AHA 2008/08/05ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 5, 2008 The Anaheim Housing Authority met in regular session in the Chambers of Anaheim City Hall located at 200 South Anaheim Boulevard. PRESENT: Chairman Curt Pringle, Authority Members: Lorri Galloway, Bob Hernandez, Lucille Kring and Harry Sidhu STAFF PRESENT: City Manager David Morgan, City Attorney Jack White, Secretary, Linda Andal. A copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Housing Authority was posted on August 1, 2008 on the kiosk outside City Hall. Chairman Pringle called the regular meeting to order at 5:52 P.M. for a joint public comment session with the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: No comments offered during the joint public hearing related to the Housing Authority agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: Authority Member Hernandez removed Item No. 3 from the consent calendar for further discussion. Authority Member Hernandez moved to approve the balanced of the consent calendar, seconded by Authority Member Galloway. Roll Call vote: Ayes - 5; Chairman Pringle, Authority Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried 4. Approve minutes of the Housing Authority meeting of July 15, 2008. END OF CONSENT: 3. RESOLUTION NO. AHA 2008-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM D155 HOUSING AUTHORITY (i) authorizing the submittal of an application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for funding under the Housing Counseling Program, (ii) if selected for such funding, authorizing the execution of documents necessary to participate in the Housing Counseling Program, and (iii) if selected for such funding, amending the budget for fiscal year 2008-09 accordingly. Elisa Stipkovich, Community Development Director, reported this item was an application for funding under a comprehensive housing program available nationally for $100,000 to assist in the provision of staff for counseling to renters, homebuyers, and homeowners in Anaheim. Anaheim Housing Authority Minutes of August 5, 2008 Page 2 Council Member Hernandez removed this item from the consent calendar to emphasize how the City was actively engaged in this activity for the benefit of residents pointing out that the counseling services included education assistance for acquisition and retention of affordable housing, foreclosure mitigation, predatory lending mortgage products and referral services. Agency Member Hernandez then moved to approve Resolution No. AHA 2008-004 of the Housing Authority, (i) submitting application to US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for funding under the Housing Counseling Program, (ii) if selected for such funding, authorizing the execution of documents necessary to participate in the Housing Counseling Program, and (iii) if selected for such funding, amending the budget for fiscal year 2008-09 accordingly; seconded by Agency Member Kring. Roll call vote: Ayes - 5; Chairman Pringle, Agency Members: Galloway, Hernandez, Kring and Sidhu. Noes - 0. Motion Carried. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chairman Pringle adjourned the Anaheim Housing Authority meeting at 6:06 P.M. to reconvene the Anaheim City Council meeting. Resp ly submitte , Linda N. Andal, Secretary Anaheim Housing Authority