Library 2009/11/09III ANAHEIM PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MEETING LOCATION Haskett Library 2650 W. Broadway Anaheim, CA 92804 DATE /TIME Monday, November 09, 2009 6:30 p.m. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 1 CALL TO ORDER - The agenda having been posted at 11:00 a.m. on November 3, 2009, the regular meeting of the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Chair Carolyn Bryant at 6:38 p.m. PRESENT Roberto Baeza Lana Barlow Carolyn Bryant Laurie Crawford Linell Mathisen STAFF Audrey Luj an, Library Operations /Branch Services Manager Jennifer Foxx, Division Secretary Marianne Hugo, Library Services Manager GUESTS Helen Carter, Friends of the Anaheim Public Library Brice Brown, Friends of the Canyon Hills Library L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS A. FRIENDS OF THE The Friends Annual Meeting was held on Monday, October 26, ANAHEIM PUBLIC at the Haskett Library. Marianne Hugo gave a presentation on the LIBRARY REPORT Summer Reading Program. Helen thanked Roberto Baeza for selling eight Friends memberships. B. FRIENDS OF THE Brice Brown, President introduced himself and gave a brief CANYON HILLS overview of the group's support of the Canyon Hills Library. LIBRARY REPORT C. FOUNDATION None. REPORT D. UNSCHEDULED None. ORAL COMMUNICATION ITEM NO. 01 Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of November 9, 2009 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 2 L INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS (CONTINUED) E. WRITTEN Included in packet. COMMUNICATION FROM OTHERS H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. OCTOBER 12, 2009 MEETING MINUTES MOTION: That the Board approve the October 12, 2009 minutes as presented. M/S LM/LB 3 Ayes III. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ANAHEIM PUBLIC Revisions to the wording of the Bylaws were reviewed. LIBRARY BYLAWS OF THE BOARD MOTION: That the Library Board approve the revisions to the Anaheim Public Library Bylaws of the Board as presented. M/S RB/LM 5 Ayes B. MONTHLY BOARD A final draft of the certificate was reviewed and approved by the RECOGNITION Board. The first certificate will be given to Ellen Fusco, Library CERTIFICATE FOR Services Manager for her work on the California Library LIBRARY STAFF Association Conference. C. AD IN ANAHEIM The Library Board agreed to sponsor the inside cover of the PUBLIC LIBRARY Anaheim Public Library Foundation Mystery's Author's Luncheon FOUNDATION Program in March 2010, provided the cost is close to last year's. Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of November 9, 2009 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 3 III. LUT UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONTINUED) D. SCLC /SAB Carolyn Bryant was nominated as the Alternate SCLC /SAB ALTERNATE Representative. REPRESENTATIVE MOTION: That the Library Board nominate and elect Carolyn Bryant as the Alternate SCLC /SAB Representative for a term to September 2010. MS RB/LM 5 Ayes. NEW BUSINESS A. LIBRARY BOARD The 2010 Library Board Meeting Scheduled was presented. OF TRUSTEES MEETING SCHEDULE MOTION: That the Library Board approve the Anaheim Public Library Board of Trustees 2010 Meeting Schedule as presented. M/S LC/LB 5 ayes. V VI. INFORMATION A. SUMMER READING GAMES /PROGRAM WRAP UP B. CITY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT C. PUBLICITY ACTIVITY REPORTS Marianne Hugo presented the results of the Summer Reading Program. Carol shared information regarding the No Commercial Use Policy and how it relates to tutoring in the library. Included in packet. A. CAPITAL Carol updated the Board on the Ponderosa Joint School /Public Library project. Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of November 9, 2009 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 4 VI. ACTIVITY REPORTS (CONTINUED) B. CENTRAL ADULT & Carol highlighted that circulation overall as compared to last year YOUTH SERVICES is up even though the libraries have reduced hours. ACTIVITIES & STATISTICS C. OPERATIONS Included in packet. D. BRANCH SERVICES Audrey shared the results of a survey taken at all the libraries to determine if patrons were interested in renting Blu Ray Movies from the library. Audrey also promoted the Teen Book Clubs that began at the libraries. VII. RECOGNITION OF SUPPORT Linell recognized the volunteers who helped moved the Central Adult/Teen Library to the Wildan Building. Laurie recognized the Bookmobile's participation in the Halloween Parade. VIII. BOARD ITEMS LANA BARLOW Lana handed out bookmarks she brought for the Board from her trip to Australia. CAROLYN BRYANT Carolyn attended the California Library Association CHAIR Conference. Carolyn reported that a friend had a wonderful experience at the East Anaheim Library. She also shared that she is looking into helping with the issue of Police response time. LINELL MATHISEN Linell visited the temporary location for the Adult/Teen Library and was pleased with the amount of patrons on opening day. Linell noted that the lights were not on in the parking lot after dark. Anaheim Public Library Board Minutes of the Meeting of November 9, 2009 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 5 VIII. BOARD ITEMS LAURIE CRAWFORD Laurie went to the Halloween Parade, attended the October Colony Potluck and promoted the Adult/Teen Library. Laurie shared information on an author that would be willing to do a program for the library. ROBERTO BAEZA Roberto attended the California Library Association Conference. Roberto promoted literacy at Juarez School by having students and faculty dress up as their favorite character from a book and carry the book, they were encouraged to check out the books from the library. IX. MISCELLANEOUS A. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be Monday, December 14, 2009, at the East Anaheim Library. B. ADJOURNMENT Chair Carolyn Bryant adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Chair Secretary