Library 2010/01/11III ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION Canyon Library 400 Scout Trail Anaheim, CA 92807 DATE /TIME Monday, January 11, 2010 6:30 p.m. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1 CALL TO ORDER - The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on January 5, 2010, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Carolyn Bryant at 6:35 p.m. PRESENT Roberto Baeza Carolyn Bryant Linell Mathisen Lana Barlow ABSENT Laurie Crawford STAFF Carol Stone, City Librarian Audrey Luj an, Library Operations /Branch Services Manager Jennifer Foxx, Division Secretary Karen Gerloff, Library Services Manager - Canyon Jane Newell, Library Services Manager — Heritage Services GUESTS Pamela Galera, Sr. Community Services Project Planner Brice Brown, President, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library David Wain, Vice - Chair, East Anaheim Neighborhood Council Pete Boss L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. FRIENDS OF THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT B. FRIENDS OF THE CANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT Carol shared that the Friends Book Nook at Central is not making the same money at the interim location. The Friends are in need of of paperbacks and popular non - fiction. Brice Brown promoted the Friends of Canyon Hills book store at Canyon. Brice also shared the financial and volunteer support that the Friends give to Canyon Library. C. FOUNDATION None. REPORT ITEM NO. 01 Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of January 11, 2010 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 2 L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS (CONTINUED) D. UNSCHEDULED David Wain thanked Carol and Audrey for addressing issues that ORAL he has brought to their attention previously. He also requested COMMUNICATION that the Bookmobile Map list a guide to the stops. Pete Boss, thanked the Library for services and mentioned that he was sad to see Saturday hours eliminated at Canyon Library. Karen Gerloff promoted the services at Canyon Library and highlighted the volunteer hours given at Canyon Library. E. WRITTEN Thank you cards from the Danbrook Stop to the Bookmobile were COMMUNICATION shared as well as a thank you card to Canyon Library from a patron. FROM OTHERS H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. DECEMBER 14, 2009 MEETING MINUTES MOTION: That the Board approve the December 14, 2009 minutes as presented. M/S RM /LM 3 Ayes III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. PONDEROSA JOINT/ SCHOOL LIBRARY B. HERITAGE PARK INTERPRETIVE SIGNAGE Audrey and Pamela Galera addressed security concerns for Ponderosa Joint/School Library and outlined the measures taken as well as implementation of Police Department recommendations. Pamela and Jane presented the interpretive signage that will located on the OK Trail in the soon to be named Founders Park Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of January 11, 2010 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 3 V. INFORMATION A. CITY LIBRARIAN'S Carol updated the Board on the current budget situation facing REPORT the City and how it will affect the Library Division. B. PUBLICITY A newspaper article regarding Friday with Fido at the Canyon Library was shared. VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS A. CAPITAL Carol updated the board on the Central Library renovation. B. CENTRAL ADULT & Carol does not believe that circulation will be higher than last year YOUTH SERVICES due to reduction of open hours and reduction of the materials ACTIVITIES & budget. STATISTICS C. OPERATIONS Included in packet. D. BRANCH SERVICES Audrey shared that the Teen Advisory Boards for the various branches are donating magazine subscriptions through the Coke Rewards Program. VI. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A. RECOGINTION OF Carolyn & Linell recognized Keely Hall and the Bookmobile staff OF SUPPORT BY for continuing to service to the public when the Bookmobiles BOARD MEMBERS broke down by going out in a Library van and checking out materials to patrons. B. MONTHLY The Board recognized a library employee for providing excellent RECOGNITION OF service. SUPPORT CERTIFICATE Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of January 11, 2010 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 4 VII. BOARD ITEMS LINELL MATHISEN Linell attended the Napoleon Exhibit at the Muzeo and VICE CHAIR enjoyed it. Linell shard an article regarding express library outlets. ROBERTO BAEZA Roberto handed out bookmarks he brought for the Board from his trip to Japan. LANA BARLOW Lana thanked Carolyn for the tickets to the Napoleon Exhibit. CAROLYN BRYANT Carolyn was a prize winner in the Anaheim Apps Contest CHAIR and attended the winners' reception. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be Monday, February 8, 2010 at the Sunkist Library. B. ADJOURNMENT Chair Carolyn Bryant adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Chair Secretary