AHA-2010/11/16 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 2010 The Anaheim Housing Authority was called to order at 5:19 P.M. in the Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard for a joint public comment session with the Anaheim City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Public Financing Authority. Present: Chairman Curt Pringle, Authority Members: Lorri Galloway, Bob Hernandez, Lucille Kring and Authority Member Harry Sidhu. Staff Present: City Manager Tom Wood, City Attorney Cristina Talley, and Secretary Linda Andal A copy of the agenda was posted on November 12, 2010 on the kiosk outside City Hall. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE CLOSED SESSION: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments offered during the joint public comment session related to the Housing Authority agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: At 6:16 P.M., Authority Member Hernandez removed Item No. 3 from the consent calendar for further discussion. Authority Member Kring then moved to approve the balance of the consent calendar as presented, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: Chairman Pringle and Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes — 0. Motion Carried. 4. RESOLUTION NO. AHA 2010 -004 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM R100 HOUSING AUTHORITY establishing the days for regular meetings of the Authority for the calendar month of January 2011. END OF CONSENT: 3, Approve the Housing Authority's funding application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funding existing Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Family Self- Sufficiency Program Coordinators, authorize the D155 submittal of the application to HUD and if awarded, authorize the Authority Executive Director to take all actions required to accept funding. Executive Director Elisa Stipkovich remarked this item would authorize staff to submit an application to HUD for funding administrative costs related to the Family Self- Sufficiency Program. This program was part of the Section 8 housing vouchers but differed from the regular program in that it was set up to reduce dependency of low income families on welfare assistance and also on Section 8 support by providing opportunities for education, job training, counseling and other supportive services. She explained the Community Development Department had been receiving funding for administrative costs from HUD for this program, and would like to continue to do so. The application would consist of $137,000 of funding specifically to assist with the administrative costs of the program. Authority Member Hernandez remarked this was a federal program, administered by the City of Anaheim and at no cost to Anaheim taxpayers. He added these funds were not just rolled Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of November 16, 2010 Page 2 of 2 out to recipients but also provided through a series of educational programs, instruction, and job placement to teach recipients how to be self- sufficient. Authority Member Hernandez then moved approve Item No. 3, seconded by Authority Member Kring. Roll Call Vote: Ayes — 5: Chairman Pringle and Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes — 0. Motion Carried. ADJOURNMENT: With no other business to conduct, Chairman Pringle adjourned the meeting at 6:25 P.M. Re a ully submitted, / 4 op / 411 Linda N. Andal, CMC Secretary, Anaheim Housing Authority.