Library 2009/12/14II. ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION DATE/TIME East Anaheim Library Monday, December 14, 2009 8201 E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. 6:30p.m. Anaheim, CA 92808 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER -The agenda having been posted at11:00 a.m. onDecember 8,2009, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Carolyn Bryant at 6:40 p.m. PRESENT Roberto Baeza Carolyn Bryant Linell Mathisen ABSENT Lana Barlow Laurie Crawford STAFF Carol Stone, City Librarian Jennifer Foxx, Division Secretary Carolyn Thomas, Library Services Manager I. INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A.FRIENDS OF THE Carol shared that the Friends have committed to going into their ANAHEIM PUBLICreserves, if necessary, to maintain the same level of support as last LIBRARY REPORT year when they donated $23,000 to the Library. B.FRIENDS OF THE None. CANYON HILLS LIBRARY REPORT C.FOUNDATION The third author has been announced for the Mystery Author’s Luncheon on March 14, 2010. REPORT D.UNSCHEDULED Carolyn promoted the programsand services at East Anaheim. ORAL Carol shared that at East Anaheim the ADA doors will be installed COMMUNICATION this week and a pedestrian crosswalk was recently added in the parking lot. Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of December 14, 2009 A G E N D AA C T I O N T A K E N2 I.INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS (CONTINUED) E.WRITTEN None. COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS II.APPROVAL OF MINUTES A.NOVEMBER 9,2009 MEETING MINUTES MOTION: That the Board approve the November 9,2009minutes as presented. M/S LM/RB3Ayes III.UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. IV.NEW BUSINESS A1.HOLIDAY CLOSUREIt was recommended that all Libraries close on the City-wide Martin Luther King’s Birthday Holiday on Monday, January 18, 2010. MOTION:That the Library Board support the Library closures on the City-Wide Martin Luther King’s Birthday Holiday on Monday, January 18, 2010.M/S LM/RB3ayes. A2.HOLIDAY CLOSUREIt was recommended that all Libraries close on the City-wide Presidents’ Day Holiday on Monday, February 15, 2010. MOTION:That the Library Board support the Library closures on the City-Wide Presidents’ Day Holiday on Monday, February 15, 2010. M/S RB/LM 3ayes. Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of December 14, 2009 A G EN D AA C T I O N T A K E N3 V.INFORMATION A.CITY LIBRARIAN’SCarol updated the Board on the current budget situation facing REPORTthe City andhow it will affect the LibraryDivision. B.PUBLICITY A newspaper article regarding the Holiday Hoedown at the Canyon Library was shared. VI.ACTIVITY REPORTS A.CAPITALCarolyn and Carol updatedthe Board on the Ponderosa Joint School/Public Library project.Carol shared pictures of the Central Library Renovation. B.CENTRAL ADULT &Carol highlighted that library circulation overall as compared to YOUTH SERVICESlast year is up even though libraryhours have been reduced by ACTIVITIES &16%. STATISTICS C.OPERATIONSIncluded in packet. D.BRANCH SERVICESIncluded in packet. VI.RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT A.RECOGINTION OF The Board recognized Marie Williams, Rachel Tustin, OF SUPPOR BYLinda Nakawatase, and Angel Sauceda for the wonderful work BOARD MEMBERSthey did on the Staff Association Holiday Party. B.MONTHLY None. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT CERTIFICATE Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of December 14, 2009 A G E N D AA C T I O N T A K E N4 VII.BOARD ITEMS CAROLYN BRYANTCarolynattended the Author Talk with Betty Webb at the CHAIRCanyon Libraryand the Library Staff Association Holiday Party. Carolyn was happy to see the addition of the crosswalk at the East Anaheim Library. Carolyn requested advanced notice ofHeritage and Library programs so that BoardMembers can attend when possible. LINELL MATHISENLinellattended the Author Talk with Betty Webb at the VICE CHAIRCanyon Library. ROBERTO BAEZARobertostated that he is learning a lot about the City of Anaheim by being a member of the Library Board. VIII.MISCELLANEOUS A.NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting will be Monday, January 11, 2010 at the Canyon Library. B.ADJOURNMENTChair Carolyn Bryant adjourned the meeting at 7:38p.m. ChairSecretary