Golf 2009/10/22GOLF COMMISSION MINUTES October 22, 2009–5:00 p.m. Anaheim Hills Golf Course –Clubhouse Board Room COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Skip Keys Vice Chairman Don Heinbuch Commissioner Patty Gaby Commissioner John McCulloch Commissioner Bud Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Lautenbach, Dave Johansen, Bob Johns,and Eleanor Granflor VALLEY CREST PRESENT: Kevin Neal, Regional Golf Course Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Chairman Keys called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS –None APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Schultz made a Motion to approvethe September 24, 2009Minutes.Motion was seconded by Commissioner McCulloch. Motion passed. ACTIVITY REPORTS A.Golf Superintendent Michael Lautenbach presented his report and answered questions. Commissioner Schultz stated the golf courses are in good shape. Commissioner Schultz noted at Anaheim Hills Golf Course there is broken concrete nearthefirst tee and a sprinkler box without a cover near the second fairway.Michael Lautenbach stated he will look into it. B.Golf Course Superintendent Dave Johansen presented his report. C.Director of Golf Bob Johns presented his report and answered questions. Commissioner Schultz questioned ifstaff had discussed withthe Canyon High School’s Golf Coach tee times. Michael Lautenbach stated he watched the high school tee off recently and it took four groups almost 50 minutes to get started. Michael stated staff will work with the high school to play faster. Golf Commission Minutes October 22, 2009 Page Two FINANCIAL REPORT Michael Lautenbach statedthe economy continues to havea very negative impact on golf. OLD BUSINESS A.None to report. NEW BUSINESS A.Best Clubhouse in Orange County Michael Lautenbach stated the AnaheimHills Golf Course Clubhouse was nominated ‘Best Clubhouse in Orange County’by the Southland Golf Magazine. B.2010 Meeting Calendar Commissioner Schultzmade a Motion to approve the 2010Golf Commission Meeting Calendar. The Motion was seconded by ViceChairman Heinbuch. Motion passed. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Schultzmade a Motion, seconded by Vice Chairman Heinbuch, to adjourn the meeting toDecember 3, 2009at 5:00 p.m., at Anaheim HillsGolf Course, Clubhouse BoardRoom. The Motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:12p.m.