative to SCLC /SAB for a term to July 2011. MOTION: That the Board recommend and elect Roberto Baeza as an alternate representative to SCLC /SAB for a term to July 20011. M/S - LB /LM 4 Ayes V. INFORMATION A. CITY LIBRARIAN REPORT - HOLIDAY CLOSURE: It Nvas recommended that all Library facilities close on the Citv -Nvide Labor Dav Holiday on Monday, September 6, 2010. MOTION: That the Library Board support the Library System closure for the City -wide Labor Day Holiday on Monday, September 6, 2010. M/S - CB /LM 4 Ayes B. NEW BOOK MOBILE SCHEDULE: Carol shared the new bookmobile schedule. She mentioned that the library Nvill be requesting more CDBG funding. Carol Nvill make it a priority this year to try to identIA- finding money to fund the second bookmobile. She shared that the cost of the pro- gram that Nvas eliminated Nvas $155,000 and that right now Nve are looking at $75,000. C. INCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES AND FORM: Audrey presented the electronic incident form that the staff devised. She shared that once the form is filled, staff sends it electronically to administration and/or other Branches. Audrey explained that the form is a more comprehensive, effective and a timely Nvay to record an incident. Carolvn Brvant recommended that Nvhenever the police are called for a patron incident that the Library insists that they do a Police report. Carol shared that the library staff had some prior training, and most likely Nvill receive ongoing training on the language to use when inputting an incident report. She mentioned that it is important to use neutral lan- guage. The next goal Nvill be to develop a script for calling the Police Dispatch. D. TENTATIVE PLANS FOR EUCLID: Carol shared that the Library had a formal complaint about the in- adequate facilities at Euclid. Euclid is the next priority for facility improvement. Carol shared that she di- rected Guadalupe and Audrey to start the formal process for a needs assessment of the branch. From the needs assessment Nve are going to start the process to identify a budget for the Euclid capital project. Anaheim Public Library Meeting Am4ust 9, 2010 Minutes Page 3 VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. CAPITAL: Carol shared that she plans to add Euclid to the Capital Projects. B. CENTRAL ADULT & YOUTH SERVICES ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS: Carol shared that in 10 /11 her goal is to activate two programs. One is a Digital Services program and the other one is a formal volunteer program. Carol also mentioned that Nve did not meet our Circulation statistics for last Near because of the loss of service hours and the reduction of collection. C. OPERATIONS: Audrev shared flyers of the Central Grand Re- Opening event. She also thanked the team that Nvorked so hard on making the event a success. Audrev also thanked Board member, Lana Barlow for the $100 donation, Nvhich Nvas used to buy $25 gift certificates to raffle at the event. Carol also thanked the Board Members for attending the Central Grand Re- Opening and for talking to the media. D. BRANCH SERVICES: Audrey shared program flyers for Haskett and Canyon. She mentioned that the branches have programs for all ages, not just children. Audrey expressed her gratitude for how creative staff continues to be. Carol thanked the Friends for their annual donation of $10,000. The donation Nvas used to buv books and to fund the Summer Reading Programming. VII. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: The board presented Angel Sauceda Nvith a cer- tificate for her contribution to our schools and bringing the library to the kids. Also, for her passion for Li- terature and children's books, Roberto thanked Ymelda for organizing the Board Meeting. The Board rec- ognized Luz and FOCAL for Nvorking on creating a teen area at Canyon. B. MONTHLY RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT CERTIFICATE: None VIII. BOARD ITEMS: CAROLYN BRYANT, CHAIR: Carolvn stated that she is very impressed Nvith the new library bathroom. She said that the stainvay is not dangerous anymore. LAURIE CRAWFORD: Mentioned that she Nvas disappointed that she Nvas only able to speak to the Orange County Register columnist for about five minutes due to other obstacles. She also mentioned that she at- tended the Central Grand Re- Opening and it Nvas Nvell attended. Laurie suggested that it would be nice to have a break room or a snack room for families like at other branches. ROBERTO BAEZA: None. LANA BARLOW: Lana commented that she realIv enjoyed the Central Grand Re- Opening event. LINNELL MATHISEN: Linnell commented that she attended the Grand Re- Opening event and enjoyed seeing all the volunteers that Nvere running the raffles. Anaheim Public Library Meeting Au4ust 9, 2010 Minutes Page 4 IX. MISCELLANEOUS A. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting v ill be Monday, September 13, 2010 at the Sunkist Branch Library. B. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Carolyn Bn-ant adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Chair Secretan-