ARA1997-04RESOLUTION NO. ARA97-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $33,000,000 RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ALPHA TO REFINANCE PRIOR OBLIGATIONS OF THE AGENCY, AUTHORIZING A RELATED LOAN AGREEMENT AND APPROVING SALE OF BONDS BY THE ANAHEIM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the CiW of Anaheim (the "Ciw") and the ,Anaheim Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") have heretofore entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement establishing the Anaheim Public Financing Authohty (the "Authority") for the purpose, among others. of issuing the Authorw's bonds to be used to provide financial assistance to the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agency is undertaking to assist the redevelopment of Anaheim Redevelopment Project Alp/~ in the City (the "Redevelopment Project"), and for such purpose the Agency has previously issued indebtedness, of which there is currently outstanding its Anaheim Redevelopment Project Alpha Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds (Subordinate Lien ), Series 1986 A, in the aggregate imfial principal amount of $49,380,000 (the "1986 Bonds") and its Anaheim Redevelopment Project Alpha, 1995 Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds (Housing) (the "1995 Bonds") m the aggregate initial principal amount of $2.700,000 (collectively, the 1986 Bonds and the 1995 Bonds are referred to herein as the "Prior Obligations"), and a Loan Agreement with the Anaheim Public Financing Authority evidencing a loan in the aggregate initial pr/ncipal amount of $i34,433,052 80 (the "1992 Loan"); and WHEREAS, the Agency has previously determined that due to prevailing financial market condit/ons it is in the best interests of the Agency to realize interest rate savings and other valid public purposes of the Agency by refunding the Prior Obligations which remain outstanding, and the Agency has requested the Authorit' to lend it funds in an amount sufficient for such purpose, including payment of associated costs; and WHEREAS, for the purpose of raising funds necessary to provide such financial assistance to the Agency, the Authority proposes to authorize the issuance of its revenue bonds (the "Bonds") rander the provisions of Article 4 (conunencing with Section 6584) of Chapter 5 ofDi,,4sion 7 of Title i of the Govenunent Code of the State of California (the "Act"), designated as the Anaheim Public Financing Authority.' 1997 Tax Allocation Revenue Refunding Bonds (Redevelopment ProJect Alpha); ,and ~rklEREAS, by its Resolution No. ARA 97-1, adopted March 18, 1997, the Agency has previously approved the issuance of the Bonds and applicatmn of the proceeds of the Bonds to make a loan (the "Loan") to the Agency pursuant to a Loan Agreement dated as of Febru,~ 1, 1997 (the "Loan Agreement"), the proposed form of wNch has been approved by the Agency Board; and WHEREAS, the Agency is advised it will be more cost effective to apply existing resources of the Agency to the early retirement of a portion of the 1995 Bonds, and to borro,,; a like amount not to exceed $3,000,000 payable from Housing Tax Revenues to finance authorized housing activities of the Agency, the net effect being to achieve the repayment of the 1995 Bonds and the issuance of a like 184315.1 \0 ! ~2621.0076